Medicine (3)

196 documents
Initial assessment and treatment with the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach
Abstract. Introduction. Which patients need ABCDE? Abcde principles. The abcde approach. A – Airway is the airway patent? B – Breathing is the breathing sufficient? C – Circulation is the circulation sufficient? D – Disability what is the ...
Medicine, 14 pages
2020 04 30
Legalising medical drugs: floodgates for new users or relieving pain?
Legalising medical drugs floodgates for new users or relieving pain? The plan. Key concepts. Status quo. Balance view, supporting evidence for. Balance view, supporting evidence against. Cross points. My point of view. Future tend. Thank you for ...
Medicine, 10 pages
2022 02 06
Life and death in ICU around the world
Life and death in ICUs around the world. An intubated patient. Nurse Leah Silver. Nurse Ashlee Davis. Hospital staff do. The video feed. Medical workers treat. COVID-19 patient Theresa. A nurse cares. Brandel Janke and. A medical worker. Paula ...
Medicine, 58 pages
2020 12 23
Lung cancer
Lung cancer. Content. Vocabulary Definition Symptoms Causes Types of lung cancer Complications Treatment Prevention Exercises. Vocabulary. Small cell lung. Definition. Lung cancer, also known as lung carcinoma. Symptoms. The main symptoms. ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2021 02 17
Manier's disease presentation
Meniere’s disease. The plan of presentation. Definition. Etiology. Epidemiology. Anatomy. Pathophysiology. A tetrad of symptoms. Stages. Diagnosis. Other diagnostic methods. The aim of treatment is to. Treatment. Surgery. Prognosis. Prevention. ...
Medicine, 24 pages
2020 11 23
Medical deaths Deaths from medical errors slides PPT
Deaths from medical errors. Slaugos katedra Svmf. A medical error is a preventable adverse effect of care. Types of Medical Errors. Adverse drug reactions Medication. Recent studies of. Medical errors causes. Medical errors are associated with ...
Medicine, 7 pages
2019 01 17
Medical services essay
It goes without saying, nowadays we couldn’t imagine our lives without medical service as every person will definitely need to use it at some point in one’s life.To begin with, concerning my own physical condition, I’d give myself 10 ...
Medicine, 1 page
2018 10 09
Medicine slides on Sunburn
Sunburn. Terms Causes of sunburn Degrees of sunburn. Tissue Fever Nausea Fatigue Charred Numb Remedy Blister Soothe Soak. Sunburn is a form of radiation burn that affects living tissue. Causes of sunburn. A first-degree sunburn. Red, sore and ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2020 04 19
Migraine presentation
Migraine. Introduction Theoretical background Aim of. Content. Migraine is a. What is migraine? Headache pain occurred on one side of the head. Symptoms. This analysis is. Theoretical background. The research conducted in the USA in. Effective ...
Medicine, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Motivation letter: Biomedical studies
In tenth grade I've done an annual project work on the survey: „Ophthalmology. Eye disease. Contact lenses and it tendencies of the 15 18 year old gymnasium students.“ The purpose of the work was to evaluate the knowledge of contact lenses ...
Medicine, 1 page
2019 01 09
Nanotechnology presentation
What is nanotechnology? Premodern examples of nanotechnology. , talk given by physicist Richard Feynman. Scale of nanomaterials. The Scanning Tunneling Microscope. (STMFirst nanoparticles. Fun facts. Examples of nanotechnology consumer products. ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2019 04 29
Needs of People in Health Care
Relevant groups of people in need of health care. Care needs of your chosen client. Feeding a Client. Levels of assistance required. Care of the elderly living at home. THE basic needs in life. Prevention of pressure sores , hygiene needs of ...
