Business Information Analysis

Definition of ethnography. Advantages of using ethnography. Disadvantages of using ethnography. The possible questions that could be asked are. Bibliography.
Two contradictory hypotheses must be expressed. The first is the null hypothesis (H0). Null has no meaning. The null hypothesis asserts that the study does not affect the change/relationship/difference. The independent variable will not affect the dependent variable, according to this hypothesis. To put it another way, the population mean will remain unchanged. We're attempting to refute the null hypothesis.
The Alternate hypothesis as a result of the investigation is expected that the population mean will shift in some way. According to the alternative hypothesis, the independent variable will affect the dependent variable. Generally, the alternate hypothesis does not conclude a direction of change, only that one will occur. An alternate hypothesis, on the other hand, can forecast a positive or negative change in the population mean. (Devries, 2007).
The level of relevance, or alpha level (a), determines the likelihood that the researcher is ready to agree that the null hypothesis was mistakenly rejected. In other words, if a =.05, the investigator accepts that his or her judgment to discard the null hypothesis will be incorrect 5% of the time (e.g say that the treatment considerably lessens mortality when it does not). .05 and.01 are the most prevalent alpha levels.
- Business & Entrepreneurship Analysis
- Microsoft Word 3647 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 14 pages (1100 words)
- University
- Chidinma