Presentations (57)

3352 documents
Benny bennasy
Today I am going to talk about Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio’s life, films and achievements. Lets start!I have chosen him for he’s talented acting and ability to emote to the character he’s acting. In my opinion Leonardo Wilhelm Dicaprio ...
Music, 7 pages
2016 09 27
Biography of Elizabeth I
Project by: Edvardas Mačys, Lukas Normantas, Eimantas Vosylius.Her father was Henry VIII. Mother Anne Boleyn (Henry’s second wife). She was executed two and a half years after Elizabeth birth. Elizabeth I was second child of Henry VIII. ...
History, 8 pages
2017 02 22
Biology and our environment
50 % - pointy beak 50% - flat beak.B – pointy beak (dominant) b – flat beak (reccesive).However, in this case dominant will be effective and will change DNA, phenotype and genotype. Because even only one dominant letter would ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 02 03
Biosféra. Základní charakteristika. Šířková a výšková zonálnost. Fytogeografické oblasti. Zoogeografické oblasti. Tropické. oblasti. Deštné. lesy. Tropické savany. Pouště tropů. a subtropů. Subtropické šířky. Lesy ...
Art, 18 pages
2022 05 13
Biotehnologija. Što je biotehnologija? Znanost koja na. Čemu služi? Biotehnologija pokušava povezati svoje primjene s medicinom. Vrste biotehnologije. Zelena biotehnologija Plava biotehnologija Siva biotehnologija Crvena biotehnologija ...
Biology, 11 pages
2022 02 14
Border guard school
Training at border guard school 1560 hrs. Probation in the State Border Guard Service units 480 hrs. Final qualification examination 40 hrs.Civil protection. Professionall ethics. First medical aid. English, Russian languages. Organization ...
Law, 12 pages
2015 12 18
Breakfast in Lithuania
But is it really all guessing breakfast? Many of our breakfast is made up of a cup of coffee and, at best, a small sandwich or fruit.Lithuania as well as the popular so-called dry and quickly prepared breakfast - cereal flakes or various ...
Food, 14 pages
2017 03 21
Burning Man Festival
Whacky Celebrations. «Burning Man». What’s the celebration name and origin? Burning Man is. When and where? Begins on the. What’s the celebration about? Is the celebrating. Who participes in it? All the people. What unusual activities are ...
Culture, 8 pages
2022 04 04
Business Etiquette in France
If your don’t speak French, an apology for not knowing their language. It is tolerant gestures. Give business cards to the secretory upon comes from office. Print cards in English and French language. French speaking a lot of hand gestures. The ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2015 09 29
Business foreign language
Greed – godus (avid) Arouse –pažadinti (wake) Counterpart – kolega (colleague) Betray – išduoti (give away) Unstable – netvirtas (unsteady) Occupational – profesinis (professional) Regard – laikyti (keep) Shape – forma (form) ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 20 pages
2016 04 04
What is a cell? 2.Short history facts about cell 3. Anatomy 4.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic stucture 5.Animal and plant cell 6.Other facts 7. Quick Review.1. Animal cell has got a wall. False. 2. The largest single cell is ... Egg 3. What is ...
Biology, 20 pages
2016 01 16
Cellular manufacturing
Cellular manufacturing. Introduction. Cellular manufacturing. Cellular manufacturing. Group technology. Part families. Methods to identify part families. Improving layout using work cells. Several operators in series. Advantages. Limitations. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 13 pages
2021 04 24
Chocolate cake
Dictionary Unsweetened ( it is product without sugar)- nesaldintas Teaspoons ( table tool)- arbatinis šaukštelis Brewed - paruošti Buttermilk (milk product)- pasukos Boiling water ( water is 100 °C)- verdantis vanduo Preheat ( then oven was ...
Food, 8 pages
2017 04 19
Choosing a university
At the University of Liverpool you can experience the best years of your life because the students are friendly plus the community is close-knit and there isn’t much to search for because friends come to you ! For accomodation you don’t ...
Education, 41 page
2016 12 11
Christmas and festivity food is very good but not always very healthy
Christmas and festivity food is very good but not always very healthy.
