Food (3)
Food, 3 pages
2016 03 30
I agree with the view that young people nowadays are not concerned about their eating habits, because they have a lot of work, activities and it is important to eat food, not necessary health food. Also most young people don’t understand the ...
Food, 1 page
2016 12 19
Take the salmon and cut it into small pieces about 1mm pieces.Now the garnet and peel it, leave on the small seeds from inside.Now take all the engriedients and mix them into one solid masse. Add some more spices, like pepper, if ...
Food, 9 pages
2015 05 11
Dried cod softened alkaline water, then cooked and sometimes - and fried.Dessert made of yellow raspberries reminiscent of berries and whipped cream.The chopped beef, rolled into balls and baked. Served with gravy, green peas and ...
Food, 7 pages
2016 11 21
The purpose of this report is to the good and bad points of the Pas Paolo Pizzeria.The Pas Paolo is an Italian restaurant, which has a wide range of Italian cuisine, all of which is very tasteful, eye-catching and best of all the prices ...
Food, 1 page
2016 05 13
200 gram spaghetti 3 cloves garlic 1 chili pepper 6 cherry tomatoes 1 tbls. capers 1 can tuna Spices Olive oil Greenery.Whip the cream until it becomes rigid. In to the condensed milk mix espresso coffe. Slowly whipping cream, pour ...
Food, 9 pages
2016 05 25
Texture - the sensation in the mouth. Sugar affects many products, such as bread, jam and beverages by providing volume and consistency.In bread, sugar, speeding up the fermentation process affects the volume of dough. This gives the bread ...
Food, 12 pages
2017 03 16
If you want your job to be associated with food you can work as a chef or food critic but if you want to be a food critic you have to have a really sensitive tongue. Some people study food to see what makes some ...
Food, 1 page
2017 04 06
First in Europe entering the new fruits were probably yellow, as the Italians called them pomodoro (golden apple). In Europe after a long journey across the Atlantic tomatoes returned to North America in the nineteenth century there eventually ...
Food, 11 pages
2016 01 13
Foie gras- another very traditional French delicacy rich and taste delicious product made from duck or Goose liver. The birds are bred in a special way, at some point in the period of the application of forced fattening.Particular ...
Food, 8 pages
2016 04 13
Another weighty fact is that this food is full of sugar. For instance, there are 54 grams of sugar in 0.5 l Coca- Cola. It is known that carbohydrates such as sugar can cause obesity. And here is the main reason why the number of fat people is ...
Food, 1 page
2017 03 22
With a fast pace of modern life more and more people are turning towards fast food for their main meals.
Food, 1 page
2021 04 19
Хүнсний нэмэлт. Хүнсний нэмэлт гэж юу вэ? ДЭМБ-аас зарим төрлийн хүнсний нэмэлт болон бодисын хүний бие махбодид үзүүлэх хортой ...
Food, 9 pages
2020 11 03
Well, when I volunteered at the Food Bank most of the people donated eggs, pasta, sugar, flour, oil, canned food they were the most popular products and others with long shelf lifeFirstly, the food bank helps families who receive a low ...
Food, 1 page
2017 02 07
Traditional food. What is food? Food- the key to energy source is usually of plant or animal origin. Types of food. Filling Light Heavy Organic. Healthy food. Vegetables Fruits Grain. Unhealthy food. Fast food Chips Candy. Lithuanian dishes. ...
Food, 12 pages
2016 04 03
Duck breast with fried potatoes and butter firied cabbage €9,00(served with "confit" potatoes, butter firied cabbage and cherry sauce)Italian potato dumplings with parma ham and blue cheese souce €5,00Boiled cottage cheese ...
Food, 8 pages
2015 05 26
The interior is nasty and youthful and it‘s rather comfortable. The waiters are friendly and polite. Usually the order is ready quickly, and the visitors don’t wait for a long time. Inside the cafe one can observe several wooden tables ...
Food, 1 page
2015 10 12
People who are less fortunate members of society receives support from charity institutions. Some of them had accidents, for instance maybe they have lost their house because of fire or they are unemployed, because they can’t find a job. Other ...
Food, 1 page
2016 04 24
Fast food. History. Pre-modern Europe. United Kingdom. United States. On the go. Filling stations. Street vendors and concessions. Cuisine. Variants. Business. Employment. Globalization. Criticism. Are you going to eat that?
Food, 24 pages
2015 10 05
Traditional dishes in Lithuania. Evolution and affect. Lithuanian culinary heritage is based on typical forested. The most popular dishes Lithuania. Skilandis- one of the most popular traditional smoked meat in Lithuania. Potato pie or kugel- ...
Food, 12 pages
2016 05 04
Im not a vegetarian because i think that human body needs all kind of food. My sister is vegan and she had problems with some minerals lack. but i‘m not condemn vegetarians because it‘s everyone choice what they want to eat.
Food, 1 page
2015 10 06
Brazilian cuisine. The three most traditional dishes of Brazil are Feijoada. This is traditionally a slave dish but has become the national dish of brazil. Balcalhoada. This was also. Tutu à Mineira. This is a. Brigadeiro. Chocolate truffles ...
Food, 6 pages
2018 12 22
British food. British snacks. Crisps. Pork pies. Scotch eggs. British beverages. British tea. British pimm's. Thanks for your attention. Šaltiniai (sources
Food, 10 pages
2021 06 11
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15
Briaunota. Cheese rolling. Cheese Rolling. About the event. Equipment. About cheese. Danger. Cheese rolling is fun sport especially for cheese lovers, but there
Food, 8 pages
2021 02 15