All documents (215)

6900 documents
Officeday company
Officeday. Officeday represents the largest office supplies chain on the Baltic markets. About company. Officeday group was. Company history. Officeday General Manager is Tomas Mačernis. Officeday in Lithuania. Company is example of successful ...
Companies, 12 pages
2015 12 08
Logistics manager
Logistics manager job depends on the chosen specialization: logistics or sales logistics. Logistics Manager plans, organizes and carries goods and materials storage, transport and distribution, customer service. Performs the company's orders, ...
Management, 15 pages
2015 12 08
Christmas in Sweden
Christmas in Sweden. Inbox. How begin Christmas Christmas tree Christmas tree in Stockholm Christmas Eve Christmas morning. How begin Christmas. Christmas begins in Sweden with the Saint Lucia ceremony. Chri smas ree. Christmas trees are usually ...
Etnology, 10 pages
2015 12 08
Certain food can poison people
Certain food can poison people. Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. In most cases. The symptoms of. The main symptoms include. What to do? The Worst Foods You Eat. 1. Processed meat. Frozen meals. Doughnuts. Potato ...
Food, 14 pages
2015 12 08
What‘s my opinion on major discount days in shopping malls?
What‘s my opinion on major discount days in shopping malls?.
Sales, 1 page
2015 12 08
Art and artists
Architecture, crafts, cooking, dance, design, drawing, fashion, film, graphics, language, music, opera, painting, photography, poetry, sculpture and theater.The disadvantages of graffiti is public nuisance , graffiti destroys the property ...
Art, 2 pages
2015 12 08
The Malbork castle
The Malbork Castle leaves you a great impression the moment you step through the main gate. Since more than a half the castle was destroyed during World War II it has been mostly reconstructed, with restoration ongoing since 1962 following a fire ...
Geography, 1 page
2015 12 08
Amberton hotel in Vilnius Business in a foreign language
Amberton hotel in Vilnius Business in a foreign language.
Companies, 10 pages
2015 12 07
Two years ago the islated city of Kanahz was struck by devastating Three in the morning began to shake the earth buildings collapsed and many people trapped in the ruins. As the earth stopped shaking, which could only tried to help the victims. ...
Geology, 1 page
2015 12 07
What can we do to live longer
in order to live longer, there are multiples things that we can do. One thing that we can do to live longer by keeping healthy. There are lots of ways that we can stay healthy one way in which we can stay healthy is through the use of exercise. ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2015 12 07
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software presentation (2)
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software presentation (2).
Software, 10 pages
2015 12 07
Today airplanes are used in many ways. Such as commercial, business and military aviation. People can easily visit other countries over their holidays, companies can better collaborate with other ones in the other side of the world, it became so ...
Transport, 9 pages
2015 12 06
3D Printing presentation (2)
3D Printing. What is 3d printing? D printing or. First 3D printer. D printer nowadays. How does 3d printing work? It all starts. Medical industry. The outlook for. Aerospace and aviation industries. The growth in utilisation of 3D printing in the ...
Devices & Hardware, 8 pages
2015 12 06
Palanga 100 years ago and now
Palanga pierPalanga pier used to be unsafe. There didn‘t use to be rocks near it. Now it is renovated and much more safe.KurhausasThere used to be stairs and a bigger window in the left side. It was renovated after it burnt. That‘s why ...
History, 8 pages
2015 12 06
Operations Management
What is Operations Management? The Input-Transformation-Output Model. Producer of goods and services? The classification of Services & Manufacturing – A Grey Area! Process Management. A Typology of Operations. Simple Process Flow Map. Operation ...
Management, 25 pages
2015 12 06
Healthy food paragraph
The chart shows us that teenager preferred homemade food. I think it’s good to made food by my own. I like to made food by my own as well. But there are disadvantages, because people using not fresh fruits, vegetables and other products. The ...
Food, 1 page
2015 12 06
Letter about negotiation proces
I am writing to describe the negotiation process between me and Mr. Dagoš from Germany shoes manufactory. They were interested in our new Italian shoe’s line. We were discussing about delivery time and place, price, discount and returns. As a ...
Sales, 1 page
2015 12 06
Germany from business perspective
Country title x. Introduction. Specifics (planning). Specifics (rules and orders). Specifics (inflexibility). Specifics (no nuclear power and renewable energy). Specifics (punctuality). Gifts giving. Business dress code. Importance of business ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 24 pages
2015 12 06
Project Analysis example
1.CONTENT:Content was briefly presented. It was only briefly mentioned, that they will be speaking about an unknown country from a business perspective. However, no exact theme and sub-themes were mentioned, that would allow to track ...
Presentations & Speaking, 1 page
2015 12 06
Juozas Zikaras museum
Juozas Zikaras museum. Introduction. Short J. Zikaras biography Career The museum. Juozas Zikaras (1881-1944). J. Zikaras was born in 1881 november 18 panevėžys district. Over the years, J. Zikaras was studying in sculpture academy of ...
Art, 13 pages
2015 12 06
Summary of Information Systems Security
There are several different types of computer virus. The link virus attaches itself to the directory structure of a disk. Parasitic viruses insert copies of themselves into legitimate programs, such as operating system. Macro viruses are created ...
Information technology, 5 pages
2015 12 05
Mike Rutzen - The Shark Man
Mike Rutzen – the shark man. Mike Rutzen is. More about Mike. Mike "Shark Man" Rutzen started out as a fisherman and local guy. He works at an organisation called Shark Diving Unlimited. The first real. What their clients say. “I had the most ...
Lifestyle, 7 pages
2015 12 05
Advantages and Disadvantages of being Rich
Advantages and Disadvantages of being Rich.
Psichology, 2 pages
2015 12 05
Magellan - Little World
Ever Heard Of A Little Thing Called. The World? Who discovered the world? Ferdinand Magellan. Not Flat. Bigger And Round. Once upon a time. ~. Spice Islands. First journey. August 10. 270 men and five ships. South America. Strait Of Magellan ...
History, 22 pages
2015 12 05
Music piracy
Music has long been an integral part of every human life. It acompanies them everywhere. People have a lot more opportunities to listen to music, because modern ages made their life easier. In the twentieth century, all bought platters, trays, ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2015 12 05
The tragedy of common – Caspian sea Overfishing
The tragedy of common – Caspian sea Overfishing.
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2015 12 05
The economics consequences of internalization of negative externalities
The economics consequences of internalization of negative externalities.
Economy & Finance, 5 pages
2015 12 05
Negative externalities
Explain what types of externalities are, and give examples, which could help to understand external factors more clearly.Choose a problem which could the the negative externality and try to solve it by choosing sertain right ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2015 12 05
Migration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy
Migration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy.
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2015 12 05
Immigration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy
Immigration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy.
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2015 12 05