All documents (67)

6900 documents
Formula one 1 presentation
Formula one. A little bit about the formula one. F1 History. Technical side. The best and most famous drivers in F1 of all time. 2018 champion is. F1 car price. F1 crashes. Thank you for your attention and good viewing.
Transport, 9 pages
2020 04 21
Movie „Bolt“ presentation
Movie. Work done by Arnoldas Suduiko. Bolt is a. Plot. A White Shepherd puppy named Bolt is adopted by an eight-year-old girl named Penny. When he believes. Main characters. Bolt. Mittens. Rhino. Also I have. Thanks for your attention.
Film & Television, 8 pages
2020 04 21
Pancake day
Pancake day is a winter celebration, symbolizing the outpouring of winter to summon spring and mark the last day of winter meat. The celebration fascinates with the beauty and creativity of folk humor. The main symbols of the celebration are ...
Culture, 2 pages
2020 04 21
Introduction to Biotechnology
Introduction to Biotechnology. Biotechnology -? Biotechnology branches. Blue biotechnology. Red biotechnology. Yellow biotechnology. Gray biotechnology. Brown biotechnology. Violet biotechnology. Black biotechnology. Industrial biotechnology. ...
Biology, 42 pages
2020 04 21
8 reasons why students drop-out of higher education
8 reasons why students drop-out of higher education.
Education, 4 pages
2020 04 21
Chemical reactions
Chemical reactions. Clean water. Let us see reasons that cause water pollution. Advanced water filter. Mechanical water filter. Iron removal filter. Softening filter. Is water important for people? What are the regions that are in deficit of ...
Chemistry, 35 pages
2020 04 21
Mv ulysses
Ulysses. Ferry route. Ice Class 1A, RoRo Cargo and Passenger Ship. These categories examine PSC performance, ratification of international conventions, fleet average age. Lifejackets. Immersion Suits. Thermal Protective Aids. Jason Cradle. ...
Transport, 48 pages
2020 04 21
Fishing Vessel Margiris
Fishing Vessel Margiris. General info. Prietaisai ir įranga. Kas yra aas? Laivo tiltelyje esanti įranga. Trawl monitoring systems. Silecred autotrawl sistema. Sonaras. BNWAS (Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm SystemRegulations for BNWAS.
Transport, 23 pages
2020 04 21
Tourism is a fast growing industry Is this a positive or negative development?
Tourism is a fast growing industry. Is this a positive or negative development.
Travel, 1 page
2020 04 21
How does stress influence people?
How does stress influence people. Are you stressed out in school ? How do you manage it ? Do you take stress releaving pills ? Do deadlines make you stress ? Does stress has an influence on your sleep. How do you work in stressful situations.
Psichology, 2 pages
2020 04 21
Sport Governance
The differences between corporate governance and nonprofit governance are as follows. Corporate governance is a system of rules and practices by which a firm is directed and controlled, so it essentially involves a balance in interests of a ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 7 pages
2020 04 21
Slides about Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking. Stephen William Hawking. He was an. His disease. In. Family. Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford to Frank and Isobel Eileen Hawking. Personal views. Future of humanity In. His 3 greatest achievements. Black. Top 10 ...
Literature, 7 pages
2020 04 21
Essay about COVID-19
Today I‘m going to talk about coronavirus disease, symptoms and so on. The virus causes illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome. COVID-19 circulate in animals and some can be ...
Medicine, 1 page
2020 04 20
Social Issues young people face
Social Issues young people face. Gabija Vyšniauskaitė BN18A. Have a look. Materialism. Being materialistic is perceived to be a personal issue. Drug addiction. There are a lot of youngsters who fall prey to drug addiction. Unhealthy lifestyle ...
Psichology, 12 pages
2020 04 20
Child Welfare And Social Security
Famfun. The ,,FAMFUN“ mobile app is designed to make family leisure easier. About the ,,famfu‘‘ mobile app. This app will make every family’s leisure time easier. Famfun content. This app contains. How does it work? The app is. Enter your ...
Education, 9 pages
2020 04 19
First aid - bleeding
First aid for bleeding. Lithuanian university of health sciences medical institution by augustė railaitė, 23g Kaunas. What is bleeding? Types of the bleeding. External internal. Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding. Vomitting tender, ...
Medicine, 26 pages
2020 04 19
Medicine slides on Sunburn
Sunburn. Terms Causes of sunburn Degrees of sunburn. Tissue Fever Nausea Fatigue Charred Numb Remedy Blister Soothe Soak. Sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects living tissue. Causes of sunburn. A first-degree sunburn. Red, sore and ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2020 04 19
Business plan “V&G boutique”
Employers. Capital. Name. Mission. Location. Eco-friendly. Service. Quality. Swot. Employees. Skills. Stress managing. Financial crisis.
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2020 04 18
Film review „Alpha“
Last week we watched a film called Alpha. The film is directed by Albert Hughes. I can't say the movie genre exactly, but according to Wikipedia it includes action, adventure, drama and detective. This story was engaging and interesting for me. I ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2020 04 18
Essay on HomeSchooling: If you were offered homeschooling, would you take it?
If you were offered homeschooling, would you take it?
Education, 1 page
2020 04 18
Essay: Should Students take School Leaving Exams this Year?
Should Students take School Leaving Exams this Year?
Education, 1 page
2020 04 18
Schweiz Bern Präsentation PPT
Bern,Schweiz. Die Schweiz. Schweizer Natur Die natürliche Schönheit der Schweiz ist eine Visitenkarte dieses Landes. Bern. Bern ist eine. Berns Altstadt. Die Bekanntschaft mit Bern beginnt mit einem Spaziergang durch die Straßen der ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 04 17
Computers will eventually make teachers obsolete Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Computers will eventually make teachers obsolete Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Education, 1 page
2020 04 17
Slides about Art
Art. Art types. Performance. Fashion. What is fashion. Why does fashion change? Fashion change because. Kinds of fashion. Haute Couture – French word meaning high fashion. Importance of colors in fashion. Colors have a demonstrable ...
Art, 13 pages
2020 04 16
Human rights essay
Human rights are fundamental to the stability and development of countries all around the world. Great emphasis has been placed on international conventions and theirimplementation in order to ensure adherence to a universal standard of ...
Law, 18 pages
2020 04 16
IT in my life essay
No one can escape from the absolute need for technology in our daily life. I think that we can’t do anything without them. Today I’m going to talk about the good and bad sides of technologies. Technology is an absolute need and we ...
Information technology, 1 page
2020 04 16
Cardif presentation
Cardiff. Content. The Capital City of Wales. Compact city. Wales Millennium Centre. Castle Quarter. Cardiff Castle. Cardiff Castle. Llandaff Cathedral. St. Fagans National Museum of History. Caerphilly Castle. The Red Castle Castell Coch. Cardiff ...
Geography, 16 pages
2020 04 16
Can students learn as much and as well online as they do during the lesson at school?
Can students learn as much and as well online as they do during the lesson at school.
Education, 1 page
2020 04 15
Ermitažas company presentation
UAB “Ermitažas”. UAB „Ermitažas“. „Ermitažas“ – is. Employees. According to the data of the State Social Insurance Fund Board. UAB „Ermitažas“ production. Finishing materials Construction materials Working tools Auto goods ...
Management, 14 pages
2020 04 15
Jobs in the world slides
Jobs in the world. What is work? Work is of a human nature, which usually produces certain results. The hardest job in the world? Driver's work on. Tree work. The work of the forests is clearly demolishing work hard. Fire work. The work of ...
Management, 11 pages
2020 04 15