Value Chain Analysis

Support activities. Firm infrastructure. Organisational structure. Strategy. Human resource management. Culture. Management styles. Staff turnover. Motivation. Communication. Technology development. IT systems. Techonology in relation to production and stocks. Procurement. Strategy. Supplier search. Supplier selection. Supplier evaluation. Primary activities. Inbound logistics. Disposition. Inbound transport. Receipt of goods. Raw material stocks. Production/operations. Type of product. Customisation point. Production philosophy. Production management. Type of production processes. Production layout. Outbound logistics. Processing customer orders. Finished goods stocks. Pick and pack. Outbound transport. Marketing and sales. ABC-segmentation. Targeting. Differentiation strategy. Positioning. Marketing mix. Plc curve. Time to market. Aspects of time. Service. Returned goods. Complaints.

One of the employee in the juice squeezing team is a leader so they have line relationships.

All the information from employees travels through the leader to owner of the company Hyun.

(Market position (Ansoff/CSR), company strategy (Porter’s generic competitive strategies, Boston, generic SC strategies, logistics strategy, logistic efficiency)

Defying Ansoff matrix they are using market penetration because they are doing everything in the current market.

As it’s said in the text they have 50 different recipees for juices so they are using differentiation from porter’s generic strategies.

They are using agile because they have short lead time and unpredictable orders from customers.

They are using QRM because they have make to order. When they receive orders from the customers each days they start making them for another day. Also they have different variations of juices that makes it customizable and also they have high quality.

(Theories X and Y, Schein’s model of organisational and cultural leadership, Adizes, management styles, personality assessment)

They are using Theory X implemented management style with system 3 participative style.

The big five consistent trait clusters that capture the main dimensions of personality; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

High staff turnover because they have frequent employee changes in production because only the leader is Danish and other workers are from eastern europe.

The factors which led to job satisfaction were different from those which led to job dissatisfaction. Herzberg called this a ‘two factor theory of motivation’, the two sets of factors being motivator factors and hygiene factors.

Motivators are also known as (job) content factors, while hygiene factors are known as (organizational) context factors.

High technology in production lines and uses robots, or RFID in warehouse, Internet of things. All possible techonologies.

if you are not satisfied with the current supplier (leave the supplier and find another one)

help the supplier to get better e.g. place the order earlier or make forecasting.

  • Logistics Analysis
  • Microsoft Word 2239 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 21 page (1966 words)
  • College
  • Deividas
  • Value Chain Analysis
    10 - 3 votes
Value Chain Analysis. (September 22, 2020). Reviewed on 16:49, March 6 2025