All documents (186)

6900 documents
Gender and Transport in Less Developed Countries
The role of women in transport. Intra household resource allocations and women’s time burden. Involving women and other stakeholders in project planning and management. The need for social assessment and gender analysis. Sustainability of ...
Transport, 29 pages
2016 10 11
Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston. Paule Kergyte, 7a. Biography facts. Whitney Elizabeth Houston was born in a musical family on 9 August. Biography. She began singing in the choir at her church. Works. She published a lot of albums. For example "Whitney","I'm ...
Music, 10 pages
2016 10 11
Finance Function Transformation
Finance Function Transformation. What defines a high performing finance function? How does a high finance function balance all three objective- control, efficiency and insight. Symptons creating a case for change. Our point of View. The operating ...
Accounting, 17 pages
2016 10 11
Dogs are the best pets for children
Also, a dog can teach children caring. So, a young human being will be growing up as a caring person. In other words, he will care about people around him like family members, friends and etc. Furthermore, caring will make him kind to all living ...
Pet, 1 page
2016 10 10
Business plan example Ehrle
Table n. 1 – Daily numbers of washes in carwash and at home in Aalborg AreaOnce we have found out daily demand of washes in Aalborg Area, we can assume how many of customers we could attract. We assume that with good location of the ...
Marketing, 88 pages
2016 10 10
Albert Einstein presentation
Alber Einstein. Made by Edgard Basiul. Early age. Albert was born. Marriage and childrens. Einstein met his future wife Mileva Maric. Scientist‘s Achievements. Albert Einstein discovered the laws of electromagneticfield. Near the beginning. He ...
History, 10 pages
2016 10 10
Possibilities for entering the USA market
LevelUp's goal is to become a strong player in their industry.From the interview we have with the company's representative several challenges emerged:This project will not include primary data, specifically no data from surveys from ...
Marketing, 47 pages
2016 10 09
FDI in Automobile Industry
Behind FDI, it is necessary to see first of all the companies that its decision to move some functions of the value chain abroad management of company always pursue certain specific objectives. There are four basic types of ...
Marketing, 10 pages
2016 10 09
Ways to learn a foreign language
So that being be only a few examples of how you can learn a foreign language, but there are many more ways to do it, like television, movies with subtitles, traveling abroad and so on. Keep learning foreign languages and more opportunities will ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 10 09
Denmark. Some things about Denmark. Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Europe. Danes. Danes enjoy a. Copenhagen. Here lived the writer Hans Christian Andersen. Danish capital is. Zoo. Christiania. Christiania, also known as Freetown ...
Geography, 22 pages
2016 10 09
Marie Curie. Content. About Marie Curie Nobel prizes World War I Awards, honours, and tributes. About Marie Curie. Marie Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was a polish physicist. Nobel prizes. She was the first woman to win a Nobel ...
Politics, 7 pages
2016 10 09
Essay on teenagers safe driving
How can teenagers be convinced to drive more safely.
Transport, 1 page
2016 10 09
The list of things which could cause accidents. Excessive consumption of alcohol could be cause of a car crash. A gas leak could be cause of an explosion. Faulty wiring could be cause of an electric shock. Boiling water could be cause of a scald. ...
Ethics, 7 pages
2016 10 08
Pharmacognosy. What is pharmacognosy. Pharmacognosy + gnosis = knowledge of medicine. The ways of posing. First aid for poisoning by eaten plants. First aid by touching a poisonous plant. Definitions. Thanks. For Your.
Medicine, 7 pages
2016 10 08
Masai main business - Livestock. Cattle play an important role not only in the economy but also the beliefs and rituals.Masai settlements are small as I have seen no more than 50-60 people. They are mainly designed in the form of a circle: ...
Culture, 4 pages
2016 10 07
Christmas in Switzerland
Christmas in Switzerland.  Switzerland . Population of 2014 is 8 189 653 Peoples. Language and Religion. The main language of Switzerland is German. Santa Clause. This is what. Traditional food. There are lots of traditional food Christmas food ...
