All documents (182)

6900 documents
Economic indicators in United States
First I would like to start from US unemployment rate, in the United States, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. As we can see from the column graph unemployment ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2016 11 09
Air transport presentation
Transport or transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one location to another. What is transport? Air Rail Road Water Cable Pipeline Space. Modes of transport. Infrastructure Vehicles  Operations. The field divided. ...
Transport, 10 pages
2016 11 09
Job advertisement in english example
AB "Lietuvos Geležinkeliai" - the largest Lithuanian transport company. The company together with its subsidiaries, the company employs about 10 thousand workers.AB Lietuvos Geležinkeliai is one of the biggest tax payers in ...
Languages, 2 pages
2016 11 09
These days in the world we hear about a lot of crimes and everyone knows that all the crimes have punishments. The most serious is the death penalty, capital punishment. It has always been one of the most hotly debated issue. I think it needs to ...
Law, 1 page
2016 11 08
Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is buid in Africa, Cairo (Kairas) Egypt. There are three pyraminds on there, but this is biggest. Type – True pyramid. Height – 146.5m Acient. 138.8m contemparary.
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2016 11 08
Truth telling
While lying is seen as negative thing, and effective only in a short term, truth telling is highly appreciated and encouraged. Truth telling might be not an easy option- it requires you to stand for what you believe and risk of lot of things. ...
Ethics, 8 pages
2016 11 08
Essay about Lithuania
   Ancient Spirituality.   Many of the Americans with whom I worked in Lithuania repeatedly expressed a sense of something special about this place; something not quite capable of expression in words alone; yet something that spoke to our ...
Geography, 13 pages
2016 11 08
Two contrasting organisations
As Tesco had changed their legal structure from Ltd to Plc, it gave them many advantages. This could either effect the business in a good way or in the bad way. One of the pros that could affect the business is the injection of cash. So for ...
Companies, 8 pages
2016 11 08
Business communication
It takes more time to write as the time is valuable for the companyTakes time to get the response back from the receiver to the companyEmail is electronic way of communication in business. Emails are sent and received almost ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2016 11 08
Market research business
Observations involve watching an individual or group and looking at their behaviour and characteristics. It also involve body language: gestures, mood etc.Main advantage its’s first-hand experience, this can lead to accurate ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 3 pages
2016 11 08
Business understand team development
The last stage of the Tuckman’s is performing. In this stage the team can reach a high performance as the members takes full responsibility for the task and its completion. It feels easy to be the part of the team at this stage because team ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 4 pages
2016 11 08
Business importance of teams
Example of the permanent and formal teams can be command teams. Command team is a group of people who have the power to give orders to other people. A command team is used when something has to be done. A command team is put in place to ensure ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 5 pages
2016 11 08
Extreme sport Highlining
Highlining. Julius janonis gymnasium 1e form meda nakčiūnaitė 2016. 10. Goal and content summary. What is highlining? Equipment Highlining hotspots Technique Records Random facts Sources. Person needs to. Equipment. The rope is fixed to the ...
Sports & Fitness, 10 pages
2016 11 08
Television industry
Nowadays everyone has television and only a minority of people would say that media plays a small role in their lives. Television is a great source of information, you can learn about new products, various discounts, you can even learn about ...
Film & Television, 5 pages
2016 11 08
Informal letter example
this would be a great way if we consider how do I recognize your friend in the crowd, at the train station or how your friend will recognize me. I think you gotta send her a picture of me and my picture to him, that at least we know what it looks ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 11 07
Technology Influence on Our Lives essay
Many people think that technology is making people into couch potatoes because every day new and more advanced inventions are replacing human work. People no longer new to count because nowadays we have calculatorsOne of the most popular ...
Technology, 1 page
2016 11 07
What are their advantages and disadvantages? Advantages of saving money is that you not risk or risk is very low. There is always risk in saving in bank. If bank is going bancrupt there is high chance you can lose your money too. Or you can just ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2016 11 07
The public transport Why is it unattractive?
The public transport Why is it unattractive?.
Transport, 5 pages
2016 11 06
Applicability of Bankruptcy Prediction Models for Companies of Different Portability of various sectors
Applicability of Bankruptcy Prediction Models for Companies of Different Portability of various sectors.
Management, 21 page
2016 11 06
Digital marketing for JS technologies
So the JS technologies offer to install the tablets, card readers, a computer and a printer to the catering institutions in order to boost up the service, boost up morale of the visitors, increase the turnaround of the clients and as a result ...
Marketing, 20 pages
2016 11 06
The house of my dream
My bathroom it`s a green bathroom, with bath, mirror, toilet and basin.Parents bath with big bath, two basins and to mirrors.In the kitchen there are a table with chairs, place for cooking and a big fridge.Pool is a great ...
Real Estate, 10 pages
2016 11 05
Bonsai tree
Bonsai tree. Author Viktorija Žilinskaitė. History of bonsai. The ancient art of growing bonsai trees is well over a thousand years old. What is Bonsai tree exactly. Techniques such as. Give attention to your bonsai. Caring for a Bonsai tree is ...
Agriculture, 11 pages
2016 11 05
Future job aspects
Secondly, my future job needs to have acceptable work hours – for instance – 9-to-5 work hours. It’s not good for you and your mental health if you don’t get a good night’s sleep or work late. With a reference to some studies, a person ...
Career, 1 page
2016 11 04
Book Human face
Popular scientific books do not read, because I not love them. Mostly I do not read books, unless I have to read it. From this list, I was fascinated by the human face book. In this book, it seems to me that contains interesting information about ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 11 04
The Best Day of my life essay
One of the best days of my life was my 8th birthday. My birthday is on 9th of July. It was a sunny, warm day. That day my whole family was going to visit my grandparents and celebrate my birthday. We had been celebrating all my birthdays in my ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2016 11 03
Gap year essay
The biggest advantages are that, you can learn more about themselves. Most of teenagers are lost in life. They don't know what they want, what they will study and what they can do all them life. As a result, gap year can let teenagers to find new ...
Lifestyle, 2 pages
2016 11 03
Assessment and self-assessment in classes
authentic use of language in speaking, listening, reading and writing;Informal assessment is often called ongoing assessment because it is done over a period of time a term of the whole academic year. Traditionally students are assess in ...
Education, 2 pages
2016 11 03
What is the healthy eating?
What is the healthy eating? Healthy eating means. What does healthy eating affect in our life? Weight maintenance Mood Energy. Tips to start to eat healthy. Prepare more of your own meals. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Reduce sugar and salt. ...
Health & Nutrition, 15 pages
2016 11 02
Fashion today
Because of fashion, women without any resistant change their wardrobe every year. They have only themselves to blame, that they waste squander of sums, also waste time standing in long lines, looking for new clothes or altering them, because they ...
Fashion, 1 page
2016 11 02
Art therapy
Art therapy. History. Art therapy. Art can. Dance therapy. Help to. Music therapy. What does music do for human brain? Who Need to Use Art Therapy? Do you need to be talented? Thank you for your attention. Sources.
Art, 18 pages
2016 11 02