Analysis Of A Novel By Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights: The Atmosphere

Analysis of a novel by Emily Brontë “ Wuthering Heights ” The Atmosphere.
Throughout the novel there are shifts in the atmosphere depending on situations, characters and other aspects. First of all, the atmosphere of the “Wuthering Heights” can be considered gloomy and dark. The events that occur in the story determine the dark mood of the narrative. Deaths that are noticeably common in this novel: from the beginning the death of Catherin and Hindley’s father and Hindley’s wife, or even the death of Catherin herself, add dark, tragic sense to the whole work. What is more, the author creates a certain atmosphere around the characters that also may give a sense of dreariness and gloomy atmosphere. For instance, from the beginning the author uses a specific diction drawing Heathcliff’s character: gipsy, morose, stern, which in a way gives the character roughness as well as adds to the gloominess of the story.
- Literature Analysis
- Microsoft Word 14 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 2 pages (639 words)
- College
- Viktorija