All documents (102)

6900 documents
Price analysis
Orianted price for each segment. Choice of strategy. Choice of pricing methods. Final price and consumer impact. Price analysis. Selected product. Orianted price for each segment. Choice of strategy. Choice of pricing methods. Final price and ...
Marketing, 4 pages
2018 12 20
3D printing technology presentation
3-D Printing Technology And Applications. 3-D Printing Technology. History of 3-D printing technology. How it works? Utilization. Most Common Technologies. Examples & Applications. Companies that is Using 3D Printers. Future. References.
Technology, 12 pages
2018 12 20
About Photography slides
Photography. Presented by. History of photography. Earliest surviving photography. “View from the Window at Le Gras” by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in. “View from the. First ever three color photography. It taken in 1861 by Thomas Sutton. ...
Photography, 10 pages
2018 12 20
Goths. Goths - one of the largest and most powerful East Germanic tribes. Gothic fashion is a clothing style marked by conspicuously dark. Goths wearing black. Goths favourites musics Bauhaus. Thanks for attencion!
Culture, 6 pages
2018 12 20
Clothes company
High – quality clothes created „Nunu“. Manager. MISSION - to present quality, fashionably simple and reliable clothing. Company‘s mission, motto. Three dressmakers An accountant Leader (ORGANIzational structure. All of the"Nunu". ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 12 pages
2018 12 20
Presentation of a company Chocolate dream
Vilnius University of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Business Management. The beginning. “Chocolate dream“. Right now, the most famous chocolate boutique in Vilnius. The main struggle of a company. Organizational structure. Competitors. Thank ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 13 pages
2018 12 20
Custom ambient lightning for cars analysis
Macro economy analysis. Macro-environment analysis. Competitor analysis. Overview of existing competitors. Swot analysis for created product. Conclusions. Sources of information. Table 1 Factors determining the product (compiled by the author). ...
Marketing, 10 pages
2018 12 19
Marketing structure
Contents. Marketing structure. Marketing individual work. Part.
Marketing, 4 pages
2018 12 19
My dream car presentation
My dream car. It’s cheap car which feel on offroad like fish in the water. Strong as rock. Easy to reppair. Standart features. Special additional options. Performance. Inner beauty/ interior. Saafety. Analysis/conclusions.
Transport, 12 pages
2018 12 19
Three Mile Island Accident
First you should think of the consequences before taking any decision.You should always have auxiliary parts in case your machine brakes down.We should not make any conclusions before we know all the facts.Yesterday we bought ...
Engineering, 8 pages
2018 12 19
Public relations
What is it? Public relations is a strategic communication process companies. Functions of PR. Anticipating analysing. Types of PR. Media relations Investor relations Government relations Community relations Internal relations Customer relations ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2018 12 19
My Dream Car slides
My Dream Car. Reasons for choosing mercedes-benz c63 amg. The design is. Yesterday’s elegance. Produced by Daimler. Standard features. Engine. Special additional options. Panoramic Glass sunroof Keyless start Driving Assistance Package 360 ...
Transport, 10 pages
2018 12 19
Ebola virus: How countries cooperate on finding the cure and helping the affected countries?
Ebola virus How countries cooperate on finding the cure and helping the affected countries? Support to the West Africa. Collective action problem.
Medicine, 11 pages
2018 12 19
Sustainable design and methodology sustainable interior
Sustainable design and methodology sustainable interior. Made by 2018-05-01( internet source). Object Federal Center South Building. About building. Architects ZGF Architects Location Seatle Area 209000. 0 sq. ft Project year.  Federal Center ...
Design, 9 pages
2018 12 18
Sustainable design buildings
Sustainable design. Made by 2018-04. Sarasota county fire station no. Object information. Location Sarasota. Site Remediated contaminated. Energy Energy-efficient outdoor. Hurricane hardened fire. This fire station. Sources. Magazine Green ...
