All documents (37)

6900 documents
Time management among working students
The definition of time management. Why students , working students face time management problems , and what these problems are. In what ways should this mutual problem be stopped.
Education, 5 pages
2021 03 10
Money investment essay
I should include suggestions which would be a best way to use money.One suggestion would be to invest money in the construction of solar power units in the space of local community. This ecological investment would not harm the ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2021 03 10
Advanatges and disadvantages of fast fashion in our life
Advanatges and disadvantages of fast fashion in our life.
Fashion, 2 pages
2021 03 09
Alcoholism presentation
Alcoholism. Why i chose this presentation? Contents. Why do people start drinking? What effect does it have on your health? How does drinking effect the persons family? How to deal with it?
Biology, 9 pages
2021 03 08
Learning English: Unit 7 Test
Class IIc Unit 6 Test Name. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Complete the sentences with the words below. Babysitter bring it up common sense hold you up receptionist run out of. Points. Rewrite the sentences so they have a ...
Languages, 3 pages
2021 03 08
What is relation between chemistry and electronics?
What is relation between chemistry and electronics? Presentation content. How does the chemical reactions in batteries and cells work. (a) discharging. The bulb lights up for a short time. Lead - acid battery. The first type of batteries invented ...
Chemistry, 14 pages
2021 03 07
Slides on Volcanic eruptions
Volcanic eruptions. A volcano is an opening in the earth’s crust that allows hot molten lava. Frequency. The global frequency. The worst cases of volcanic eruption. Mount Tambora, Indonesia. Level of destruction. A volcanic eruption. By khoa ( ...
Geography, 6 pages
2021 03 07
Italy project
Italy. Although oranges are the most widely produced in Italy. Yes, football is their favorite and most popular sport. The most popular and best footballer is Gianluigi Buffon. Also popular athletes. Arianna Fontana Athlete, short track skater. ...
Geography, 13 pages
2021 03 06
Slides on 2D and 3D graphics
Graphics Part. A look into vector, 2-D and 3-D graphics, and more. Work by student Jūratė Stasiulytė. Content. Introduction Sources of Bitmapped Images. Introduction. During this presentation. Sources of Bitmapped Graphics. Paint Programs ...
Technology, 15 pages
2021 03 06
Tips For Tourists While Visiting South America
Tips for tourists while visiting South America. Oppression – priespauda Unrest- neramumai. Vocabulary. Accommodation. The most spoken languages are Spanish, Portuguese, English, French and Dutch. Simple translator tools. Reasons to travel. ...
Travel, 14 pages
2021 03 05
European Day of Languages project
European Day of Languages has been celebrated every year since 2001 on 26 September. Polish language. Hi – Cześć Thank you - Dziękuję Ci Sorry – Przepraszam See you. Russian language. Hello – Здравствуйте Sorry – ...
Languages, 6 pages
2021 03 05
Presentation of Fedex
The FedEx corporation. FedEx A Concept that Blossomed into an Industry. FedEx (FDX) was the brainchild (invention) of Frederick W. FedEx connects the global economy. FedEx provides access. FedEx deliver solutions that matter to you and your ...
Logistics, 22 pages
2021 03 04
Ways people can be encouraged to do more recycling
Ways people can be encouraged to do more recycling.
Education, 1 page
2021 03 04
Why stress can be beneficial for people?
To start with, being nervous all the time about the stressful things that repeat persistently for an instance, assignments or if you have a job where you are always feel stressed out. It is going to damage your body in almost all possible ways. ...
Psichology, 1 page
2021 03 04
Takeovers and mergers
Takeovers and mergers. Have there been any takeovers or mergers in the news recently? Why do you think they happened?
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2021 03 04
Algebrai kifejezések
Algebrai kifejezések, algebrai törtek. Az alábbi kifejezésekben végezze el a lehetséges műveleteket! Az alábbi kifejezésekben végezze el a kijelölt műveleteket! Az alábbi kifejezésekben végezze el a kijelölt műveleteket! Végezze ...
Mathematics, 6 pages
2021 03 03
Slides about Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius. COntent. Mount vesuvius eruption of ad 79 later eruptions last eruption interesting facts. Mount vesuvius – the only one active volcano in mainland europe. Eruption of ad. Eruption of ad 79 – one of the most well–known and ...
Geography, 10 pages
2021 03 03
IT technology in arts
IT in arts. Benefits, perspectives, potential threats. Nothing else has helped to transform activities such as painting. It in arts and its benefits. Technology offers something that young aspiring authors always desired - untouched grounds to ...
Art, 12 pages
2021 03 03
Phenols presentation
Phenols. Phenols. Nomenclature -is done by 2 methods. Simple method. Numbering method. Acidity of phenols. Physical properties. Preparation. Preparation of phenol from benzene sulphonic acid. Commercial preparation. Reactivity and reactions ...
Chemistry, 22 pages
2021 03 03
Jorge Amado Capitaes da Areia guiao
Jorge Amado é o escritor brasileiro mais famoso com livros traduzidos em mais de 80 línguas, começou a escrever aos 14 anos, estudou direito no rio de janeiro e exerceu política como deputado do partido comunista, viveu exilado na américa ...
Literature, 1 page
2021 03 03
Diabetes presentation
Diabetes. Content. Words you may not know. What is diabetes? Types of diabetes. General symptoms of diabetes. Causes of diabetes. Diabetes risk factors. Treatment of diabetes. Diabetes by the numbers. Prevention. Questions for audience. Thank you ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2021 03 03
Balance between private life and work life essay
Is it possible to maintain balance between your private life and your work life nowadays?
Lifestyle, 1 page
2021 03 02
Martin Luther King essay: Comment on MLK's quote
Martin Luther King essay: Comment on MLK's quote.
Culture, 1 page
2021 03 02
Dead Souls play based on novel essay
I have been in the theatre recently, watching the play, based on the novel Dead Souls. The author, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, describes nineteenth century Russia and its different social classes. The author highlights the differences of the ...
Literature, 1 page
2021 03 02
Why is bilingualism important essay
Speaking several languages is one of the most valuable skills one could have. And the most accurate illustration of it can be presented by a quote belonging to a famous English psycholinguist Frank Smith, ”One language sets you in a corridor ...
Languages, 1 page
2021 03 02
Learning English: Specific and General Preferences
Specific and General Preferences. Would rather, would prefer, prefer.
Languages, 7 pages
2021 03 02
Monologue "Study Subjects"

I’m going to talk about study subjects, more specifically about females’ decisions while choosing university subject. The chart present an overview of the number of female students who have ...

I’m going to talk about study subjects, more specifically about females’ decisions while choosing university subject. The chart present an overview of the number of female students ...

2021 03 02
Culture model: Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
Culture. Power distance index. Comparison. Individualism vs. Collectivism. Comparison. Masculinity vs. Femininity. Comparison. Uncertainty avoidance index. Comparison. Long term orientation vs. Short term normative orientation (ltoComparison.
Marketing, 12 pages
2021 03 01
Charity Organisation essay
Charity organisations: Today I would like to tell you about charity organisations. Here we can see a given chart that tells us about organisations which get support during charity campaigns. The highest percentage is for religious, and the lowest ...
Sociology, 2 pages
2021 03 01
The Baltic Way slides
The Baltic Way. Baltic Way. Preperation. The people of. Tens of thousands unable to access the highway gathered at its entrances. Idea. The Baltic Road in Unesco. The application was. Memory. Thanks for your attention.
History, 12 pages
2021 03 01