Education (11)

410 documents
Education in England essay
My opinion about gymnasiums Lithuania is not very bad. Although the building is not very great, as in England, but the training itself is quite good. Teachers try to explain everything. They prefer that we all understand exactly. Grammar schools ...
Education, 1 page
2017 02 09
Education in Singapore
Another different thing in Singaporeans school is that they have very strict rules. Every student has to wear schools uniform. They have to wear white socks, white shoes, blue pants and suit top with name and school badge on it. Girls are ...
Education, 1 page
2016 11 19
Education in Uk, the USA and Lithuania
UK: individual pay - $3343 per term paired pay - $227 per term hire of School instrument - $79 per term USA:  from $15,000 to as high as $50,000. Lithuania: privat schools $2392 - $3588 price for one year.Where do you want to learn ...
Education, 10 pages
2016 03 13
Essay on Higher education - key to success
Higher education is the key to success essay.
Education, 1 page
2021 04 29
Essay on learning on the internet
Five years from now on the Web for free you`ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.
Education, 1 page
2016 12 03
Essay: Education should be free?
To introduce, the education, school is important for all person because they need to learn, then after 18 years old to work out and to have got selected her jobs.To start, the education is a fundamental right who should be accessible to ...
Education, 2 pages
2021 05 06
Every student should take a gap year before going to university Do you agree or disagree?
Every student should take a gap year before going to university Do you agree or disagree?.
Education, 1 page
2017 03 14
Fișă de observare a lecției
Fișă de observare a lecției. Disciplina/Modulul. Clasa. Subiectul lecției. Obiectivele operaționale ale lecției. Tipul lecției. Tabel cu etapele și evenimentele fiecărui tip de lecție. Evenimentele instruirii. Desfășurarea ...
Education, 5 pages
2021 03 15
Gap Year
Nevertheless, the gap year has some serious drawbacks. The most serious problem that after a year off some of students could become lazy to continue education. It happens because that young people quickly admire big money and think that the ...
Education, 1 page
2017 05 11
General discription of school
Dunda, lekia mūs metai jauni Lyg greitieji šalių traukiniai. Kviečia, laukia keliai vis nauji, Rinksis juos ir Taikos mokiniai. Laisvoj šaly gimę, Taikoj mokslus ėję, Mokėsime savo tėvynę Apginti nuo siausiančių vėjų. Bunda, kelias ...
Education, 15 pages
2017 05 13
Homelessness essay: Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?
Homelessness is on the rise in many countries, but emergency shelters, food and medical care for the homeless have been reduced What are the causes of homelessness today, and how can we best deal with it?.
Education, 1 page
2022 02 06
In-class discipline and pupil behaviour management techniques
In-class discipline and pupil behaviour management techniques.
Education, 9 pages
2016 12 23
Interpretation der Kurzgeschichte Ich bin ein Kumpel
Interpretation der Kurzgeschichte Ich bin ein Kumpel.
Education, 2 pages
2021 10 05
Jaunākā literatūra bērniem un jauniešiem
Jaunākā literatūra bērniem un jauniešiem. KLASE Literatūra Jaunākā literatūrā bērniem un jauniešiem. Grāmatas nosaukums Autors Grāmatas vāka attēls Anotācija vai tās fragments Kas mani piesaistīja grāmatā. “ Ozola grāmata ...
Education, 6 pages
2021 09 29
Learning through play
Games learning method is widely used in non- formal learning situations, however formal education in it looked like a mini and to non – traditional activities. From the very first day the child is traying to understand the world, exploring, ...
Education, 13 pages
2016 03 09
Maria Montessori philosophy
A special place in the Montessori system occupying teacher or educator has to be specially prepared. Montessori group’s educator has a very different role than a traditional school.Montessori educators' task is not to teach, but to lead ...
Education, 29 pages
2017 02 20
Market Research Report: Top 5 E-Learning apps in India
Top 5 E-Learning apps in India. Research objectives. Find top 5 e-learning platforms in India. Number of Users each platform have. Frequency of usage. Features of each app. Cost of subscription and others. Byju’s the learning app. Meritnation. ...
Education, 18 pages
2021 03 21
Modern Technologies and Education
Well, in terms of modern IT, I think that today it‘s very advanced, because we use them every day. IT helps us to quickly find the information, we don‘t need to flip through books or dictionaries. IT also enables faster to commuticate with ...
Education, 1 page
2015 09 30
Monologue "Study Subjects"

I’m going to talk about study subjects, more specifically about females’ decisions while choosing university subject. The chart present an overview of the number of female students who have ...

I’m going to talk about study subjects, more specifically about females’ decisions while choosing university subject. The chart present an overview of the number of female students ...

2021 03 02
Motivational letter for University
My extracurricular activities such as debating helped me continue to grow my knowledge in politics and history outside the classroom as well. While debating topics such as “This house would offer immunity to dictators in return of leaving ...
Education, 2 pages
2017 05 11
My summary about lecture
Owerall, it can be clearly understood from the lecture that, since almost all the information and results are uploaded to the Website , students should learn how to use and work with it, and required to check it regularly not to miss any thing. ...
Education, 1 page
2021 10 19
Opinion essay Should Science be compulsary?
Opinion essay Should Science be compulsary?.
Education, 1 page
2021 01 20
Opinion essay: Can distance learning replace the classroom?
Can distance learning replace the classroom?.
Education, 1 page
2017 05 19
Preparation for exams
Second way, would be preparing with a tutors . A lot of teenagers are choosing this way because they are not able prepare by them selves. For satch studens tutors help focus on things they lack of knowledge or experience . Usualy tutors help ...
Education, 1 page
2017 03 30
Proposals for school
Our school needs new lamps, because they are old and they often explode, so that disturbes the studens. Proposal: we should buy new lamps.Student’s need more comfortable chairs, because our chairs are uncomfortable and because of them ...
Education, 6 pages
2017 01 09
Name Bushra Iqbal. Class Reception. Subject Science. Week. Winter season. Introduction. Homework. Living and non-living things. Objectives. Introduction. Identify living and non-living things. Distinguish between living and non-living things. ...
Education, 39 pages
2021 11 06
Rude teacher essay
Teacher is an important part of education. It is questionable whether a rude teacher is a good teacher. To me mind, this type of teacher is beneficial for some reasons.Firstly, rude teacher believe that students are being overly praised ...
Education, 1 page
2016 10 28
School and study essay
I have been going to school for a major part of my life. Every work day I wake up at 6:45, dress up, eat and go to school. When I get home I still need to do my homework. So, school really is a huge part of my life.Education always existed ...
Education, 1 page
2017 05 01
School wear
Sure, why not? So, how do you think, what type of clothes students should wear at school?Of course. I think people can better focus on work and studies when they feel comfortable and relaxed. Do you agree with me?I suppose, that ...
Education, 1 page
2015 11 16
Schulsystem in Deutschland und Tschechien
Schulsystem in Deutschland und Tschechien. Welche Schulen gibt es in Deutschland und Tschechien ? Welche Prüfungen macht man am Ende des Schulbesuchs? Welche Fächer lernt man dort? Welche Noten kann man bekommen? Vielen Dank für Ihre ...
Education, 7 pages
2022 04 25