Food, 10 pages
2016 12 15
Christmas in Finland
Christmas holiday starts on the 20th of December. It’s longer that he usually have. Yippee! Many people travel north to visit their relatives. Many of them are also hoping to see snow. He hope that there will be enough snow for skiing, skating, ...
Etnology, 9 pages
2016 04 19
Christmas plants
Heaven apple tree was the symbol of sin It is create “krikstykla” from Shemaitshu Kalvarija.The earlest christmas plant in the church was holly (or evergreen oak) as defence from anger spirit.Mistletoe (Misltai) /amalas /was in ...
Etnology, 12 pages
2015 12 23
Colloboration with parent in kindergarten
Practical activities in the kindergarten environment with kids and parents that don’t bring their children to the kindergarten yet.The parents’ participation in kindergartens’ celebrations, activities and their ...
Relationships & Parenting, 15 pages
2015 12 12
Company presentation
Did you know that here you can find a banquet hall, bathhouse, hotel, outdoor and indoor cafes and games room? Outside you can bake on grill your brought products and enjoy outdoor arbor.This company employs eight staff. Supreme leader is ...
Companies, 9 pages
2017 02 09
Computer mediated communication (CMC)
Computer mediated communication (CMC). What is computer mediated communication ? Is an umbrella. Characteristics of computer mediated communication. Highly Interactive Communication. Types of computer mediated communication. Asynchronous ...
Technology, 7 pages
2021 12 04
Consiliul UE vs. Guvernul Franței
Consiliul UE vs. Guvernul Franței. Cuprins. Ce face Consiliul UE? Componența. Cum lucrează Consiliul? Consiliul Uniunii Europene. Guvernul Franței. Guvernul francez este unul dintre principalele organe ale puterii executive în Franța. ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2021 11 02
Creative industries in Asia presentation
Introduction Creative industries Asia China India Israel Japan Singapore Conclusion References.According to our analysis, we can say that Asia-Pacific creates the biggest part of CI jobs, comparing to the whole world (43%). Percentage of ...
Marketing, 35 pages
2016 12 07
Creativity indexes
Economists agree that skilled, ambitious, educated, and entrepreneurial people—whom they refer to as “human capital”—are a central force in economic progress today. Talent is measured as a combination of two factors. The first is the ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2015 11 07
Cross infection
Provide information for someone who is in the risk of infection.Treating cross infection depends on the condition: Bacterial infections are often treated with antibiotics Specific types of viruses can be treated with anti-viral drugs ...
Medicine, 21 page
2016 06 02
Crystal Caves
The cave is famous for its vast and rich selenite crystals. Kai who crystals are the largest known in the world - up to 11 m in length and 55 tons of weight. The revised translation of the Cave length 30 m, width 10 m . Crystal Cave is a very ...
Geography, 10 pages
2017 02 27
Culture model: Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
Culture. Power distance index. Comparison. Individualism vs. Collectivism. Comparison. Masculinity vs. Femininity. Comparison. Uncertainty avoidance index. Comparison. Long term orientation vs. Short term normative orientation (ltoComparison.
Marketing, 12 pages
2021 03 01
Database management system DBMS analysis slides
Database management system. Content. Introduction. Why DBMS. Advantages of DBMS. Disadvantage of DBMS.
Data & Analytics, 8 pages
2021 04 09
Dinaburgas pils
Dinaburgas pils. No Dinaburgas pils vēstures. Informāciju par Dinaburga pīli. Daugava. Kam ir pakļauta Dinaburgas pils? Livonijas karš gs sākums. Livonijas karš gs. Puse. Ziemēļu karš. Dinaburga parmaiņas. Paldies par uzmanību.
History, 11 pages
2022 02 03
Distribution policy and risk management
There are two basic methods of payment against documents. Document against payment (D/P) The importer receives the documents (which make him the owner of the goods bought) at the moment when he fullfils his obligation to pay. This method provides ...
Management, 29 pages
2016 06 06
Dormitory Management System
Dormitory Management System. Outline. Description. Requirement Diagram. This requirements diagram shows the Function and requirements for the Dormitory system. HIERARCHY DIAGRAM. The hierarchy diagram shows the relationship between various layers ...
Management, 13 pages
2021 09 02