Sodium and potassium content determination in Gatorade Sports Drink by Flame Photometry.
Chemistry, 8 pages
2015 12 31
Aerogels are solid, rigid, and dry materials that do not resemble a gel in their physical properties: the name comes from the fact that they are made from gels. Despite the fact that aerogels are among the lightest solid materials known to man, ...
Chemistry, 2 pages
2020 09 22
Chemical reactions. Clean water. Let us see reasons that cause water pollution. Advanced water filter. Mechanical water filter. Iron removal filter. Softening filter. Is water important for people? What are the regions that are in deficit of ...
Chemistry, 35 pages
2020 04 21
Organic compounds essential to human functioning. Content. Organic compound Carbohydrates Monosaccharides and Disaccharides Polysaccharides Lipids Proteins Nucleotides Conclusion Vocabulary Sources. Organic compound. Contains carbon Covalently ...
Chemistry, 14 pages
2019 03 11
Oxygen. The element is. Properties. Name Oxygen Symbol O Atomic number 8 Atomic weight. Introduction. Phase Melting point Boiling point. Heavier than air soluble in water without smell or taste the gas is colourless. Property. Liquid O2 and solid ...
Chemistry, 16 pages
2021 01 18
Solid Fuels. Introduction. Solid fuel embraces a wide variety of combustibles. In thermal terms 90% of the known hydrocarbon fuel deposits are formed by coal. It is usual to consider coals in terms of their rank in general. Coal is a sedimentary ...
Chemistry, 36 pages
2018 10 04
Introduction. A standard curve is a type of a graph which is used to establish the concentration of substance that is “Unknown”. To find out the concentration of an unknown solution, a spectrophotometer is used. Materials/methods. In order to ...
Chemistry, 4 pages
2018 03 22
Liquiglide. Project. What is liquiglide? Creation of Liquiglide. It took two. Where and how it can be used? It can be.
Chemistry, 6 pages
2018 12 05
Uses of Fermentation. What is fermentation? Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes. Yogurt. Yogurt is made. Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic beverages are. ...
Chemistry, 9 pages
2019 03 25
What is relation between chemistry and electronics? Presentation content. How does the chemical reactions in batteries and cells work. (a) discharging. The bulb lights up for a short time. Lead - acid battery. The first type of batteries invented ...
Chemistry, 14 pages
2021 03 07
Chemická vazba. Vazba kovalentní. Vazebná energie chem. VAZBY. Disociační energie vazby. Překrytí valenčních orbitalů. VAZBY. Základní a vzbuzený stav atomu. Překryv orbitalů a vznik. Tvary molekul. Elektronegativita. Vliv ...
Chemistry, 7 pages
2021 09 30
When added to water, sodium fizzes more than lithium, and moves quickly across the surface of the water very quickly. Other elements below sodium will fizz even more than lithium or sodium because reactivity of alkali metals increases down the ...
Chemistry, 13 pages
2017 02 03
Evaporating dish with copper sulphate was weighted Mass 2 = 54.81g.Using dropping pipette few drops of the solution was added onto the cavity on the microscope slide and observed. Crystals were seen, as the solution temperature was going ...
Chemistry, 6 pages
2016 06 02
The aim and objectives: To test out the corrosion of iron according to the solutions pH. Test the effectiveness of plating iron in other metals to prevent the corrosion. Familiarize in writing oxidation and reduction half-reactions.The ...
Chemistry, 4 pages
2015 05 19
Crucible with the lid on was weighted, mass 1 – 18.43g.Magnesium inside the crucible with the lid on was weighted, mass 2 – 19.09g.Crucible with the lid on, containing magnesium, was placed on the pipe clay triangle. Bunsen ...
Chemistry, 5 pages
2016 04 11
Making a compound from two elements. Introduction. Materials used. Chemicals. Apparatus. Results. Conclusions. References.
Chemistry, 4 pages
2016 06 02
Phenols. Phenols. Nomenclature -is done by 2 methods. Simple method. Numbering method. Acidity of phenols. Physical properties. Preparation. Preparation of phenol from benzene sulphonic acid. Commercial preparation. Reactivity and reactions ...
Chemistry, 22 pages
2021 03 03
Londýnské rozptylové síly. Interakce dipól-dipól. Interakce iont-dipól.
Chemistry, 3 pages
2022 04 12
Shape memory alloys. Magneto rheological and electro rheological materials. How do SMAs work ? . Where are SMAs used ? . Why are SMAs so flexible ? . Where are piezoelectric materials used ? . Do polymers exhibit these effects ? . What are ...
Chemistry, 3 pages
2016 11 22
Proteins. -Introduction. Proteins are polymers of amino acids. Proteins are one of the most abundant organic molecules in living systems. Each cell in a living system may contain thousands of proteins. Proteins have different “Layers” of ...
Chemistry, 7 pages
2019 03 31
Discovery Chemistry. Adrian Guščo CH. History of chemistry LAB Smallpox. Plan. The history of alchemy represents a time span from ancient history to the present. History of chemistry. Chemistry is considered to have become an established ...
Chemistry, 12 pages
2016 12 17
Lithuanian amber. Baltic amber is. Found since Neolithic. Benefits of wearing amber jewelry. Natural Baltic amber jewelry is an excellent pain relief for head. What could be. "Fishing" of amber. “Baltic Amber Road”. And if your curiosity and ...
Chemistry, 16 pages
2016 09 12
Neitralizācijas reakcijas. Uzdevums. Nosauciet dotās vielas.Uzdevums.Uzrakstiet sāļu formulas!. Uzdevums. Pabeidziet reakciju vienādojumus!
Chemistry, 1 page
2022 02 03