All documents (193)

6900 documents
THE Global warming
Islands such as Maldives or Tuvalu, whose highest point is just half a meter above sea level, will disappear from the map. How to? The world is getting warmer, sea levels are rising, partly due to the melting of glaciers, partly due to the ...
Environment, 12 pages
2016 05 12
Social networking sites overview presentation
Social networking sites overview presentation.
Social Media, 24 pages
2016 05 12
Hydropneumatic suspension
The topic of my individual project is hydropneumatic suspension. I devided my work into several parts. First of parts is about hydropneumatic suspension, second is about suspension functioning, also about height correction and leveling. Either I ...
Automotive, 12 pages
2016 05 12
A limited liability company
A limited liability company. Content. Concept. Flexibility and default rules. Advantages. tax flexibility. Advantages. less paperwork. Advantages. less liability. Disadvantages. Self-Employment Taxes. Disadvantages. Confusion About Roles. ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2016 05 12
November 2015 Paris attacks
November 2015 Paris attacks. There were six coordinated terror attacks in Paris. In concert venue Bataclan mostly victims. People in more than 200 countries participated. Lithuania honoring victims. To others country.
Law, 10 pages
2016 05 12
Essay on Studying languages
Studying a foreign language is very helpful in today’s society because of the diversity that we have in our country. more than one foreign language well is pay because an additional language can help you progress in your career and you gain an ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 05 12
Jobs and Professions
Centuries ago in our world were only a few jobs but today there are thousands of varieties kinds of jobs and professions.The many of us have problems of choosing profession because it is one of the most important decisions for every person. Most ...
Career, 1 page
2016 05 12
A new rite of passage in emigration
Irregular emigration is the basic problem in Lithuania. Another most crucial problem of emigration is the loss of young people. Despite the problem of emigration, Lithuania also needs to face a particularly threatening problem of ‘brain ...
Culture, 9 pages
2016 05 12
Transport in General
Transport in General. Topics. Transport a definition (Wikipedia). Logistics a definition (Wikipedia). Logistics Management Software. Logistic Management Software. Transportation Management Software. Terms in Transport. Topics. There are many ...
Transport, 43 pages
2016 05 12
When should parents let teens make their own decisions essay
When should parents let teens make their own decisions essay.
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 05 11
Social etiquettes in Lithuania
Social etiquettes in lithuania. In Lithuania it is rude to champ when yuo are eating in public. In lithuania it is rude to point at someone with your index finger. When you are at a restorount,after a meal. In lithuania it is impolite to blow ...
Ethics, 9 pages
2016 05 11
Slavery in America
Slavery in america. Journey to the past. Content. Slavery Slave Patrols. Slavery. The patrol statutes required all white males to participate in slave patrol duty. Treatment. Slaves were punished by whipping. Slave Codes. First offense. Civil ...
Sociology, 17 pages
2016 05 11
Christian dior marketing campaign
Christian Dior Marketing Campaign. Content. Biography Slogan Company Demographics Products Price Promotion Conclusion. Biography. Founded in. Slogan. “True Luxury requires genuine materials and the craftsman’s sincerity. Company Demographics. ...
Marketing, 11 pages
2016 05 11
Augustinas Savickas biography
The memory of many, A.Savickis was painter, writer, who organized creative solo exhibitions of his art works, also books exhibitions about the colleagues and their own creative work and life. His creative trajectory lasted more than 50 years and ...
Art, 1 page
2016 05 11
Smuggling. Smuggling is the illegal transportation of objects or people. History. In England smuggling first became a recognised problem in the 13th century. Types of smuggling. Goods. Much smuggling occurs. People smuggling. With regard to. ...
