Presentations (51)
The great white shark. This is the most dangerous animal in the wordl. Main body Fermale great white sharks can grow to about 15 feet long. Habitat Great whites can be found in warm shallow bays in many countries. White shark’s Food All sharks ...
Biology, 6 pages
2018 01 23
The History of Afghanistan. Click or just sit back and watch. Afghanistan has been an area wrapped in violence. ,000 BCE – 1500 BCE. Historians have found early human settlement. Bce – 652 bce. Zoroaster introduces religion of Zoroastrianism. ...
History, 12 pages
2018 02 22
The history of tobacco advertising. Content. Origins. The history of tobacco advertising in the UK. The 19th century. The 20th century. Three key moments in the history of tobacco marketing to women. Thank you for your time!
Marketing, 13 pages
2018 11 30
Individual Work. When did it all begin? Volkswagen was founded on 1937 in Berlin. What was during the Second World War? During the Second World War, the factory produced cars for the German army. Production. About 50,000 cars were produced in ...
Transport, 10 pages
2019 02 21
The influence of the media and society. How many ways media had influenced the society. Content. Introducion. Media - is. Positive effects. The media helps common people to exchange information. Negative effects. Some news given. Survey ‚. * ...
Social Media, 11 pages
2019 04 15
The inventions that changed the world. Erik Freidenzon Maksim Nosovich. What are the inventions that changed the world? That's a tough question to answer. Tools. They allow humans to cut and craft things. The printing press. Johannes Gutenberg, a ...
Technology, 8 pages
2021 06 11
The law of electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinės indukcijos dėsnis. Remember /Prisiminkime. Induced electric current. Indukuotosios srovės stipris. The law of electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinės indukcijos dėsnis. Induced emf ...
Physics, 7 pages
2022 04 03
The main assumptions of The European Plan for Aviation Safety. What is the European Plan for Aviation Safety. Systemic Issues. Among the systemic. Operational Issues. The operational issues. These scenarios represent. Emerging Issues. Actions to ...
Transport, 8 pages
2020 05 03
The Major Discoveries That Could Transform the World. Project Content. A universal flu vaccine Bigger, better mini-brains Finding the axion. A universal flu vaccine. The universal flu shot, which has eluded scientists for decades. "It has sort. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2020 12 18
The Marketing Mix. Aim and objectives. Product. The Product Life Cycle. The price of the product will depend on. Place. Promotion. Promotional Mix. In conclusion. E-sources.
Marketing, 17 pages
2018 04 03
The McDonald‘s Company. Aim and goals. History. The company‘s activities. Mission. Vision. Values. The Headquarters. Management structure. Career ar McDonald‘s. Departments. Hamburger University. Annual sales. S. W. O. T. The company's ...
Companies, 18 pages
2018 01 09
The most interesting professions. "World of Warcraft" Game Tester. Wine Taster and Blogger. Professional Zombie. Lego sculptor. Chocolate Consultant. Luxury Bed Tester. Waterslide Tester. Candy Taster. Paradise Island Caretaker. Hotel Reviewer. ...
Career, 13 pages
2020 06 07
The negative impact of social networks. Content. Depression and Anxiety. Bullying. Fomo. Unrealistic Expectations. Negative Body Image. Unhealthy Sleep Patterns. General Addiction. Short Films Review. Discussion. How would you rate the impact ...
Social Media, 18 pages
2019 11 26
The passive. The 20th of November,2020 Friday. We use an. Passives with modals, infinitives and gerunds. Modal passives. Passive infinitives and gerunds. We use to. Passive verbs. Verbs with and without objects. Verbs with two objects. We can ...
Languages, 15 pages
2021 06 20
The person I admire is Gordon James Ramsay. Gordon Ramsay was. Ramsay is married. Ramsay is known for presenting TV programmes about competitive cookery and food. He admire me with being completely ruthless and striving for complete perfection. ...
