Presentations (2)

3352 documents
Mv ulysses
Ulysses. Ferry route. Ice Class 1A, RoRo Cargo and Passenger Ship. These categories examine PSC performance, ratification of international conventions, fleet average age. Lifejackets. Immersion Suits. Thermal Protective Aids. Jason Cradle. ...
Transport, 48 pages
2020 04 21
My profession policeman
As well as the salary is not low, you can also continue their education and career advancement!My brother is also a cop, and I also go in the footsteps of his brother.
Career, 13 pages
2015 12 02
Presentation about CityBee transport
Content. What is CityBee? Information History Cars Bicycles Workers CityBee mobile application Future. CityBee is a. Information about citybee. Key Staff Lukas Yla (Director) Main office is located in Ozo g. Workers. History. CityBee began to ...
Transport, 14 pages
2019 03 28
Urban transport in Lithuania
Working day to 20 trolleybus and 75 bus routes, drives 259 trolleybuses and 252 buses. Saturday respectively 131 trolleybuses and 113 buses, Sundays and holidays - 124 trolleybuses and 120 buses.Vilnius Public Transport has 185 ...
Transport, 16 pages
2016 06 03
3 historical buildings in the world presentation slides
Historical buildings in the world. There are many historical buildings like towers. Leaning Tower of Pisa. The Leaning Tower of. The tower was built in 1372. In 2001 The Tower of Pisa was restored. Roman Forum. The Roman Forum is. It was for ...
Information technology, 8 pages
2020 06 29
A famous case of organized crime in Lithuania
A famous case of organized crime in Lithuania.
Law, 20 pages
2016 12 11
Ace logistics project
Ace logistics. Submitted by Submitted to. University of Applied Social Sciences. International Trade and Customs Logistics. Types of supply Net. Content. Ace loistics. Net sales per services. Vision- ACE’s aim. ACE Logistics is based Estonia ...
Logistics, 11 pages
2020 04 14
Today airplanes are used in many ways. Such as commercial, business and military aviation. People can easily visit other countries over their holidays, companies can better collaborate with other ones in the other side of the world, it became so ...
Transport, 9 pages
2015 12 06
An international organisation (unicef)
History of unicef what unicef are structure information what they do unicef in action conclusion.Working in over 190 countries; work is in the field;.Unicef is working with : Governments; National and international agencies; Civil ...
Government & Nonprofit, 12 pages
2015 05 07
Benefits of speech recognition
Disabled people can use input by voice as their main input method, and because of that with a proper training they are able to fully use computer, doing things they never thought could be possible. It allows them to communicate thru computer, ...
Information technology, 11 pages
2015 10 21
Child abuse
What is child abuse? Physical abuse is.... Sexual abuse is.... Emotional abuse is.... Neglect is.... How common is child abuse? Who abuses children? How to recognize child abuse What to do about child abuse? And finally.Physical abuse ...
Sociology, 18 pages
2015 11 07
Children in families that have alcohol problems, suffer psyhological, social and learning difficulties
Children in families that have alcohol problems, suffer psyhological, social and learning difficulties.
Sociology, 10 pages
2015 11 05
Vilniaus co-operative college student evaldo mincės v03 a.Company “Čilija” offer: cozy atmosphere, music, attendence to clients, tasty food. In “Čilija” restourants and pizzerias you can taste various pizzas, salads, deserts, ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2010 03 03
Dream country: Japan
Dream country. Japan. Japan has a. Japanese volcanoes. Most visited places. Mount Koya - Mount Koya is the spiritual home of Shingon Buddhism. Noto Peninsula. Shikoku Island - Shikoku is Japan’s fourth largest island.
Geography, 6 pages
2018 10 04
Educational system in Lithuania
For those who are at least 18 years and have completed secondary education. Learn at college or university. for Bachelor`s degree students study 3 – 5 years. for Master`s degree they have to study 1,5 to 2years.
Education, 7 pages
2016 05 19
Exercise and diet
Exercise and diet is the key to healthy lifestyle. Physical activity improves our body’s condition and increases our lifespan. How we eat is important, because it effects our mood, energy level, the work of our organs. If we don’t observe our ...
