Logistics Company Analysis

Introduction. About the company UAB ,,hoptrans“. Social responsibility and management policy. Company‘s structure. Benefits of UAB ,,hoptrans”. Swot analysis. Conclusions. Sources.

Relevance of the topic: it is important to know how companies in logistics area are directed and how they act in different situations that lead to a massive turnover. Moreover the importance of knowing of how incredible numbers are achieved there are statistics that will be analysed.

The object of the work: to analyse UAB ,,Hoptrans“ logistics company.

The aim of the topic: to summarise how logistic companies survive and thrive.

The main office is in Kaunas, Ramučiai. This office take care of all offices and coordinates all orders in Lithuania. There also is the main Logistics Office. Other offices are in Vilnius. One is for Hoptrans projects which organizes entire projects – from planning the route and coordinating different carriers to arranging appropriate packaging for shipment. The other is aviation service center, it provides complete set of air logistics solutions with deliveries to clients, door-to-door service and aftersales support – a whole program is focused on quick transit, combined with customers' business cost savings using flexible and individual consolidation tools or intermodal solutions.


Hoptrans works with big and small businesses from a wide range of industries and takes the same approach to every client – develop customized, high-quality logistical projects in order to provide a definite competitive advantage. Hoptrans employ competencies in the logistics field and combine them with integrated innovative IT systems to offer the best possible transportation service. These, together with loyalty and commitment – are the company‘s top priorities that enable us to meet the highest standards in terms of worldwide transportation.

  • Logistics Individual works
  • Microsoft Word 127 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 10 pages (1505 words)
  • College
  • Saimonas
  • Logistics company analysis
    10 - 1 votes
Logistics company analysis. (November 16, 2020). https://documents.exchange/logistics-company-analysis/ Reviewed on 13:56, March 6 2025