People, 8 pages
2020 10 15
The Picture of Dorian Gray. By Oscar Wilde. Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde 16 October 1854 - 30 November 1900 (aged 46) Dublin. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s. Wilde's parents were Anglo-Irish intellectuals ...
Art, 13 pages
2021 01 12
The practices and usefulness of mediation in family dispute crimes. The meaning and significance of mediation in law. Comparing ideas and summarise. Comparing ideas and sumamrise. Comparing ideas and summarise. Analysis. References.
Law, 14 pages
2019 11 25
The reforms of financial services provision in the EU after 2008 financial crisis. Relevance The financial crisis of 2008 made situation in financial. Aim Determine the impact. Tasks Determine elements a. Task 1 the Elements of a financial ...
Economy & Finance, 31 page
2018 02 19
The role of fashion/style/image in human culture. What is fashion? Who dictates fashion? What is style? What's the difference between style and fashion? Why is so important to have own style? Who helps to create style? Importance of person ...
Art, 10 pages
2019 03 17
The role of values in a young person‘s life. Inexperienced people. Friends. Friends have a big influence on the life of a young person. Love. When you "Love". Youthful maximalism. Everything is either. Think the young people value what they are ...
Psichology, 10 pages
2019 04 20
The Rusko logistic company. Vilnius. UAB rusko experience. Is a company. RUSKO can offer some of the best prices in the transportation market. Shipment delivery by its own transport in Europe (Poland. UAB “RUSKO’’ activities. “RUSKO” ...
Logistics, 14 pages
2022 05 06
Why I chose The Simpsons? The Content Of The Show. The main characters. The main topics. Music. Education. Society & lifestyle. Enviroment. The Beginning Of The Simpsons. The Evolution Of Simpsons. Some Facts About The Simpsons. Movie. Simpsons ...
Film & Television, 21 page
2018 10 04
The Smartwatch. What is the Smartwatch? History of the Smartwatches. The Modern Smartwatch. Impact on Life. Features. Examples of Smartwatch Developers. Apple Smartwatch. Samsung Galaxy Gear. Pebble Smartwatch. Smartwatch Users. The Future of ...
Technology, 18 pages
2018 03 17
Project work. The Solar System. Jupiter. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. Facts about Jupiter Jupiter has the Great Red Spot. Surrounding Jupiter is a faint planetary ring system and a powerful ...
Astronomy, 7 pages
2022 03 31
The Sugar Act. Index. Basic Information. Background Information. What was the Purpose of the Sugar Act? . Important People and Quotes. Why did it anger the Colonists. Sources. The Ultimate Panel Game Inquiry Contest . (a test of knowledge). ...
History, 9 pages
2018 02 19
The Swiss Family Robinson. The Swiss Family Robinson is a novel written by Johann David Wyss. Interesting fact. The book was written by Johann Dawid Wyss. Characters. William – The patriarch of the Robinson family. The book is about. A family ...
Languages, 8 pages
2020 06 08
Communication Skills. Immediacy Behaviours. Study One. Communication Skill. Immediacy. Study One results. Study Two. Communication skills. Immediacy. Learning. Motivation. Study Two Results. Why referential skills and ego support is important?
Education, 31 page
2022 05 22
The Treadway Tire Company Job Dissatisfaction and High Turnover at the Lima Tire Plant. SW Analysis. Strengths. Two Factor Theory Motivators and hygiene factors. Two Factor Theory. Advantages & Disadvantages of factors. Motivators (Internal) and ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2020 04 26
Contents. Glossary. What is milk? Why milk is beneficious? What mammals drink milk? Can everyone drink milk? Why drinking milk can be a bad thing? Lactose intolerance. Milk allergy. Acne. Hormones in milk may cause cancer. Milk industry. Milk ...
Health & Nutrition, 25 pages
2021 01 27
The use of articles with uncountable nouns General info with abstract nouns. Abstract noun. Abstract Uncountable Nouns. The uncountable form. *When some. *In general uncountable. *The definite article is used when unc. * The indefinite. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2017 12 19