The Marriott International Company

Introduction. 3 2. Short definition about company. Marketing macro enviroment. Social, demographic enviroment. Cultural and education enviroment. Political and legal enviroment. Technological enviroment. Marketing enviroment. Customers. Competitors. Suppliers/Intermediaries. SWOT analysis. Conclusions and proposals. References.
We live in the 21st century, where are dominate technologies, innovations, improving the quality of life and nowadays people are more and more traveling for leisure, holidays and work goals. Hotel it is the perfect opportunity to make their lives easier. Often the hotel offers not only accomondation services but also many other services, providing comfort, relaxation, which gives customers a lasting impression. We choose Marriott international hotel chain, because we living in global word and we are studying wellness and we are interested in tourism industry. We want to know more about this expanding company, because we know, that the Marriott brand is strong and known around the world and that is the one of largest hotels chain in the world.
Writing about this company face with difficulties: we found not so much information about company customers, intermediaries, competitors.
Marriott International takes responsible for business. They helps to create opportunities to their stakeholders, including their associates, guests, hotel owners and local communities. They also continue to drive meaningful results benefitting youth, global diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, responsible sourcing and support for human rights. For example, Marriott Hotel and business council makes contributions to youth in 2015, they giving for youth 1,98 $ million cash in – kind. 277, 000 + volunteer hours. They do commitments to youth across the globe: 20, 000 youth have skills – based training has benefitted. 2,200 + students and teachers engaged with Courtyard by Marriott. 6,000+ having career opportunities etc.
Global diversity and inclusion. Marriott International have more than 25 years of global diversity and inclusion a history of putting people first. They spend with Diverse Suppliers more than &5B from 2003 – 2015, and 2014 they become Corporation of the year – National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC). They have empowering women and diverse leadership: 36 % of board of directions positions held by women. Also they made progress with North American vendors: 93 % of Marriott’s contracted suppliers have a sustainability policy. 2015 furniture, fixtures and equipment spending with suppliers committed to sustainability 78 %, chemical reduction – 35 %, reducing, reusing and recycling packaging – 69 %, conservation – 33 %. Good thing is that, that they care travel and tourism’s contribution to global: 9,8 % of GPD 2015 gross domestic product. 284 million jobs. In total, travel & tourism generated & 7,2 trillion. So they spend a lot of money and a lot of time for social and demographic things, and it is one of the good profits reason.