Transport, 16 pages
2016 05 11
Electronic business (2)
What is eBusiness. Activities using eBusiness tools include. EBusiness models Business - to - Business B2B. Business - to - Consumer B2C. Consumer to Consumer C2C. Advantages and disadvantages. Advantage Worldwide Presence. Advantage Customer ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 3 pages
2016 05 10
Lithuanian cusine
Lithuanian cuisineIn 21 st century Lithuanians like to eat a lot and the foods they eat are tempting and tasty. Lithuanian cuisine took shape over many centuries and that just makes everything even better. Lithuanians usually eat three times per ...
Food, 2 pages
2016 05 10
Afghanistan. Presentation did by Jonas Andriukaitis and Nojus Zagorskis. Speaker Augustas Arbatavičius. Afghanistan war. Afghanistan war started from 1979 december 27d. Destroyed rare objects in Afghanistan. Buddhas of Bamiyan. The statues were ...
Geography, 9 pages
2016 05 10
Geneticall modifying of animals
The fun part of pets is that you never know what they will do next, the mutual trust and love is what bonds an owner and a pet together. Therefore, I understand dogs that are modified abit so their fur would not cause allergies to other people ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 05 10
Ecopetrol analysis
Top competitors for “Eco petrol” are :”HKN”,”Nexen” and “Pacific Rubiales Energy Corporation”.Comparison of net cash provided in operating, investing and financing activitiesData for comparison taken from our ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2016 05 10
Credit unions
Every day you can see a lot of advertisements about quick loans: on TV, internet, radio, in your mailbox, and etc. Our chosen credit unions are most popular in Lithuania. They ,,tell” that they are really cheap and fast money. So in our work we ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2016 05 10
Will life be better in the future
Furthermore, advances in computers and other technology is directly making our lives easier. We already have smartphones that fit into our pocket, but are still as powerful as computers were just five years ago. Other things, like self-driving ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2016 05 10
Computers do more harm than good essay
Nowadays it would probably be hard to find a person that doesn't use a computer or at least a smarthphone daily - we've become so dependent on them. We use some kind of a computer whole time - whether it be a desktop computer, smarthphone, ...
Devices & Hardware, 1 page
2016 05 10
Pharmacy. Aims – tikslai To ensure – užtikrinti Related – susiję Benefit – nauda Efficacy – veiksmingumas. Unknown words. Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing dispensing drugs. Pharmacist, Chemist, Doctor of Pharmacy, ...
Medicine, 6 pages
2016 05 09
Spain - Barcelona
Spain. and. catalonia. Spain. Madrid (the capital of Spain). Catalonia. Where is it? Barcelona (the catalan capital). The Sagrada Familia. Molins de Rei. Spanish people are very musical. Spanish traditional costumes. Spain is very good at playing ...
Geography, 25 pages
2016 05 09
Greece. Project made by Vardenis Pavardenis. ‘Šaltinis‘ progymnasium. Greece location. Greece is located in the Southeast end of Europe. National country symbols. The National Flag of Greece consists of four white and five blue horizontal ...
Geography, 9 pages
2016 05 09
Charity. Food Bank. Twice a year. 2014 Food Bank collected and distributed to the needy 4 million tons. There you can. This charity donation people who is very difficult. Thanks you for watching.
Sociology, 9 pages
2016 05 09
Healthy Life
Healthy Life - the happy life. Our health is. We eat unhealthy. Fast Food What's this? Junk food are the ones who does not have a lot of vitamin. Junk food pluses. Not all fast. Junk food minuses. Fast prepared food is used to prepare by frozen ...
Health & Nutrition, 12 pages
2016 05 09
Unusual Pets People Keep at Home
Unusual Pets People Keep at Home. Sloths. These adorable critters sure seem like ideal pets – cuddly. Hippopotami. One South African. Axolotls. The strange but also sweet face of the axolotl is swimming into more homes. Fennec Foxes. Big-eared ...
Pet, 17 pages
2016 05 08
Deforestation ppt
Deforestation. By. Deforestation is one of the world global problems. What will be in the future? If we don’t. My group. My group is. How you can become a group member? A member can become everyone who’s got 12 years. Tips how to protect ...
Environment, 7 pages
2016 05 08