Nano Technologies

Summary. Introduction. History of nanotechnologies. Nanotechnology Applications A Variety of Uses. Medicine. Electronics. Displays. Military battle suits. Nanofabrics. Liquid Body Armor. Energy applications. Food. Space. Computer chips. Everyday materials and Processes. Nanotechnology-Powered Products. Composites Keep Beer Fresh. Nanoparticles Give Power Tools More Juice. Gold Nanoparticles Make Genetic Tests User-Friendly. Bits of Palm-Tree Wax Hide the Streaks on Your Ride. Semiconductor Nanoparticles Make Printing Solar Cells Affordable. Gold Nanoparticles Make Pregnancy Tests Easy to Read. Clay Coating Keeps the Air in Tennis Balls. Aluminosilicate Nanoparticles Stop Bleeding in a Hurry. The future of Nanotechnology. Doctors inside your body. Sensors, sensors, everywhere. Self healing structures. Making big data possible. Tackling climate change. Security. Advantages and Disadvantages of Nanotechnology. Advantages of nanotechnology. Disadvantages of nanotechnology. Conclusions. Vocabulary. References.
- Technology Papers
- Microsoft Word 48 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 19 pages (6571 words)
- College
- Maxlt