Economy & Finance (8)

337 documents
Consiliul UE vs. Guvernul Franței
Consiliul UE vs. Guvernul Franței. Cuprins. Ce face Consiliul UE? Componența. Cum lucrează Consiliul? Consiliul Uniunii Europene. Guvernul Franței. Guvernul francez este unul dintre principalele organe ale puterii executive în Franța. ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2021 11 02
Creativity indexes
Economists agree that skilled, ambitious, educated, and entrepreneurial people—whom they refer to as “human capital”—are a central force in economic progress today. Talent is measured as a combination of two factors. The first is the ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2015 11 07
Credit unions
Every day you can see a lot of advertisements about quick loans: on TV, internet, radio, in your mailbox, and etc. Our chosen credit unions are most popular in Lithuania. They ,,tell” that they are really cheap and fast money. So in our work we ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2016 05 10
Denmark international economic relations
Denmark's exports to Germany amounted to $15.3 billion or 18.3% of its overall exports in 2014. Top 10 Danish exports to Germany:Germany's exports to Denmark amounted to $17.4 billion or 20.4% of its overall imports in 2014. Top 10 Danish ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2016 12 07
Diminishing marginal returns - Workers
Apply the concept of diminishing marginal returns to workers. Bibliography.
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2021 04 09
Discuss the directional changes in Indian planning from 4th to 6th plan
Discuss the directional changes in Indian planning from 4th to 6th plan.
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2021 04 16
ECB and its role in financial crisis
ECB's third decision-making body is the General Council, it contributes to the advisory and coordination work and helps prepare for new countries joining the euro zone. The General Council will exist as long as there are EU Member States which ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2016 03 23
Ecoland Company Activity Report
FancyShoe company each year tried to successfully plan its production and sales, tried to optimize and effectively use its available and potential workforce, plant and equipment. One of the company‘s objectives was to sell everything what has ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2017 05 31
Econometrics exam questions
What are the types of models according to the nature of coincidence?Dynamic. If the variables are changing in the time, then we have dynamic models.Balancing models – are used for situations, when system of equations is ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2017 04 19
Economic indicators in United States
First I would like to start from US unemployment rate, in the United States, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. As we can see from the column graph unemployment ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2016 11 09
Economic profile in Lithuania
And now we can to talk about business culture. So, Lithuanians are a well-educated and very hard working people. Often corporate executives behave the respectful with workers, clients and partners. They respect the employee's loyalty and ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2017 06 09
Economics for everyone a short guide to the Economics of Capitalism
Economics for everyone a short guide to the Economics of Capitalism.
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2016 04 28
Ecopetrol analysis
Top competitors for “Eco petrol” are :”HKN”,”Nexen” and “Pacific Rubiales Energy Corporation”.Comparison of net cash provided in operating, investing and financing activitiesData for comparison taken from our ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2016 05 10
Essay on Population and drinking water shortage worldwide
Population and drinking water shortage worldwide essay.
Economy & Finance, 5 pages
2015 10 08
Essay on Shopping
Next, as it comes to asking for a refund or an exchange, I have asked for it twice. I can’t recall the first time when I have asked for the exchange, but the last one has happened recently, more specifically last Sunday. I was at the mall at ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2017 03 01
Euro in Latvia
Similar to findings in the other countries, only a small minority of respondents in Latvia (8%) had encountered problems when exchanging Latvian lats cash into euro cash or withdrawing euro cash from banks in the first week of January 2014. The ...
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2016 02 06
European union structural funds and regional policy in Lithuania
European union structural funds and regional policy in Lithuania.
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2016 12 24
Financial analysis of AB Linas Agro Group
Financial analysis of AB Linas Agro Group .
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2017 04 23
Financial management Pieno žvaigždės
Started working for "Mažeikių pieninė" in 1972. In 1989, I was appointed to the position of the company’s CEO and assumed liability for the company’s future.20th March 1998. The first meeting of the company shareholders, with ...
Economy & Finance, 30 pages
2016 12 06
Fișa de lucru imobilizări corporale
1) Se reflectă achiziția de la terți a unui aparat de măsură la o valoare negociată de 3.000 lei +TVA conform FF și PV de recepție. 2) Începând cu luna următoare se înregistrează amortizarea liniară pe 4 ani 3) Se ...
Economy & Finance, 4 pages
2021 11 10
Forum Cinemas strategy report
In 2002, ‚Forum Cinemas‘ development and modernization. Long-term contract with an international network of centers of cinema ‚Forum Cinemas‘ was signed.Economic environment. Also the economic environment affects companies and ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2016 09 24
Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is buid in Africa, Cairo (Kairas) Egypt. There are three pyraminds on there, but this is biggest. Type – True pyramid. Height – 146.5m Acient. 138.8m contemparary.
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2016 11 08
How video game cosmetic items became an economy
How video game cosmetic items became an economy.
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2017 05 10
Immigration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy
Immigration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy.
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2015 12 05
Inflation in Lithuania
 Huge and indecisive inflation makes obscurity and big risk that's how it's stopping economical grows Because of inflation  purchase is falling, the poverty is growing   Because of huge inflation and fair that it will grow so fast , companies ...
Economy & Finance, 17 pages
2016 04 30
Innovations and regional development
In this project, we analyzed innovation and regional development. We wanted to show that both of these factors have a strong relationship between each other and are highly dependent on each other. As we mentioned before, the level of ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2017 04 19
Lithuania and Poland economic transformation since 1990 and economical interdependence
Lithuania and Poland economic transformation since 1990 and economical interdependence.
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2016 12 24
Lithuania Net export
Introduce main indicators of Lithuania that may have impact on Net exports.Use macroeconomic model to see the consequences in Lithuania economy.In 2 example you can see Lithuania NET export, wich indicates current account deficit in ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2016 03 18
Lloyds TSB Bank current account
Lloyds TSB Bank current account        Submitted by: Lecturer: Jelena Korosteliova   Šiauliai 2016   .The everyday account for everyday banking You can apply for a Lloyds Bank Classic Account if: you’re aged 18 or ...
Economy & Finance, 25 pages
2017 03 28
Macroeconomics: Fiscal Policy
Taxes like saving and imports, are leakage from the domestic income expenditures stream. Saving, importing and paying taxes are all uses of income which do not involve domestic consumption. Consumpton will now fall short of national output – ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2017 02 20