Medicine, 17 pages
2020 04 04
Neural network slides
Intelligent systems. Continent. What is a neural network? Neurons + synapses = nn. Variety of neural networks. What are they used for? How to make that nn give right answers? Some examples of machine learning. Fuzzy logic. Traditional logic s. ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2018 10 04
New treatments for cancer
A new treatments for cancer. /05/. Cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. Radiation therapies. Radiation therapies are. Hyperthermia therapy. Hyperthermia Therapy is. Gene therapy. The basis of. Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2020 06 10
Nutrition and herbal medicine
Nutrition proper nutrition. Malnutrition blogas matinimas. Goitre striuma gūžys. Iron deficiency anaemia. Undernutrition malnutrition )(. Susceptibility to coronary heart disease. Elevated blood pressure. Cardiovascular related premature. ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2020 06 09
Organ donation slides
Organ donation. Outline. About organ donation Organs and tissues can be transplanted Types of donation Organ donor. Aim. To prove that one donor can save many lives. Transplants can save or greatly enhance the lives of other people. Organs and ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2019 05 20
Pandemic presentation
Pandemic. Cholera. Cholera Outbreak. Cholera in today’s world. Spanish Influenza Outbreak. Spanish Influenza. Swine Flu- 2009 H1N. Immune Response. How does the Immune System recognize pathogens that don’t belong there? Immune System. ...
Medicine, 18 pages
2020 12 23
Parents' experiences of caring for sons and daughters with schizophrenia
Parents' experiences of. Key words. Schizophrenia Carers Coping Social support. Introduction / Previous studies. Research findings indicate. The aim. To investigate the experiences of a group of parents in detail and. Method. Sample. Participants ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2019 02 18
Parents' experiences of caring for sons and daughters with schizophrenia: a qualitative analysis of coping
Parents' experiences of. Key words. Introduction / Previous studies. The aim. Method. Sample. Method. Clinical symptoms and coping strategies. Resources available to carers. Social support. Self-help groups. Mental health services. Discussion. ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Parkinson's disease slides
Parkinson's disease. Content. Word map. Definition. Symptoms. Causes. Risk factors. Stages of parkinson’s disease. Treatment. Medications. Physiotherapy. Prevention. Whole Body Vibration Versus Conventional Physiotherapy to Improve Balance and ...
Medicine, 18 pages
2020 06 09
Periodontitis disease essay
So as you already chose this profession, you already know main problems and diseases of oral health. One of them is periodontitis. In my language, first of all I will tell you what is periodontitis, then tell you what are signs and main signals ...
Medicine, 1 page
2018 10 24
Physiological processes of the organism: Pain
Physiological processes of the organism. Pain. Presentation aim is to introduce physiological processes of the organism – pain. Pain is physical. Pain distaction. Sometimes it takes. Pain measurement scale. Types of pain. Acute pain Sudden. ...
Medicine, 14 pages
2021 01 19
Physiotherapy during a pandemic
Research proposal physiotherapy during a pandemic background. Methods of analysis.
Medicine, 1 page
2021 02 27
Plastic surgery essay
Plastic surgery is done for serious injuries. For example, my sister had plastic knee surgery. She had an injury last summer and doctors had no other option just to have surgery. It was a plastic surgery because doctors took some of her shins and ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 04 03
Plastic surgery: pros and cons essay
As we unfolded a new era of medicine, the branch of plastic surgeries followed the trend as well. Beauty standards change from century to century, dictating how people should look. In the XXI century, people look at plastic surgery for a short ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 03 14
Pneumonia presentation
Pneumonia. Content. Vocabulary Pneumonia definition Causes of. Vocabulary. Nausea Fever Bacteremia Renal failure Pus Cough Shortness of breath Mucus Infection. Definition. Pneumonia - lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection. ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2020 04 09
Premature Birth essay
Any birth that takes places before the 37th week of pregrancy is considered premature. Depending on how early the baby was born he or she may be late preterm (34-36weeks), moderately preterm (32-34weeks), very preterm (32weeks) or extremely ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 01 14
Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription Drug Abuse An Introduction. Overview. Prescription Drug Misuse (DefinitionsOpioid Dependence vs. Chronic Pain Managed with Opioids? Aberrant Medication-Taking Behavior. Addiction Abuse/Dependence. Which Prescription Medications Are ...
Medicine, 30 pages
2020 06 08
Presentation about Alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption. What is Alcohol? What is alcohol? Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in wine. People start drinking alcohol for this 10 reasons. For. To. Because. Alcohol React. Why do some people react ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2019 01 06
Presentation about Bulimia
Bulimia. Marija l. Iiia. Content. What is bulimia? Symptoms of bulimia What causes bulimia? Treatment for bulimia. A mental illness  large. Symptoms of bulimia. Problems with the. Thoughts and feelings. Therapy Self-help and support groups ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2019 04 03