Walmart Company Organization And Management

Company Organization and Management. Students Teacher. The largest discount retailer in the world. Organization. Walmart provides over. Founder and President. The company was. Walmart international locations. . Former locations are shown in red. Walmart organizational and control chart. Swot. Strenghts. Critical Success Factors. Low prices in.
Walmart provides over 10,900 stores; 69 different brands; is located in 27 countries; the retailer is active in e-commerce and offers its products in 10 different countries via online sale; Walmart employs 2.
The company was founded by Sam Walton (1918 - 1992) Now Chief Executive Officer and President is Mike Duke.
Low prices in the market Great supply chain system Well-established brand name Quality customer services (take care of customers what is really important for them) Strong and unique culture to attract customer Ability to generate large sales Good logistics system Good work of organization managers.
- Management Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 845 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 9 pages (201 words)
- Dovydas