All documents (212)
In response to American punch and Victorian eclecticism, early twentieth century color intermediaries attempted to standardize and manage color systems, the focus of the second and third chapters. Albert H. Munsell, an artist by training, and ...
Social Media, 2 pages
2016 01 11
So, if people refuse to pay taxes there is no income in revenue, therefore, there is no possibility to grow wealth in the country. If there is no money for investment there can not be any changes in education, health, countries infrastructure ...
Law, 3 pages
2016 01 10
A second big problem is pollution. I will mention only two types of it : Air and water pollution.Nowadays, people keep destroying our planet.Water pollution in some countries , including lithuania , is getting bigger every year and the reason ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 01 10
Daily life of a lithuanian teenager. Hello !!! Our daily routines. Get up. Then we brush teeth. In the morning we always eat breakfast. We usually go to school at quoter to eight. After school we go to home. In the afternoon we watch TV. At half ...
Culture, 31 page
2016 01 10
For and against essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of learning online.
Internet, 1 page
2016 01 10
Content. About company Samsung History Activities Products. About company Samsung. This is South Korea company producing mobile phones. History. Samsung was founded. In 2005 Samsung. Samsung logo. First logo was developed in the year. Nd logo ...
Companies, 13 pages
2016 01 10
And all of this again with reference to imports and exports!!!!!!!!!!We therefore tend to break economics into two main parts;Positive means measurable things - like the rate of unemploymentA lot of our work will focus on ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2016 01 09
Extreme sports. Base jumping. BASE jumping, is parachuting from a fixed structure or cliff. Motocross. Motocross is a form. Kitesurfing. Kiteboarding is a surface water sport combining aspects of wakeboarding. Ice climbing. Ice ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2016 01 09
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. 1452–. Where was Leonardo da Vinci born? Mona Lisa. The Last Supper. Leonardo the Inventor and Scientist. Fun Facts about Leonardo da Vinci. In conclution.
Art, 12 pages
2016 01 09
Developing student's personality and focusing on their inner world would decrease the depression, confussion with the environment, discrimination among the peers, teasing and bullying in the school. Alot of students in Lithuania and other ...
Education, 1 page
2016 01 09
The vet has to be responsible , caring, careful, patient, gentle, brave, because animals may bite or scratch and has to love animals.You get bitten or scratched by 50% of the animals you see. Long schooling. Long working hours. Animals ...
Pet, 12 pages
2016 01 09
I was anxious when I started college. I wasn‘t sure if I would fit into the college environment. But in no time I had realised that I was a part of the team. Each day I was becoming more and more comfortable with the environment and my ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 01 08
Serbia. Belgrade. Novi Sad City Hall. Facts. Serbian dinar. Religion. What would benefit EU if Serbia joined. Over 60% of. The impact of joining. Some cons about Serbia. Serbia isn’t rich Serbia. Thank you for your attention!
Politics, 10 pages
2016 01 08
Walt Disney is one of the best-known film producer. Together with the employees of the company has developed one of the most famous cartoon character - Mickey Mouse. Hayao Miyazaki was not known until 1997. In 2001, his film "Spirited Away" has ...
Career, 9 pages
2016 01 08
Firstly about air. Most of the electricity we use is produced by burning fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas. When these are burnt, they give off carbon dioxide and that contributes to the greenhouse effect. Cars, lorries, factories and power ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 01 07
University of applied sciences. faculty of electronics and informatics. D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM). How they look before and now. Modeling. Types of 3D printers. How does 3D printing work? A 3D printer. Material ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2016 01 07
University of applied sciences. faculty of electronics and informatics. Benefits of speech recognition software. Prepared by Šarūnas Kukalis ET15A. Speech recognition software history. The first speech recognition systems could understand only ...
Software, 11 pages
2016 01 07
I had a four-month internship with ,, Sindarela” beauty salon , in Alytus from June to August, according to Mrs Violeta Žukauskaitė , office manager care, my director was Mrs Giedrė Tarasevičiūtė . The practice was to ensure the company's ...
Companies, 1 page
2016 01 06
2 These techniques can only be applied to new buildings. ________3 In the future we will be able to generate our own energy. ________5 Steel and plastics are widely used in bio-architecture. ________
Ecology, 3 pages
2016 01 06
Traditional costume. French National Clothing. France is divided into many different regions. Women Jupon A garment very similar to a skirt. Sarafan. Traditional costumes of Germany. A man's traditional clothing is made from leather. Women's ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2016 01 06
M: Wow! I didn’t know that. I’d love to visit Rome! How should we get there?M: I guess you’re right. I will buy tickets. Will it be okay if we will leave on June 16?A: I suppose so. Where are we going to stay?M: Well, ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 01 06
I think that if we want to stand firmly on the ground, we need to keep good and strong relations with our family. So for me family is the main factor, which affects a lot of ways of my life. It helps me to raise my self-esteem, helps to become ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 01 06
How to level a landscape. Introduction. Level is. Levels are classifield by. On the construction of level divided by. The Optical mechanical level. The Optical automatic level. The Digital level. The electronic level. The laser level. Elevating ...
Agriculture, 16 pages
2016 01 06
Contents. Company history Founder Akio. Company history. 1946- Tokyo. Founder Akio Morita. Akio Morita was a businessman best known as the co-founder of Sony. Mission. Sony is commited to developing a wide range of innovative products and ...
Companies, 17 pages
2016 01 05
Global warming(globalinis atsilimas), drought(sausra), greenhouse effect(siltnamio efektas), carbon dioxide(co2), the ozone layer(o3), ultraviolet radiation(uv), holes in the ozone layer(hole in o3)“ ozone- friendly”, deforestation, the ...
Environment, 2 pages
2016 01 03
A to Z instructions how to make your office print the names, surnames and adress of the recepeients automatically in the letter. A fast and cumfortable way to send information to people only typing in the information you want all of the ...
Information technology, 6 pages
2016 01 03
Studies are focused on specific practical activities, fostering ability to work independently in accordance with graduate qualifications.The study program consists of general college subjects, study field subjects, special field of study ...
Automotive, 10 pages
2016 01 03
First of all, the electronic monitoring often improves employee’s time management. Poor time management appears to be the biggest reason why employees are late to hand in their assignments. By analyzing data from employees’ computers ...
Technology, 2 pages
2016 01 03
Marketing of shipping companies. Key stages of marketing implementation in shipping companies. The Stage of Diagnosis. Phase One Marketing Information System. Phase Two Analysis of Threats and Opportunities in Marketing Environment. Phase Three ...
Marketing, 20 pages
2016 01 02
Sodium and potassium content determination in Gatorade Sports Drink by Flame Photometry.
Chemistry, 8 pages
2015 12 31