
Introduction. Profile of activities. Structure of administration. Development and history. Interesting facts about the company. Number of employees. Partnership. Swot analysis. Production. Nike’s production’s examples. Location and branches. Annual profit. Prospects. Conclusions. References.
AIM: Our aim is to improve public speeking and communication skills, deepen professional knowledge and develop a professional vocabulary in English, also introduce for the audience and expand knowledge about our company „Nike“.
From 1983-1984, Phil Knight stepped down as president;
The biggest world’s sport goods, clothes and athletic footwear company “Nike” in 2014 year reached 384 million profit, but 18% less than year before. Despite that, the profit is bigger than it was thought to be. USA company said that reaching the better-than-expected results was helped by strong sales in North America and do not increase the cost of marketing. The company's income during the comparative period grew 7.4% to 5.96 billion. USD. It is forecasted that in the third quarter, which ends in February, Nike's revenue will grow 4.7%, to 6.12 billion USD.
create greater innovation which can help NIKE to produce unique product and services that meet customer’s needs;
expand their business and diversify their portfolio of product and services;
create new services, help better meet their customer’s needs.
In the long run, this presentation was very useful for us, because we expanded our dictionary, knowledge about NIKE company, improved our communications skills. primary-stakeholders-and-charities/ taken on November 5th