Traffic Congestion With Solution
Traffic congestion with solution.
The first metro route is the Pilaitė-White Bridge, the most cost-effective and technically most easily implemented. It would start on the right bank of the Neris River and continue through Žvėrynas, Karoliniškės, Viršuliškės, Justiniškės to Pilaitė subdistrict. As the most frequent passenger flows occur at the junction of Justiniškių street and Laisvės avenue, it is proposed to start the metropolitan installation from the Pilaitė-White bridge.
The first stage of the construction phase is 7 km long
According to the Narbut street section, the Press-room-Pedagogical University ring in 2009 April 31 Daytime observation results showed that around 205 594 trips took place on various vehicles per day.