Sodium And Potassium Content Determination In Gatorade Sports Drink By Flame Photometry

Sodium and potassium content determination in Gatorade Sports Drink by Flame Photometry.

Figure 1. Schematic Representation of flame photometer (Pharma Tutor 2015)

1000ppm (mg.l-1) stock standard solution was given of sodium and potassium, from which the working standard solutions were prepared. The standard of sodium and potassium were prepared in a range from 0-20mgl-1, by series of dilutions. The flame photometer, Corning 410, was set up as described in the instruction manual (223BMS Mini-projects sheet). The sodium filter was selected and standard 20ppm, which is 2ml in 100ml, was chosen to adjust the sensitivity control, which obtained a reading of 100. Then the blank (deionized water) was introduced to the photometer for the zero control to obtain zero reading. This step was made twice to achieve the accuracy and good readings. The same procedure was made with potassium filter, using 20ppm standard solution, prepared from the 1000ppm stock solution and deionized water was used as diluent. Every standard was made in to the 50ml volumetric flask. 0(blank), 5, 10, 15, 20 (ppm) standards were made up to the mark with deionized water and have been measured by flame photometer three times. Calibration curve was produced according to these readings. The sample solutions were made from Monster Rehab energy drink, to determine the K and Na concentrations. Potassium was diluted by 1/20 dilution factor (5ml in 100ml). The K and Na sample was filtered into 25ml volumetric flask, before introduced in to the instrument to avoid any large uneven particulates, which can block the nebulizer. However, sodium sample was diluted by 1/50 dilution factor (2ml in 100ml). Both samples were measured three times to achieve the accuracy of the results. The emission of the samples was recorded, and calibration curve was produced to determine the concentration of each sample.

First of all, the standard solutions were prepared from the 1000ppm (mg.l-1) in a range of 0-20mgl-1. The dilution values in the standards are shown in Table 1. Also the Na and K sample solutions were diluted as well. Sodium was diluted 1:50 and potassium was diluted 1:20.

  • Chemistry Laboratory works
  • Microsoft Word 172 KB
  • 2015 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 8 pages (2198 words)
  • Laura
  • Sodium and potassium content determination in Gatorade Sports Drink by Flame Photometry
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Sodium and potassium content determination in Gatorade Sports Drink by Flame Photometry. (December 31, 2015). Reviewed on 14:06, March 6 2025