All documents (147)

6900 documents
Motivational letter on the nomination of the electrical engineer
Motivational letter on the nomination of the electrical engineer.
Career, 1 page
2017 06 11
Tick - borne diseases
Tick-borne diseases. Content. Introduction. Ticks. Lyme Disease. The symptoms of Lyme disease. The symptoms of Lyme disease (II). The symptoms of Lyme disease (III). Treatment. Prevention. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Tick-borne encephalitis ...
Medicine, 19 pages
2017 06 11
Economic profile in Lithuania
And now we can to talk about business culture. So, Lithuanians are a well-educated and very hard working people. Often corporate executives behave the respectful with workers, clients and partners. They respect the employee's loyalty and ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2017 06 09
Letter from the past
The year is 2017 and I will put some books in this capsule because smartphones will become the most important stuff in your technology world. I including this books because people will have a opportunity to see how it is look like to hold in your ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 06 09
Photography presentation
Color photography system was demonstrated in 1861, that made the Scottish physicist Jamie Clerk-Maxwell. The system was based on the color separation method. American amateur photography G.Gudvinas invented films. On this basis, and it was the ...
Photography, 6 pages
2017 06 08
The first phone
The first mobile phone appeared in 1983. This was the first portable phone, has been awarded the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X "name.  Mobile phone weight - 785grams.Lithuania first telephone line was built in 1882 by ...
Communication, 12 pages
2017 06 07
Do Men and Women Talk Differently?
Another point that proves that men and women talk differently, is the fact that through their speech, males and females display different intentions that are achieved by using different speech patterns. To quote Holmes (2013: 7):While ...
Psichology, 3 pages
2017 06 05
Disapproval letter example
Firstly, it will be a good and big exhibition park. Artits from around a world will come to our town because we have a big exhibition area. Families will come to this area to spend their time in the beautiful park. You can also make there a ...
Ethics, 1 page
2017 06 05
Negotiation of China
Negotiation of China. The Chinese Language. "Hello" – the problem. When you use Chinese. Conversation tips. Acceptable Public Behavior. Meetings, Presentations, and Negotiation Tactics. Dinner Etiquette. The Chinese view of negotiations in ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 19 pages
2017 06 04
Strategic management and investment decisions essay
Strategic management and investment decisions .
Management, 4 pages
2017 06 04
Landscape Design
What is Landscape? “LAND“ means both a place and people living there. Landscape design. An independent profession and a design, art tradition Practiced by landscape designers. Cultural Landscape. The important of people on the land - how ...
Design, 12 pages
2017 06 04
Peace Is No Absence Of War
That is what I seek to answer with this speech and I intend to do so by looking at the past violence, the improvements implemented which leads to the present day, and whether the improved government achieved peace.What could be the cause ...
Military, 1 page
2017 06 03
Speech Recognition Systems Benefits
What is Speech Recognition? How speech recognition works? About speech recognition. Few things about Dragon NaturallySpeaking. What is speech recognition used for? (benefits). For what kind of tasks speech recognition is useful? Things we could ...
Software, 11 pages
2017 06 03
3D Printer presentation
3D Printer as a robot first time showed up at late 1980’s. That time it was called Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies because of the idea that processes were made faster and more cost-effective for developing product than the industry.
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2017 06 03
How to start a small business
How to start a small business. Born to be a businessman. Anyone who conducts business, whether that business is on behalf of a small company. Before Starting own business. Before starting your. Decide on a. Choose a Name. Register Your Business. ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 pages
2017 06 03
Semi-formal letter
Semi-formal letter. Semi-formal letter is. A formal salutation. Use always last. Introduction. Here you should. Semi-formal letter body. There you write the main subject of the letter in detail. A conclusion. This should be a last paragraph of ...
Languages, 10 pages
2017 06 03
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Prepared Kornelija Lekšaitytė Ia. Goddess Nut. Nut was the. Goddess Tauridė. Tauridė - infants. God ra. Note - The Sun God and father of all gods. God Ptah. Ptah (of opening. God Sebek. Sebek -Nilo god. Depicted ...
Religion & Spirituality, 9 pages
2017 06 01
London fashion week
London Fashion Week. Welcome to London Fashion Week. What is London Fashion week ? For which type of audience is suitable ? What you can do inside of the London Fashion week? Latest models and designs of fashion ? Where can you buy or get clothes ...
Fashion, 13 pages
2017 06 01
FC barcelona
FC Barcelona club has won 22 La Liga titles, 26 Spanish Cups, 11 Spanish Super cup. . He won four UEFA Champions League titles, four UEFA Super Cup and three European. In 2009, Barcelona became the first Spanish club, who managed to win La Liga, ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2017 06 01
Benefits of speech recognition presentation
Speech Recognition Software. Types of Speech Recognition System. Where we can Find the Software. Different Companies Call this Software Differently. Where you can use Speech Recognition? People with Disabilities. Why is it Good to use Speech ...
Software, 12 pages
2017 05 31
What is 3D Printer
What is 3D Printer. The way 3D Printers Work. Where is 3D Printing Today. Projected Growth. Future Potential of 3D Printing. Advantages of 3D Printers. The Most Modern and Technically Advanced 3D Printers Today. Top 3 Most Buying 3D Printers in. ...
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2017 05 31
Ecoland Company Activity Report
FancyShoe company each year tried to successfully plan its production and sales, tried to optimize and effectively use its available and potential workforce, plant and equipment. One of the company‘s objectives was to sell everything what has ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2017 05 31
Volkswagen this exhibition presents a new modular platform Modular Electric Drive Kit (MEB), the basis of which will be constructed in the coming years, a new generation of electric cars. Volkswagen booth exhibit - as well as a new generation of ...
Transport, 14 pages
2017 05 31
It is the most attractive place where you could find museums full of restaurants, cafes, bars and places to shop. Many old houses surround the centre of Gamla Stan. You can walk through the narrow streets and look at the buildings in so many ...
Geography, 2 pages
2017 05 31
Beneliux cultures: Neatherlands Dutch Society & Culture. Dutch Demeanour. Egalitarianism. Dutch Privacy. Etiquette and Customs in The Netherlands. Gift Giving Etiquette. Dining Etiquette. Business Etiquette and Protocol. Negotiations.
Geography, 22 pages
2017 05 30
Why do some people become homeless?
Secondly, among the homeless are some people who started the life successfully, but something happened that they lost everything they had: their houses, jobs, families and so on. And if such people don’t find a way to help themselves, they ...
Sociology, 1 page
2017 05 30
Facts about Scotland
Facts about Scotland. In 1872, Scotland played against England in the first international game of football. Area 78,769 sq km Population 5,200,000 approx. The highest mountain. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland. Thank you for your ...
Geography, 8 pages
2017 05 29
Illegal Immigration
To be able to understand Ill start with the pros of illegal immigration and then approach the arguments. Illegal immigration helps the economy. Some of my classmates might be wondering, how could that actually help the economy of the country, ...
Law, 1 page
2017 05 29
Antennas and satellites broadcasting
Introduction. Telecommunications engineering. Antennas and transmitters. Broadcasting antennas problems. Satellite television. Communication satellites. Summary. Information sources.
Communication, 5 pages
2017 05 29
Quantitative Methods in Economics
Hypothesis: As time goes by and more rules that are new are adopted, the number of Formula One viewers decreases.2012- Cars must be cleared from all crash tests before pre-season testing.In this project, I will analyze how the ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2017 05 28