Presentations (49)

3352 documents
Strategic sourcing
Strategic soursing. Content. Introduction Strategic Sourcing Concepts Strategic sourcing principles The Strategic Sourcing Methodology. Strategic sourcing. Strategic sourcing is the process of developing channels of supply at the lowest total. ...
Management, 6 pages
2018 10 04
Street dance: Hip hop presentation PPT
Street dance. Hip hop. One is a. Dancers clothes. Dancers clothes are. Dance moves. Dance performed fast, clear, distinct hand movements. Hip hop music. Rap music and beatbox helps to convey the hip hop dance. Thank you for attention! ! !
Art, 7 pages
2019 01 20
Stress management
Stress management. Content. What is stress? Causes and outcomes of stress How to control. Causes and outcomes of stress. Causes Physical, Social or psychological factors Outcomes Stress changes people behavior. How to control? Physical activity ...
Psichology, 6 pages
2019 11 20
Stroke presentation
Stroke. Content. Introduction Terms Statistics Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Prevention Conjugation with occupational therapy Sources. Introduction. Stroke – blood flow to brain obstructed – lack of O2 in brain. Terms. Stroke – insultas ...
Medicine, 21 page
2018 03 17
Subculture - Skinheads slides
Skinheads. What are skinheads? Skinheads are a subculture that originated among working class youths in London. Origin. Skinhead origins begin in Britain in the mid to late 1960's. Attitude. Skinheads have a more serious attitude to life. Hair. ...
Culture, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Successful achiever
Successful achiever. Gabe Logan Newell. Gabe Logan Newell. Achievments. Inspired by Michael. Why? Gabe Newell is the creator of one of my favorite games. Questions. Gabe’s. Answers. “Gaben”. Billion US$.
Self Improvement, 6 pages
2020 01 30
Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami
2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami. Sulawesi is one of the main islands of Indonesia. On 28 September, a magnitude earthquake struck Central Sulawesi. Consequences. The damage to homes, buildings and critical infrastructure is widespread. The ...
Geography, 12 pages
2020 04 29
Sumerian civilization
Sumerian civilization. Sumerian. Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern mesopotamia. Location. This particular civilization had a perfect location for agriculture. Because of Tigris and Euphrates the ...
History, 9 pages
2019 10 24
Surrealism painting and artists presentation
Painting. Surrealism. Today I want to talk about. Surrealism origin Surrealist artists Surrealism exclusivity Why did I choose to talk about surrealism. Surrelism origin. Surrealism was a movement that sprung to light in the 20th century. ...
Art, 8 pages
2022 03 31
Survival kit presentation PPT
Survival kit. How much water each person should have in the Survival Kit? Foods To Keep in Your Emergency Kit. What should I keep in my first aid kit? What other items should be in the Survival Kit? What kind of container should people use for ...
Engineering, 8 pages
2022 07 02
Sustainable design and methodology sustainable interior
Sustainable design and methodology sustainable interior. Made by 2018-05-01( internet source). Object Federal Center South Building. About building. Architects ZGF Architects Location Seatle Area 209000. 0 sq. ft Project year.  Federal Center ...
Design, 9 pages
2018 12 18
Sustainable design buildings
Sustainable design. Made by 2018-04. Sarasota county fire station no. Object information. Location Sarasota. Site Remediated contaminated. Energy Energy-efficient outdoor. Hurricane hardened fire. This fire station. Sources. Magazine Green ...
Design, 12 pages
2018 12 18
Sweden presentation
Sweden. Stockholm. Lifestyles of the Past. Lifestyles of the Present Day. Health Care - Organization. Patient Fees. Care for Elderly. Maternity. Criticism of health care system. Biotechnology. Sweden’s Nutrition. Sweden’s Nutritional History. ...
Geography, 29 pages
2020 11 30
Swimming sport presentation
Swimming. Swimming (sportSwimming is an. History. Swimming emerged as a competitive recreational activity in the 1830s in England. Rūta Meilutytė. She is my. My expierence in swimming. Like swimming. Questions. Where. Thanks for listening!
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2019 10 09
Syenite, Phonolite, Ijolite, Carbonatite, Ultramafic Rocks and Lamprophyre
Intrusive Igneous Rocks, part. General Intrusive Rocks Classification. Position on IUGS Diagram. Syenite. Syenite Mineralogy. Syenite Photomicrograph. Syenite Hand Specimen Photo. Alkali Syenite. Alkali Syenite Mineralogy. Nepheline Syenite. ...
