Individual works (5)

216 documents
The Curonian Spit National park, Neringa resort
Introduction. Introduction to the Curonian Spit. The development of tourism in the Curonian Spit. Transportation. Toursit destinations in Neringa resort. The Dead Dunes. Sundial. The Hill of Witches. The Ethnographic Fishermans’ Museum. ...
Travel, 16 pages
2019 11 28
The importance of time management
The importance of time management. Brief exercise. A time management goal. Self-test. Daily activity log. Goal setting. Locke and latham’s goal setting theory. S. M. A. R. T. Goals. Backward goal setting. Tools for prioritization. Important vs. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2019 06 11
The main aspects which lead to commit a suicide and it‘s reflections in Jay Asher‘s book „Thirteen reasons why“
Summary. i. Introduction. Theoretical overview of ya literature. Defining suicide and types. Suicide in Young Adult literature. Defining bullying and depression. Focalization and Narration. Analysis of aspects which leads to suicide. Verbal and ...
Psichology, 14 pages
2018 03 17
The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives
The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives.
Social Media, 1 page
2017 12 08
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci 
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci  1883 [. Prolegomena and General Introduction to the Book on Painting. Let no man who is not a  Mathematician  read the elements of my work. Tristo è quel discepolo che non avanza il suo maestro.  . Whoever ...
Art, 27 pages
2019 01 09
The Peculiarities of Translation of „Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” by J. K. Rowling
Introduction. History of Translation. False Friends. Translations of Cultural References. Paraphrasing. Collocations. Marked Collocations. Idioms and Fixed Expressions. Analyzing the Translation. The many types of “Wizards”. Dialects. Missing ...
Languages, 15 pages
2018 10 04
The Six Thinking Hats
Introduction. Application to everyday cases. The background of the problem. Framing the problem. Purpose. Scope. Perspective. White hat. Theory. Applying white hat to our problem. Considering staying at home in a white hat. Considering moving ...
Psichology, 18 pages
2021 02 22
The understanding of beauty all around the world
The understanding of beauty all around the world. The understanding of beauty in different countries. Make eye contact. Offer a handshake. Use appropriate body language. Be Courteous and Attentive. Four fashion movements. What makes people happy? ...
Beauty & Makeup, 13 pages
2018 11 28
Time management among working students
The definition of time management. Why students , working students face time management problems , and what these problems are. In what ways should this mutual problem be stopped.
Education, 5 pages
2021 03 10
Tiv tribe exploration: Shakespeare in the Bush
Tiv tribe exploration: Shakespeare in the Bush.
Literature, 4 pages
2018 10 14
Topic about films
Today I’m going to be covering the topic of films. I’ll be presenting a line graph and answering some questions. This graph shows the change year by year of cinema-goers that enjoy American Films. The y axis shows the percent of people who ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2022 03 31
Tourism damage to nature and company’s formation goals
Relevance of the topic. The object of the topic. The aim of the topic. The objectives of the topic. The results of the work. Tourism damage to nature and company’s formation goals. Trekking Tours and Projects for a client.
Travel, 12 pages
2019 10 30
Transportation System Components An Internal Perspective
Transportation System Components An Internal Perspective.
Transport, 10 pages
2017 12 08
Transportation types, methods and their popularity, advantages and disadvantages
Introduction. Air transportation method. Air transportation advantages. Air transportation disadvantages. Rail transportation method. Rail transportation advantages. Rail transportation disadvantages. Marine transportation method. Marine ...
Transport, 15 pages
2019 04 29
Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of school programmes Is it a useful experience or waste of time?
Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of school programmes Is it a useful experience or waste of time?
Education, 1 page
2018 03 17
Velorex cars
Introduction. About company. Company history. Three-wheeled car. Technical parameters. Conclusions. Resources.
Transport, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Verkade Chocolate Letters Screening Process
Introduction. Preliminary Screening. Political Stability. Economic Growth. Currency Convertibility. Monetary Inflation. Attitude Towards the Foreign Investors and Profits. Lithuania – Samanta Svolkinaite. Political Stability. Economic Growth. ...
Marketing, 45 pages
2020 07 18
Vilnius region tourism resources
University of applied science faculty of business management. Aliona dvojeglazova tourism resources of lithuania.
Travel, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Was ist ein Märchen und was lehrt sie?
Die Geschichten sind für Kinder nützlich, nur weil jede Geschichte etwas Neues entdecken kann. Jeder ist anders und wie er diese Geschichte in seiner Phantasie gestaltet, weiß er nur. Daraus kann man argumentieren, dass sowohl das Verständnis ...
Languages, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Water transportation advantages and disadvantages
Reference paper. Advantages and disadvantages of water transportation. Introduction. There are five common modes of transportation road, rail, air, pipelines and water. Water transport. Water transport is one of the oldest and the cheapest modes ...
Transport, 8 pages
2022 03 31
Water wastes management in Klaipėda sea port
Introducion. Klaipėda port. Klaipeda state seaport authority. Safety and security in klaipėda port. Documents flow analysis oil waste management in klaipėda port. Work flows of the management of oily water and waste. Definition of sewage ...
Transport, 13 pages
2019 11 19
World animal day
What is world animal day ? History. How the WAD is celebrated all around the world? How we all can get involved and show our care? How the WAD is celebrated in Lithuania ? Stray animal situation in Lithuania. Why it's better to adopt a pet ...
Geography, 2 pages
2019 10 21
Mending Broken Heart. Human Heart Donation. Year Surgeon Donor. Potential animal organ donor . The Immunobiological Barriers of Heart Xenotransplantation Hyperacute dismissal. Acute vascular rejection.
Medicine, 5 pages
2018 02 19
Рrоduсtivity mеsurеmеnt: Рrоduсtivity rоlе in есоnоmiс dеvеlорmеnt оf соuntriеs Соmраrisоn оf sеlесtеd соuntriеs
Intrоduсtiоn. Gоаls оf рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt. Рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt tесhniquеs. Stаtе рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt. Bаrriеrs оf stаtе рrоduсtivity еvаluаtiоn. Sоmе еxаmрlеs оf рrоduсtivity ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2018 11 02
 French economy: Coco Chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (1883-1971) was the fashion designer and businesswoman in France. In 1907, she met Etienne who introduced her to a luxurious lifestyle. Coco Chanel started her fashion career by designing hats. With the help ...
Economy & Finance, 4 pages
2017 04 04
Briefly explanation about the interdependence between organizations and information systems
Briefly explanation about the interdependence between organizations and information systems.
Management, 2 pages
2021 06 11
Bulk cargoes terminal
Also there are two railcars, which are capable to handle for railroad wagons at a time.This means that dry mineral cargoes are carried from rail to ship.Terminal warehouse complex consists of a five-coated roof arch type warehouses ...
Companies, 7 pages
2017 03 24
Criminal law Violations and crimes Penalties
Criminal law Violations and crimes Penalties.
Law, 5 pages
2017 02 22
Eco Design
Another advantage is reduced packaging. As the one set comes up from one plastic handle and four heads, demand of packaging would be reduced by half than it was before. The old packaging method required 5 grams of material for one set, ...
Design, 4 pages
2017 03 10
Ecoland Company Activity Report
FancyShoe company each year tried to successfully plan its production and sales, tried to optimize and effectively use its available and potential workforce, plant and equipment. One of the company‘s objectives was to sell everything what has ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2017 05 31