Nestle Company PowerPoint

As the world leading company in bottled water. Drinking Water for a Healthy Lifestyle. At Nestlé Waters. Nestle watertm. Target Urban middle and upper middle class consumers. Nestlé Strategic Roadmap. Nestle’s water Competitors. In Europe. Further strong growth came from the international premium sparkling brands Perrier and S. Financial review. Propose for Nestle. “Tichė” benefits. One of the healthiest water, with a lot of minerals. Payment plan. Possible to pay off nestle water profit whole amount. Thanks for attention!
Target: Urban middle and upper middle class consumers.
One of the healthiest water, with a lot of minerals, from the deepest water reservoir in Europe. Every year „Tichė“ has ~38mln. Eur. Sales amount. Total value 298.2 mln. eur. Popular in North Europe It has 2 kinds of water (carbonated and still) more customers 1l price is less than 1eur. Easy to concentrate to middle class customers Easy to expand the company through the whole Europe or to the other parts of world. Nestle could increase sales amount in Europe per 38 mln. Eur. Per year.
Possible to pay off nestle water profit whole amount. Nestle profit 946mln.CHF (815mln.eur).
- Companies Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1235 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 16 pages (345 words)
- University
- Justinas