Papers (4)

325 documents
Hydraulic oils for aircraft hydraulic systems
Introduction. Hydraulic system components. Hydraulic fluid. Use of aviation oils. Lubricant properties. Aviation Lubricant Groups. Aviation Lubricant example. Conclusion. Reference.
Transport, 11 pages
2020 10 14
Individual Research Proposal
Research methodologies and methods msc hrm 2020. Individual Research Proposal. Individual Research Proposal. Background to Research. Contribution of the Study. Research Questions RQs and Research Objectives ROs. Mini Critical Literature Review. ...
Management, 9 pages
2021 06 10
Inflation in South Africa
Inflation. Historical Examples of Inflation and Hyperinflation. Inflation and the 2008 Global Recession. Inflation in Moderation Harms and Benefits. Effects of Inflation. Negative effects. Stuff Costs More. Borrowing Money Costs More. ARMs ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Innovative building materials
Introduction. Building materials. Innovative materials. Cigarette Butts bricks. Nanotechnology in construction materials. D Printed constructions. Concrete printing. Translucent wood. Plywood Materials. Innovations in Lithuania. Double stronger ...
Real Estate, 13 pages
2019 04 30
Internal combustion engine
Internal combustion engine. History of internal combustion engine. Advantages of Internal combustion engine Higher efficiency. Compact and lighter. Disadvantages of Internal combustion engine Air pollution.
Engineering, 1 page
2018 01 09
International Management
Introduction. International management. Świnoujście-Klaipeda ferry service. Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian maritime administrations international cooperation. Klaipeda and Major U. S. Ports cooperation. Klaipeda and Antwerp cooperation. ...
Management, 8 pages
2019 11 05
International trade project
International trade. Introduction. Work objective To explore the main aspects of international trade Work tasks. International trade is the exchange of capital. International Trade Forms. Import and export of goods Import and export of ...
Economy & Finance, 13 pages
2019 02 18
Introduction to „Baltic transline“ company
Contents. Introduction. About company. The object of the work To present “BALTIC TRANSLINE” company. The aim of the topic to achieve information about “BALTIC TRANSLINE” company. The objectives of the topic. To present history of a ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 pages
2021 01 22
Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum
Kaunas Ninth Fort Museum. Introduction. The ninth fort of Kaunas fortress. Hard labour prison. The place of mass murder. The museum. Nazi occupation and holocaust. Kaunas hard labour prison. Kaunas fortress.
Travel, 14 pages
2019 11 20
Learning and talent development policy
Learning and Talent Development. Msc hrm Learning and talent development policy student name module tutor associate professor word count 2549 business rationale statement. Learning and Development Policy Introduction. Purpose and Scope. Aims and ...
Education, 8 pages
2021 06 10
Legal banking relationships
Definition of a bank. Banking licence. Stages in the authorisation process. Pre-application stage. Banking licence fee. Key requirements for a bank being established or authorised. Withdrawal of a licence. European Central Bank. Main tasks of the ...
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2020 01 24
LIDL Marketing Strategy
Analysis of “ Lidl ” marketing Strategy. Micro environment analysis. Macro environment analysis SWOT analysis Strengths. PESTLE analysis Political. Social Technologic Legal Environment Market Positioning vis – a’ – vis competitors.
Marketing, 5 pages
2019 03 27
Limited household participation in the stock market phenomenon analysis
The Modern Portfolio Theory. Different determinants of the problem. Appendix Financial Literacy Around the World. Appendix Test for evaluating financial literacy.
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2019 11 06
There are 62,7% of Luxembourgers, 13,2% of Portuguese, of Italian 4,6% of Italian, 4,6% of French, 3,4% of Belgians, 2,4% of German, 0,9% of Dutch.Most of traditional dishes are of peasant origin. The most well-known Luxembourg meal might ...
Geography, 13 pages
2017 12 08
Management accounting research paper
Breakeven analysis. Expense budgeting. Inventory management. Capital budgeting. Careers in management accounting. Specializations. Budget Analyst. Education and Experience Requirements. Financial Analyst. Responsibilities. Education and ...
