Presentations (61)
Orchids - widely distributed in the world orchid (Orchidaceae) family of plants, which include over 800 genera and more than 25 thousand. species of plants, but constantly being discovered more new species. Orchids grow on every continent except ...
Agriculture, 16 pages
2017 05 16
Origin of the perfume and few interesting facts about it.
Beauty & Makeup, 12 pages
2015 11 04
Osjetilo Vida. Oko je parni. Glavni dijelovi oka. Vanjski dijelovi oka sušarenica,bjeloočnica i zjenica Unutarnji dijelovi oka surožnica,vidni živac,žilnica,leća,žuta pjega i mrežnica. Rožnica-prozirna ovojnica koja. Šarenica-obojeni ...
Biology, 10 pages
2022 04 08
P2P is technology, which allows to ,,communicate‘‘ without main server. Every computer is collecting data in P2P – every user allows to use his data when he is connected to the network. There is no concepts like ,,main server“ and client ...
Information technology, 13 pages
2017 05 18
Palanga pierPalanga pier used to be unsafe. There didn‘t use to be rocks near it. Now it is renovated and much more safe.KurhausasThere used to be stairs and a bigger window in the left side. It was renovated after it burnt. That‘s why ...
History, 8 pages
2015 12 06
Phenols. Phenols. Nomenclature -is done by 2 methods. Simple method. Numbering method. Acidity of phenols. Physical properties. Preparation. Preparation of phenol from benzene sulphonic acid. Commercial preparation. Reactivity and reactions ...
Chemistry, 22 pages
2021 03 03
Color photography system was demonstrated in 1861, that made the Scottish physicist Jamie Clerk-Maxwell. The system was based on the color separation method. American amateur photography G.Gudvinas invented films. On this basis, and it was the ...
Photography, 6 pages
2017 06 08
Kaunas is big town but in Kaunas are not so many place to visit like in Vilnius. Kaunas have museum which is very popular he called devintas fortas. Kaunas oldtown is not so amazing like Vilnius oldtown, but Kaunas have many museums Second museum ...
Travel, 9 pages
2016 01 16
It is better for children to agree on which fish they want to catch – the net breaks less this way.One of the circles is inside the other. Both circles have a gate at the opposite ends. One mouse is chased by two cats.At the start ...
Sports & Fitness, 26 pages
2016 05 04
To define a term pragmatics To present linguistic and physical context of pragmatics To describe speech acts To determine deixis and implicature To present cooperative principle and Grice’s maxims To introduce politeness and the concept of ...
Sociology, 17 pages
2016 03 12
Eye treatments. Targets for the session. Minutes to list as many eye treatments that you can. Eye treatments available. Tell me the benefits of. Describe the normal reaction to the skin of eyebrow shaping- 7 minutes. Describe the chemical process ...
Beauty & Makeup, 19 pages
2022 05 06
Presentation about Kaunas region natural resources.
Travel, 11 pages
2017 03 08
Ckv presentatie. Ihoud opgave. Inleidign. Wat was het? Professionele recensie. Slot stuk.
Automotive, 6 pages
2021 03 14
Zero conditional. Talk about habits or things people generally do. Explaining natural phenomena and processes. “Water boils when/if you heat it to 100°C. Explaining how things work. “It unlocks when/if you press this button. ”. Talking ...
Languages, 17 pages
2021 12 30
The company by itself has a big potential to gather many visitors at the same time. Its has a perfect deals with buss, train, and ferry companies in Scotland. Can promote visitors with many different kind of the hotels and places to stay. ...
Companies, 10 pages
2016 05 15
Content: Introduction Management features Proportion Industries Stereotypes Secrets of success.The education percentage of women is high, because they have specific managing features in many workspaces. On the other hand, stereotypes ...
Management, 12 pages
2015 11 18
Walt Disney is one of the best-known film producer. Together with the employees of the company has developed one of the most famous cartoon character - Mickey Mouse. Hayao Miyazaki was not known until 1997. In 2001, his film "Spirited Away" has ...
Career, 9 pages
2016 01 08
Our school needs new lamps, because they are old and they often explode, so that disturbes the studens. Proposal: we should buy new lamps.Student’s need more comfortable chairs, because our chairs are uncomfortable and because of them ...
Education, 6 pages
2017 01 09
When had i come? (ar?) had i come? why had you eaten? had you eaten? where had she gone? had she gone? why had he studied? when had it rained? how had we met? when had they left?Where will i go? (ar?) will i go? why will you come earlier? ...
Languages, 24 pages
2015 10 05
Lithuania is famous for its lakes. How many lakes are there in Lithuania?Song celebration sea festival kaunas jazz klaipėda castle jazz festival vilnius festivals rock nights blues nights street music day vilnius international film ...
Geography, 32 pages
2016 05 27
Antique prosthetics. Prosthetics in 16th century. Prosthetics in 20th century. Bionic prosthetics in 21th century. New human type – cyborgs.The 20th century to produce even more functional, more stable and lighter prosthetics.The ...
Biology, 15 pages
2016 02 27
Name Bushra Iqbal. Class Reception. Subject Science. Week. Winter season. Introduction. Homework. Living and non-living things. Objectives. Introduction. Identify living and non-living things. Distinguish between living and non-living things. ...
Education, 39 pages
2021 11 06
200 gram spaghetti 3 cloves garlic 1 chili pepper 6 cherry tomatoes 1 tbls. capers 1 can tuna Spices Olive oil Greenery.Whip the cream until it becomes rigid. In to the condensed milk mix espresso coffe. Slowly whipping cream, pour ...
Food, 9 pages
2016 05 25
Build a positive relationship with:YourselfYour Business (or Career)The World Around YouYour clients / target marketYour circle of success.Get your business in sync with you! Small businesses naturally grow & change as their owners do ...
Relationships & Parenting, 10 pages
2015 11 11
Robin Hood Powerpoint presentation. What is a legend? The Legend of Robin Hood is a traditional English tale. So, who was Robin Hood? Robin's last adventure. Robin Hood’s Statue in Nottingham.
Literature, 17 pages
2018 02 16
RCMP is the national treasure and national symbol of Canada. The name of RCMP is traveling around the world. Event children know that men on the horse with Red Serge is the Candas police man.
Law, 6 pages
2016 10 26
Out if no Addes Value, otherwise specialisation in niche market.Key products: Upstream to More R&D Multi brand development Less assembly Bv Lights, clutches...Key products: Downstream to More assembly and decreasing costs Universal ...
Sales, 47 pages
2017 02 22
I use public transport. I do not throw trash into a street. I recycle. I reuse. I don’t leave the light turn on, when I’m leaving my room (but not home!) I coperate with my schoolmates and drive to school by one car. I give away my grown-up ...
Environment, 10 pages
2017 01 13
In my opinion the scotland is most interesting country with their myth about lohnes monster, tradicional costume and friendly peoples. I think people should to visit the scotland and see something diferent than in other countries.
Geography, 14 pages
2016 02 17
The Scottish flag - rectangular white cross on a blue background (also called St. Andrew's Cross).In Scotland, there are three languages: English, Scottish Gaelic and Scots. Almost all of the Scots language in standard English. It is ...
Geography, 34 pages
2016 05 23