Orlen Company

Orlen Lietuva. ORLEN Lietuva Industry oil products Headquarters- Juodeikiai. Orlen Lietuva (ex. History. June. Awards & distinctions. Public Company ORLEN Lietuva is one of the largest companies in the region. Orlen Lietuva awards. Product of the Year 2006-2007. Exporter of the Year 2004. Modernization and Investments. Modernization in the oil refining business is one of the key factors. Business Philosophy. The Company is. Social Responsibility. The environment protection is one of ORLEN Lietuva’s priorities. Environmental. Public Company ORLEN Lietuva gives exclusive attention to environmental issues. Principles of Social Responsibility. ORLEN Lietuva cares about society around it. Work Safety. Public company orlen. Fire of. On October.
- Companies Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3949 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 13 pages (433 words)
- Arune