Papers (7)
Denmark's exports to Germany amounted to $15.3 billion or 18.3% of its overall exports in 2014. Top 10 Danish exports to Germany:Germany's exports to Denmark amounted to $17.4 billion or 20.4% of its overall imports in 2014. Top 10 Danish ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2016 12 07
Discuss the directional changes in Indian planning from 4th to 6th plan.
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2021 04 16
During a business or social meeting, it is necessary to shake hands with everyone- men, women or children from standing position. Ladies should extend their hand first to men. Shaking hands again when leaving. Usually the handshake is going with ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2017 03 12
ECB's third decision-making body is the General Council, it contributes to the advisory and coordination work and helps prepare for new countries joining the euro zone. The General Council will exist as long as there are EU Member States which ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2016 03 23
Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium Einführung Die vier Grundfragen des Rechnungswesens. Begriff und Funktion der Finanzbuchhaltung Begriff. Funktionen der Buchhaltung. Buchführungspflicht Unternehmensgesetzbuch UGB und ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 39 pages
2021 10 29
Environment safety alternative types of fuel for ships .
Transport, 9 pages
2017 05 04
European women still earning less than men.
Career, 6 pages
2017 02 20
The Two Types of Facial Expressions. Why are facial expressions useful. Measuring Facial Movement and Expressions – Facial Action Coding System. How to Read Facial Expressions. Body Language in Negotiation How Facial Expressions Impact a ...
Psichology, 5 pages
2022 01 25
This report was requested by the Managing Director and has been compiled to investigate and report on the benefits of being “green” to the environment and the organization, and to reach conclusions on a range of “green” issues which ...
Communication, 9 pages
2016 04 14
When asked who was the greatest pioneer in American music, it’s undeniably Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley isn’t regarded as just the “King of Rock and Roll”, but also the “King”, period. His contribution to American music left a ...
Music, 7 pages
2020 04 08
How to leverage sustainable creativity and trust in a multicultural tem? .
Management, 8 pages
2017 04 27
In first part „How to make your business more profitable“ the author shows business management ideas to help you stay pointed toward profit. The most emphasis thing is that you need to count your total expenses and it cannot exceed your ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 17 pages
2016 10 22
A to Z instructions how to make your office print the names, surnames and adress of the recepeients automatically in the letter. A fast and cumfortable way to send information to people only typing in the information you want all of the ...
Information technology, 6 pages
2016 01 03
Iceland joined the the EEA in 1994. According to European External Action Service, the EEA agreement covers most aspects, including:EU Agencies and programmes – Iceland participates in a number of them, although with rights to ...
Politics, 9 pages
2016 03 23
Immigration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy.
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2015 12 05
In this project, we analyzed innovation and regional development. We wanted to show that both of these factors have a strong relationship between each other and are highly dependent on each other. As we mentioned before, the level of ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2017 04 19
Introduction. Standardization vs Adaptation. Policy decision of Standardization. Benefits of Standardization. Advantages and Disadvantages of Standardization. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Adaptation. Sales Force. Benefits of Sales Force. ...
Marketing, 12 pages
2020 11 09
Leksioni xi. Intervista. I. HYRJE. Përgatitja para intervistës. Gjatë intervistës. Intervistat televizive. Kujtoni. Referenca.
Social Media, 6 pages
2022 02 15
Lithuania, being a member of the EU, actively participate in the European Commission's initiative to set up the Transport Working Group. It is expected to improve the roads in view of the growing public transport needs to integrate the Lithuanian ...
Companies, 3 pages
2016 01 11
Good financial planning is essential for a business company. It shows and helps to achieve future plans and goals which has been set. This is a tool which enable investors and management to assess results and set targets for company to ...
Management, 11 pages
2015 10 06
This is the first stevedoring company, which began as container handling in Klaipeda port. Today's container terminal is modern, equipped with modern technical handling company. These companies use the services of the largest container carriers ...
Logistics, 11 pages
2017 02 08
La restauracion borbonica 1874: Canovas del Castillo y el turno de partidos. La costitucion de 1876.
History, 1 page
2021 02 26
Games learning method is widely used in non- formal learning situations, however formal education in it looked like a mini and to non – traditional activities. From the very first day the child is traying to understand the world, exploring, ...
Education, 13 pages
2016 03 09
Taxes like saving and imports, are leakage from the domestic income expenditures stream. Saving, importing and paying taxes are all uses of income which do not involve domestic consumption. Consumpton will now fall short of national output – ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2017 02 20
3. The classical school - contributions of Thomas R. MalthusMoreover, Malthus strict beliefs affected by the theological viewpoint made him think that birth control or abortions could never be as a solution of population growth problems, ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2017 04 19
Company is located in Italy, we are the owners of 3 factories with about 60.500 employees; so basically is a big company that focus in automation business.REDUCE EMPLOYEES: one of the most common strategy when the company is in crisis, is ...
Management, 4 pages
2017 04 19
A special place in the Montessori system occupying teacher or educator has to be specially prepared. Montessori group’s educator has a very different role than a traditional school.Montessori educators' task is not to teach, but to lead ...
Education, 29 pages
2017 02 20
Negatives – waste, CO2 emission from factories or cars causes pollution... It's a cost that is suffered by a third party.To get a healthy middle in a society we all need to participate and do our bit as an individuals.IMPERFECT ...
Marketing, 5 pages
2016 04 14
Observations involve watching an individual or group and looking at their behaviour and characteristics. It also involve body language: gestures, mood etc.Main advantage its’s first-hand experience, this can lead to accurate ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 3 pages
2016 11 08
I hope that these projects ideas someday will be adopt in new buildings design and inspire young architects to create unique projects nowadays.To my mind, the changing life course and persistent design process, it is impossible to achieve ...
Real Estate, 6 pages
2015 05 18