Culture, 9 pages
2016 10 07
Leadership Skills
Jon Boyes Employability and Graduate Development. Leadership Skills. Session objectives. What is leadership? Identify. Understanding Leadership. What is leadership? Why is leadership important – why do we need leaders. "Leadership is a function ...
Leadership, 22 pages
2016 10 06
Some Thoughts on Leadership
Some Thoughts on Leadership. by. Don C. Bramlett, PE, SMIEEE. IEEE Region 4 Director 2009. Workshop Content. Definition of Leadership. Interpersonal Effectiveness. Awareness. Ability. Commitment. Attributes of a Leader. Leader vs Manager. ...
Leadership, 94 pages
2016 10 06
Environmental problems and social issues
Environmental problems and social issues. Lukas Rimavičius. Enviromental problems. Global warming. Who causes it ? What is the impact on the environment. Endangered animal species. Black Rhino. About animals Habitat Lifestyle Why it is ...
Environment, 6 pages
2016 10 06
Deforestation skaidrės
Deforestation. Kaunas Maironis University Gimnazium Slides by Mintautas Krūminš. Causes of Deforestation. Clearing land to build housing. Effects. Loss of species Water cycle Soil erosion Life quality. Solutions. Corporations Governments ...
Environment, 6 pages
2016 10 05
Sasquatch aka Bigfoot
Sasquatch. Sasquatch aka Bigfoot is the name given to a mythological simian. Scientists discount the existence of Sasquatch and consider it to be a combination of folklore. Description. Sasquatch is described. Sightings. About one-third of all ...
Culture, 6 pages
2016 10 05
Is job satisfaction more important than money?
Is job satisfaction more important than money?.
Psichology, 1 page
2016 10 05
Essay on buying books
“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” – said Marcus Tullius Cicero once. I absolutely agree with this quote. In every single page you can feel different sensibilities, different experiences, moods – and these things ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 10 05
Skyscrapers as they are under cinstruction
Skyscrapers as they are under cinstruction.
Real Estate, 4 pages
2016 10 04
Italy presentation
Distribution by religion: Christians: 53,550,000 (91.2%)          Roman Catholics: 51,435,000 (87.5%) [6]          Orthodox: 940 000 (1.6%) [7]          Protestants: 675 000 (1.1%) (mostly evangelicals and Pentecostals) ...
Geography, 6 pages
2016 10 04
Penguin crysis and salvation essay
First at all I want start with presentation of my selected topic . I selected this topic because I like penguins because they are soo adorable !! Dyan deNapoli tells story about her childhood and conection to animals and ocean . She tells what ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 10 03
The postal route St Petersburg – Warsaw
On 16 July 1828 the Russian Czar Nikolaj I issued a decree approving the project for the road construction from St Petersburg to Kaunas that was supervised by the Chief Director of roads and highways. The highway was supposed to be finished in ...
Transport, 5 pages
2016 10 03
European Day of Languages
European Day of Languages. Europa-kalbų lobynas. The official languages of the EU. Irish. English. Bulgarian. Czech. Danish. Estonian. Greek. Spanish. Italian. Latvian. Polish. Lithuanian. Maltese. Dutch. Norwegian. Portuguese. French. Romanian. ...
Languages, 38 pages
2016 10 02
Support and Charity organization ‚‚Vilties sala‘‘
Support and Charity organization ‚‚Vilties sala‘‘. Zbignev doman iiig. Organization symbol. Support. Social community center. Saint john the. Organization doing a lot of charity festivals. Some pictures of activity. Organization goals ...
Sociology, 9 pages
2016 10 02
Importance of Business Ethics
Importance of Business Ethics. Content. Introduction. Business Ethics. Foundations of Ethical Behaviour. Organizational/Business Ethics. The Role of Organizational Ethics in Performance. Ethics Contributes to Employee Commitment. Ethics ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 15 pages
2016 10 02