Design, 12 pages
2018 12 18
Chicken growing
Chicken growing. Introduction. Aim An overview of the keeping and care of chickens. Of the. The origin of chickens. The chicken is a type of domesticated fowl. Chicken types. Can be Meat chickens Layer chickens. Leghorn. Leghorn – most popular ...
Agriculture, 11 pages
2018 12 17
Steven Paul Jobs
Steven Paul Jobs. Industrial Designer Pramoninis Dizaineris. CEO Generalinis Direktorius. Visual Effects Vaizdiniai Efektai. Touch Based Jutiklinis. Manufacturer Gamintojas Sentences with those words.
Management, 7 pages
2018 12 17
Bullying project
Bullying. Is deliberate. The most important characteristics of bullying. Bullying involves intentional. The location and types of bullying. School In the yard home. Consequences of Bullying. Bullying is negative. The prevalence of bullying. ...
Psichology, 11 pages
2018 12 17
Men and women tastes in films and TV programs essay
Essay: men and women have different tastes in films and TV programs?
Film & Television, 1 page
2018 12 17
Film review „Peter Rabbit“ essay
Set in the present day, the action takes places in the countryside. The plot of the film is Peter's feud with Mr. McGregor (Domhnall Gleeson) escalates to greater heights than ever before as they rival for the affections of the warm-hearted ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2018 12 17
Share of women in national parliaments
The subject of my talk is share of women in national parliaments. I’d like to begin by commenting on the data of the graph. The provided bar chart shows the statistics of women in the national parliaments of some European countries in 1997 and ...
Politics, 1 page
2018 12 17
Being self-employed vs working for someone else
Beying self-employed vs working for someone else. Entrepreneur. Or. Advantages of being an employee. You do only the job for which you were hired. Disadvantages of being an employee. You might not be paid what you’re really worth. Advantages of ...
Career, 11 pages
2018 12 17
Ecology home work: questions and answers
My paper is number 1 and my topic is ecology. Now I will answer the questions belowI think that Lithuanian environmental problems - pollution of groundwater, air and soil, formation of hazardous waste. The objective of the current ...
Ecology, 2 pages
2018 12 17
Anti block system ABS slides
Vilnius college of technologies and design. Objectives. What is abs? Comparison with ABS and without it. ABS components. How it works? Evolution of ABS. Anti-lock Brakes Reduce Braking Distance. Motorcycle ABS. Double channel. Braking with ...
Transport, 22 pages
2018 12 17
Advertising merits and drawbacks essay
Similar to other forms of business and production promotion, advertising allows companies to have greater control over their messages and the potential to reach a large or targeted audience. Although advertising is considered as a very powerful ...
Social Media, 1 page
2018 12 17
Marketing: Promotion The marketing communication process
Marketing. Promotion. The marketing communication process. Marketing. Marketing meaning and the basic function. The marketing concept. The marketing mix. (4p’sThe marketing process. Market segmentation. Market segmentation benefits. Promotion. ...
Marketing, 20 pages
2018 12 17
Adidas: company services and the products it produces
Introduction. Work objective. About company. Adidas is a German multinational corporation. Company mision and vision. Mision – The. Products and services. The range of Adidas training hardware has been designed to increase speed. Adidas ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 13 pages
2018 12 17
The rainbow Case - decision
Rainbow Warrior case.1.The fact situation involves two parties France and New Zealand. In 1985 France sank (it means destroys) the British-registered Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior ( it was berthed in New Zealand) , that wanted to stop ...
Law, 1 page
2018 12 16
Basics of financial accounting
Account. Accounting. Attributes of Accounting. Functions. Users of Accounting Information. Branches of Accounting. Advantages. Limitations. Accounting Terminology. Basis of Accounting. Cash basis. Basis of Accounting. System of Accounting. ...
Accounting, 47 pages
2018 12 15
How to make interview more convincing?
How to make interview more convincing. Content. Definitions posture head posture mirroring hands arms and legs eye contact voice delivery. Definitions. INTERVIEW - a meeting of people face to face. Posture. Sit upright Be relaxed. Lean slightly ...
Sociology, 11 pages
2018 12 15