All documents (159)

6900 documents
Illiteracy. What is illiteracy? Illiterate. Contents. Illiteracy -inability to read and write. Niger Literacy rate %. Most illiterate countries. South Sudan Literacy rate 31,9%. Burkina Faso Literacy rate %. Afghanistan Literacy rate %. Chad ...
Sociology, 13 pages
2017 03 29
Journalist. Journalist career. Good journalist specifications. Journalist`s freedom. Journalism tips. Key skills for journalists. Tools every journalist needs. Truth or lies? History. Journalists in danger. Journalist usually asked these ...
Social Media, 16 pages
2017 03 29
 My best friend English monologue
There are so many good things about her that I could say, but I can’t really say why this person is so precious and so dear to me. Maybe it’s because I can not only trust her, but also her parents who are very good people. I feel that I can ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 03 29
Food for sport
Food for sport. Content. What to eat Good sources of energy Protein and sport Drinking for sport. What to eat. Eating a healthy. Good sources of energy. Carbohydrate is the most important fuel for energy. Protein and sport. We need protein for ...
Sports & Fitness, 9 pages
2017 03 29
How To Respect Yourself
How To Respect Yourself. Think About What It Means To Respect Someone. Practice Basic Respect Towards Yourself. Recognize When People Disrespect You And Take Steps To Stop It. Recognize When People Disrespect You. Take Care Of Your Body. Get To ...
Psichology, 8 pages
2017 03 29
Christmas (2)
Christmas. Content 1 Christian Christmas 2 Tradition Lithuania 3 Origins 4 Christmas today. Christian Christmas The Nativity. Tradition Lithuania At Christmas it was up early. Origins Solar return holidays rapidly formed emergence of agriculture ...
Culture, 6 pages
2017 03 29
Emigration: Pros and Cons
Emigration Pros and Cons. Contents. What is emigration? Pros of emigration Cons of emigration Conclusion References. Emigration is the relocation of people from one country to reside in another. Pros of emigration. Travel opportunities. Cons of ...
Lifestyle, 8 pages
2017 03 29
Norwegian language
Norwegian language. Language variety in Norway. Do you know. Two official languages. Bokmål (literally meaning “Book language”) Closely related to Danish. Special Norwegian Letters Æ/æ, Ø/ø and Å/å. Æ/æ This letter represent. Main ...
Languages, 6 pages
2017 03 29
Lloyds TSB Bank current account
Lloyds TSB Bank current account        Submitted by: Lecturer: Jelena Korosteliova   Šiauliai 2016   .The everyday account for everyday banking You can apply for a Lloyds Bank Classic Account if: you’re aged 18 or ...
Economy & Finance, 25 pages
2017 03 28
Investment presentation
Investment. Contents. Aim and objectives Why people invest? Investment types Gamling Effects of gambling Conclusions References. Aim and objectives. Aim. For money. Investment types. Put money in bank account Buy real property Start own business ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2017 03 28
What has formed me as a person?
Not a lot of books that I have read throughout my life were so special, like Harry Potter books. J.K.Rowling has a wonderful way of telling a story, because when I was reading those books I could have imagined myself living in Britain, and to be ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2017 03 28
Albert Einstein presentation (2)
He formulated the theory of relativity. He explained the photoelectric effect. He explained Brownian motion. Published a famous energy equation E=mc² 1915. Einstein extended the theory of relativity, space for adding the fourth dimension - time ...
Physics, 10 pages
2017 03 28
Tesla motors: Handbook for Managers
We create an amazing experience atmosphere in our workplace. It is a creative company that is concerned about sustainable living and pushing the envelope on too. We put a lot of effort to make employee’s workplace wonderful. It is strongly ...
Management, 34 pages
2017 03 28
Patterns of sleep
As a consequence of this data, we can say that biphasic sleep pattern is better than monophasic. It is not only because we see clear benefits for our bodies of napping, but also that’s the way how human beings were sleeping all the time. ...
Psichology, 10 pages
2017 03 28
High employee turnover case solution
If we take a deeper look - one of big causes is just a lack of loyalty to the company. This one might be affected because of low morale in job environment. It is possible that employees feel bad in a workplace because of poor management. ...
Management, 11 pages
2017 03 28
Crisis Management and Communication Plan
As mentioned before our business has a lot of different crises possibilities. All of them are listed below:Table 1: Plan of actions when somebody is poisoned by foodEvaluation of this plan effectiveness is going to be measured ...
Management, 12 pages
2017 03 28
Complex communication plan of IT business
Attract new customers to use service of our company. Reminder to the old customers. Social proof that we are legitimate and we can provide professional service.Create thrilling real stories of huge business companies who used our service ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2017 03 28
Small Large clothing businesses promotional comparison
Small Large clothing businesses promotional comparison.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2017 03 28
Advertising Promotional plan Indoor rock climbing gym
Advertising Promotional plan Indoor rock climbing gym.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 14 pages
2017 03 28
Face skin and its care
Work by GT – 16 student: Dovilė Petravičiūtė.It is the rarest skin type. This type of skin has medium size pores, even after wash there is no feeling of stretch, skin stays matte for the whole day.Skin dryness When the colder ...
Beauty & Makeup, 16 pages
2017 03 28
Fashion advertising
Fashion advertising. What is fashion advertising? Fashion advertising is. Top 5 fashion designers. Coco. Goal of fashion advertising. The goal of fashion advertising is to connect potential customers with the brand. Print advertising. Print ...
Fashion, 8 pages
2017 03 28
Network security
Network security. Simply rules. Better safe than sorry. Strange but true. Keep your Email safe. Keeping your data safe. Cyber Cafes can be harmful to your data’s health. Wireless networks. Best practices. Final reminders.
Communication, 11 pages
2017 03 28
Management styles presentation
Management styles. What is management? Management in businesses. Management styles can be categorized into two main contrasting styles autocratic permissive. Management styles are also divided in the main categories autocratic paternalistic ...
Management, 9 pages
2017 03 28
Importance of education
First of all, the biggest reason why people should study abroad is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad young people find new outlooks, customs and culture. As a result, getting education in foreign country helps students (to) ...
Education, 1 page
2017 03 28
Online newspapaers, monologue
Everybody knows, that there are 2 stages of preparing newspaper: writing news reports and taking photos for a newspaper. From my point of view, taking photos for a newspaper is more interesting than writing reports, because photographers most of ...
Social Media, 1 page
2017 03 28
Traveling by bike essay
People are travelling around the world to see how amazing and beautiful it is. There are many ways to travel. People are travelling by planes, cars, ships... But what about a bike? Personally, I think, that bike is the best way to travel because ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 03 28
Politics and economics in my life
My interest in social sciences precipitated due to a lack of civil society in Lithuania. Despite the fact that 25 years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the “I cannot change anything” mentality looms large. It leads to ...
Politics, 2 pages
2017 03 28
 Try to comprehend politics and its ties with economics, sociology and other subjects
Try to comprehend politics and its ties with economics, sociology and other subjects .
Politics, 2 pages
2017 03 28
My first encountered politics, philosophy and economics
My first encountered politics, philosophy and economics.
Lifestyle, 1 page
2017 03 28
Copenhagen. What you will know in this script? You will find out what is the capital city of Danmark. Copenhagen is the happiest city in the world.  2. Public transportation means silence If you’re talking on the train or bus. Famous places ...
Travel, 9 pages
2017 03 27