Geology, 59 pages
2017 12 19
T. Wizytówka
T. Wizytówka. Cel. Zapoznać się co to jest wizytówka. Wizytówka – wydruk małego formatu z informacją i danymi kontaktowymi. Program Microsoft Office. Podstawowe elementy wizytówki. Na wizytówkach powinny. Tworzenie wizytówki. Z wyboru ...
Technology, 7 pages
2021 01 12
Taal volcanic eruption
Taal volcanic eruption. Lusonas is the biggest island in the Philippines and that’s where volcano erupted. Taalo volcano erupted in. The Volcanic lava burned everything that was 10 kilometres around it. That day died about 1335 people. Taal is ...
Geography, 7 pages
2018 10 04
Table mountain presentation
Table mountain. It is in South Africa, Cape Town. How did it appear? Festive Blues Summit. You can listen. What is it famous for? Its famous for the unusual flat surface at the top. Quiz. What was the name of the festive? Blues Summit. Where is ...
Geography, 12 pages
2020 06 10
Takeover: Microsoft
Takeover. What is takeover? In business. Today i will talk about one of the largest mergers of all time. Microsoft. Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company with headquarters in Redmond. Microsoft logo history. ...
Technology, 12 pages
2020 11 27
Tamara Bach Vierzehn slides
Tamara Bach. Vierzehn. Gliederung. Inhaltsangabe Erzählstil Botschaft Interpretation Kurz über die Autorin Meine persönliche Meinung. Inhaltsangabe. Ein Tag im. Erzählstil. Du-Perspektive Kurze Sätze, leere Stellen Unwissenheit Kein ...
People, 10 pages
2019 12 30
Tango presentation
Tango. Tango dance is. Tango music. Tango music developed at the same time as the tango dance. Tango clothing. Modern tango dresses are very sensual - short. Tango choreography. All tango styles. Thanks for your attention.
Art, 8 pages
2020 04 27
Taxes presentation
Taxes. Content. Key tenets of tax system. Main principles of tax administration. Tax administration. Main types of taxes. Sugar surplus levy. Consular tax. Gained Taxes use. Tax evasion. Tax avoidance. Tax planning. Fun and interesting facts ...
Economy & Finance, 23 pages
2018 10 04
Teaching strategies
Teaching strategies. To promote physical (both gross and fine motor) development. Teaching strategies. To promote cognitive development. Teaching strategies. Teaching strategies. To promote social development. Children at all ages changing ...
Education, 18 pages
2021 01 28
Technology which creates slippery - Liquiglide presentation
Liquiglide. Project. What is liquiglide? Creation of Liquiglide. It took two. Where and how it can be used? It can be.
Chemistry, 6 pages
2018 12 05
Teen Tribes: Goths presentation PPT
Teen Tribes. Goths. What do they look like? They wear black. What music do they listen to? They listen to. Their favorite colors. A little bit about them.
Culture, 6 pages
2019 01 17
Teenagers pregnancies in Europe
Teenagers pregnancies in Europe. Teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is. What are the causes of teen pregnancy? The lack of. Sex education in the UK. The United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy across Europe. The British ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2019 10 15
Teeth brushing brushes and toothpaste
Brushing brushes, toothpaste. Contents. Glossary. Toothbrushes. Types of toothbrushes. Manual toothbrushes. Toothpaste. Components. Toothbrushig. Twice a day. - fluoride paste. - 2 minutes. - soft-bristled brush. - gentle pressure. Brushing ...
Medicine, 23 pages
2019 10 06
Telecommunications presentation
All telecommunications comes down to. Processors and Control Software. Terminal. Processors and Control Software. Terminal. Media. How are infrastructures. Let’s talk. Want to talk to someone else. TCircuit switched” Dedicated line. Company ...
Communication, 69 pages
2017 12 19
Television advertisement and their effects: facts
Television advertisement and their effect facts. Impact on the viewers. Effective advertising. Gender stereotypes. Positive effects of advertisement on children. Negative effects of advertisement on children. Thank you for your attention.
Social Media, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Telia company
Plan. About Telia. What offer Telia. Talia meterials. Why Telia? What offer telia? What are the telia materials? Why choose us? Telia mobile services. More value for that. Telia Mobile Internet on smart technologies. Our visions. Our goals are to ...
Companies, 12 pages
2017 12 19