Health & Nutrition, 19 pages
2015 11 20
Famous automobile engineers slides
Famous automobile engineers. Automobile. History of the automobile. First working land-vehicle. Internal combustion engine. First commercially successful internal combustion engine. First modern internal combustion engine. First production ...
Automotive, 21 page
2021 02 25
First Aid diabetic emergency & difficulty in breathing (asthma)
First Aid diabetic emergency & difficulty in breathing (asthma).
Medicine, 31 page
2017 01 17
Four and two stroke engines
Two-stroke engines do not have valves and other mechanical parts distribution, due to their simpler design and less weight;
 Two-stroke engine is much more powerful than the same displacement four-stroke engine; Two-stroke engines can operate ...
Automotive, 12 pages
2016 09 20
Freight transportation services presentation
Freight transportation services. Freight service. Is a facility. Different types of Transportation services. Road transportation Air transportation. Sea transportation Railway transportation. Road transportation. Cargo transportation on trailers ...
Logistics, 14 pages
2020 10 26
French fashion slides presentation
French. Fashion. Why’s France famous for fashion? Since the 1960s, France's fashion industry has come under increasing competition from London. France renewed its. Fashion was put. Who are some famous french designers? Christian Dior. January ...
Art, 17 pages
2021 01 29
Greece presentation (3)
Athenian Plato lived 80 years, from 427 to 347 m. It was derived from the famous family. He lived in the school surrounded by students. Plato well knew mathematics. Him being is eternal and indestructible ideas. Plato's teachings has made a huge ...
Geography, 11 pages
2016 09 29
Lebron James success
After his five fantastic seasons at high school Lebron got an offer to NBA Draft. Then he drafted Cleveland Cavaliers. He signed a contract about 20 milions dolars. In NBA also he was playing fantastic.LeBron has a great success not only ...
Self Improvement, 13 pages
2016 03 02
Leisure places in Vilnius
Neris - the second largest Lithuanian river, the length of 510 kilometers. In Lithuania, the river flows from Belarus and flowing to Kaunas, where it turns into the Nemunas river. Kayaking in Neris ideal for various celebrations or a trip with ...
Travel, 21 page
2016 09 20
Liberty of tourist movements
No. 8 Liberty of tourist movements. Tourists and visitors. For example. If a person who practices Islam religion comes to Zacatecas. Tourists and visitors should have access to all available forms of communication. A Latvian eats mole and fells ...
Travel, 11 pages
2020 04 05
By Gabija Marija Kaktaitė Saugos J. Mikšas Basic School.Lion for cat family predacious mammal, symbol of power. Lives in savannah, savannah forest, bushes. They live for 32 years.Males have got  mane, they weigh about 250 kilos, ...
Biology, 11 pages
2016 03 14
London's famous landmarks
This church is the king of England's coronation, marriage and burial place. Church can be visited tombs of famous British figures, the museum to see the treasures of the monastery and the Henry VII chapel is considered one of the elegant designs ...
Travel, 14 pages
2015 12 13
McDonald's vs. Hesburger
In addition to the “Hesburger” restaurants, they are constantly developing new, innovative service concepts like: “Hesburger” pasta restaurants, Hesecafe , Hesehotelli , Hese Nakkari (snack kiosk), Heseautopesu (car wash services for ...
Food, 26 pages
2015 11 12
Meine Traumberuf
Meine Traumberuf. Die Innendesignerin. Was macht den Innendesignerin? Das ist meine Traumberuf, weil. Ich finde Innendesigner Beruf ist wichtig, weil. Ich finde Innendesigner Beruf ist schwierig, weil. Ich finde diese Beruf ist richtig für mich, ...
Management, 10 pages
2018 01 09
Michael Jordan presentation
MJ was not only a basketball star. He was the main actor in a legendary movie “Space Jam”. He helped the Looney Tunes team to win the match against the Monstars, who stooled the powers of NBA superstars. As always, Jordan hit the game winning ...
Sports & Fitness, 10 pages
2016 09 26