Environment (6)
Global warming is one of the most significant environmental problems facing us today. Do you agree?
Environment, 1 page
2016 03 08
This is not only wasting energy, but it seriously affects wildlife and the ecosystem. After hatching on the beach, for instance, baby turtles use the sun going down on the horizon to get back to the sea. But they get confused by the bright lights ...
Environment, 1 page
2017 05 14
To help victims endure natural disasters, people are creating inventions that would minimize the damage.with samll windows and deep foundation, which would be stable enough to survive the earthquakes.disasters are common, are taught ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 03 16
So, today I‘m going to talk about recycling. And I‘m going to present my opinion about that. So let the speech begins.Recycle is necesseary because it‘s the one of the best way to have a cleaner world. Most people don‘t know how ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 04 10
The reduction in forest areas are not able to absorb carbon dioxide. Due to the reduced absorption of solar radiation and increased reflectivity, may alter the energy balance. Weaken the influence of forest carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Environment, 8 pages
2015 09 29
How global warming change our life in future.
Environment, 8 pages
2015 05 19
It is important for everybody to protect nature?.
Environment, 1 page
2016 02 17
It is important for evrybody to protects nature.
Environment, 2 pages
2016 12 17
I am my parent’s legacy and the great ancestors that came before them. And when my mother looks at me she says “You are my Life”. Well, what is this very life we speak of? Until now our greatest scientists can’t even come up with ...
Environment, 1 page
2021 03 19
Today I’m going to talk about nature camp. The bar graphic is divided into four parts, and shows how many British students intend to go to a nature camp in summer. The information is submitted ...
Today I’m going to talk about nature camp. The bar graphic is divided into four parts, and shows how many British students intend to go to a nature camp in summer. The information is ...
2021 06 10
One possible solution is buy from companies that have a commitment to reducing deforestation. For example then companies see what people is interested more and will take the same activity. By doing this, we will help to save more ...
Environment, 2 pages
2016 12 10
I use public transport. I do not throw trash into a street. I recycle. I reuse. I don’t leave the light turn on, when I’m leaving my room (but not home!) I coperate with my schoolmates and drive to school by one car. I give away my grown-up ...
Environment, 10 pages
2017 01 13
If we don‘t save water ang energy we will get in the big trouble. It can be environmental dangers like climate change, deforestation, pollution, loss of biodiversity and so on. In my school are a lot of subjects where teach us about ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 04 10
Global warming(globalinis atsilimas), drought(sausra), greenhouse effect(siltnamio efektas), carbon dioxide(co2), the ozone layer(o3), ultraviolet radiation(uv), holes in the ozone layer(hole in o3)“ ozone- friendly”, deforestation, the ...
Environment, 2 pages
2016 01 03
More People More people to feed means we need more and larger farms.Use renewable energy Recycle Use recycled products Reducing Political interference in the Forestry and Wildlife Departments. We can build a hydropower plants.
Environment, 17 pages
2015 10 03
Islands such as Maldives or Tuvalu, whose highest point is just half a meter above sea level, will disappear from the map. How to? The world is getting warmer, sea levels are rising, partly due to the melting of glaciers, partly due to the ...
Environment, 12 pages
2016 05 12
What are the types of flooding ? What are the effects of floods? How does the flood forecasting help? What are the defences of floods? What are the benefits of floods? When was the largest flood in kaunas? During the flood in north korea How many ...
Environment, 13 pages
2015 12 03
Topical environmental problems of the modern world.
Environment, 10 pages
2015 05 27
Over the years, Lithuania falls out an average of 750 mm of precipitation. Of these, 52% evaporates, 32% drains due to the terrain and soil factors. Lithuania is in excess moisture area. There are many rivers, lakes and exudative aquifers. ...
Environment, 18 pages
2017 04 26
A huge problem is the sludge which accumulates in complex areas cleaning, removaland utilization. The sludge can be fertilized to the fields, but they contain harmfulsubstances and bacteria. So they have buried in pits lined ...
Environment, 11 pages
2016 01 27
In my opinion, we should hold a campaign to raise local people‘s awareness of the importance of ecological lifestyle.For example, we could make leaflets covering the information about sorting out of waste, trying not to litter the places ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 04 14
Hello, today I will tell you about . So, first I would like to talk how my class, scholl join to the preservation of the environmental . Next, I'll tell you about the importance of the various initiatives. And finally I‘ll tell about that the ...
Environment, 1 page
2015 12 29
How will global warming change the way we live in the future.
Environment, 1 page
2015 10 13
The ways of protecting environment in your area.
Environment, 1 page
2015 10 21
Deforestation. Deforestation is the full or large scale removal of a forest. Causes. Cultivation. Overgrazing. Fuel wood. Forest fires. Timber. Forest diseases. Landslides. Causes. Effects. Flooding and Cyclones. Solutions. More information can ...
Environment, 16 pages
2016 01 27
Natural. disasters. A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (flood. On the seafloor. Tsunami. Prevention Before the Disaster Find. Every thunderstorm produces lightening There is wet thunder any dry thunder. Thunder storms. Take ...
Environment, 8 pages
2017 03 09
Plastic pollution. The Basics We're treating. Scientists are investigating the long-term impacts of toxic pollutants absorbed. What it means to you. Plastic pollution affects. Solutions. The most effective. What you can do. Marine plastic ...
Environment, 12 pages
2016 02 01
Another sollution would be to lessen the number of cars, because gas that comes out of them really pollutes the environment. For example people could pick up their friends and drive in one car, or just take the bus or ride a bike. Because of the ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 05 25
Deforestation. Kaunas Maironis University Gimnazium Slides by Mintautas Krūminš. Causes of Deforestation. Clearing land to build housing. Effects. Loss of species Water cycle Soil erosion Life quality. Solutions. Corporations Governments ...
Environment, 6 pages
2016 10 05
Acid rain. What is acid rain? Acid rain is RAIN or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. Video. nationalgeographic. com/video/101-video-shorts/what-is-acid-rain. Human activity. The principal cause of acid rain is sulfur ...
Environment, 10 pages
2018 10 04