Accounting, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Management pioneer: Henri Fayol biography, career, ideas and contribution to science
Introduction. Henri fayol’s biography. Professional career. Henri fayol’s ideas and contribution to science. Management principles. Five functions of management. Conclusion. Task active vocabulary. Task write and answer the questions. ...
Management, 16 pages
2019 05 03
Manufacturing industry productivity
One of the most obvious outcomes of rising manufacturing productivity has been a growing consumer surplus. Manufacturing is core to R&D and broader innovation. Innovation follows different location criteria than production, and proximity ...
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2018 02 19
Military Logistics
Introduction. Military logistics. Military logistics in 19th century. Nato organization. Nato logistics functions. Conclusion. Used references.
Logistics, 10 pages
2018 01 23
Modeling of mechatronic system
To examine oscillations we are taking one part of „Profibus Dp Lm 9681“ mechatronic transport system. This test rig is taken as analog of real conveyor belt trasnport machine for a cheaper investigation. It is shown in Fig 1.Our system ...
Engineering, 13 pages
2017 12 08
Modern style of furniture report
Introduction. About Modern style. History of Modern Interior Design Ideas What is modern furniture design? Modern style interior design. Modern style of furniture materials. History of Modern style of furniture. Sources. Vocabulary.
Real Estate, 10 pages
2022 03 31
Motivation and work
Content. Glossary. Introduction. Motivation. What is motivation? Famous people's mind about motivation. Motivation as a process. Levels of motivation process. Six levels of motivation in work. Nick Vujicic. McGregor's Theory and levels of ...
Management, 13 pages
2019 12 02
Music recognition in human psychological development
Music recognition in human psychological developmentAbstract. Introduction. Materials. Ethics. Reflexive Account. Conclusion.
Music, 14 pages
2021 06 01
My dream car: BMW
My dream car. My first car. BMW 5 series F10. BMW F10 chassis. BMW F10 styling. BMW F10 M5 model. BMW F10 Alpina model. Source list.
Transport, 6 pages
2020 12 24
Nano technologies
Summary. Introduction. History of nanotechnologies. Nanotechnology Applications A Variety of Uses. Medicine. Electronics. Displays. Military battle suits. Nanofabrics. Liquid Body Armor. Energy applications. Food. Space. Computer chips. Everyday ...
Technology, 19 pages
2019 10 01
Introduction. Discussion. History of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology in medicine. Nanotechnology in engineering. Nanotechnology in computing. Future of nanotechnology. Conclusion. Bibliography. Glossary.
Technology, 13 pages
2017 12 19
Nautical tourism paper
Introduction. Port of klaipėda. The Importance of Klaipeda Port in the Country Economy. Port companies, terminals. Cruise shipping. The largest ships that have been arrived in the Klaipėda port. Port of rijeka. Terminals. Cruise shipping. ...
Travel, 16 pages
2019 03 20
Nuclear power plants in the World
Introduction. Discussion. History of Nuclear power plants in the world. Largest Nuclear power plant in the world. Nuclear power plants in Lithuania. Nuclear power plants pollution and demage. Conclusion. Bibliography.
Engineering, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Paper about logistics company „Baltic transline“
Pictures list. Summary. Introduction. Short history. Dislocation and units. Organisational structure. Employees. Motivation. International relations. Turnover analysis. Swot analysis. Sources of information. Appendices. Figure Company logo. ...
Logistics, 12 pages
2019 03 04
Paper about Logistics costs
Escola superior de tecnologia e gestÃo. What is logistics. Logistics controlling , logistics costing , and logistics cost control or management. Total cost of logistics and supply chain cost. Typical components of logistics costs by activities ...
Logistics, 17 pages
2019 04 19
Paper about Samsung: Strategies of Samsung electronics
Introduction. Samsung Electronics Corporation is a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies. Strategies of samsung electronics/ Alternatives strategies. Swot analysis. Strengths. Weaknesses. Opportunities. Threats. ...
Management, 6 pages
2019 04 05