Languages (8)

516 documents
Nouns slides
Nouns. Singular and plural nouns. S -es -ies -ves Irregular nouns. A life. S -es (-s,-ss,-sh, -ch,-o,-x,-z). Tourists enjoy shopping at the British Museum. People things. Counting uncountables. A bar of a. Countable and uncountable nouns. ...
Languages, 8 pages
2020 11 16
Nuclear power plant essay
Atominės elektrinės paprastai laikomos bazinės apkrovos stotimis, nes kuras sudaro nedidelę gamybos sąnaudų dalį ir todėl, kad jų negalima lengvai ar greitai išskirstyti. Jų eksploatavimo, priežiūros ir degalų sąnaudos yra ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 04
Opinion essay For-and-against essay
Essays. Opinion essay. For-and-against essay. Opinion essay. Are ebook readers. Should students choose to study science in secondary schools? Opinion essay. For-and-against essay (balanced essayFor-and-against essay (one-sided (vienašališkas) ...
Languages, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Opinion essay: Linking words/phrases
Opinion essay. Introduction. How to begin. A general statement? Generalising. Thesis statement. Giving opinions. Introduction. It is important not to make over-generalisations. Body paragraphs. Body paragraph (structureLinking words. (to start ...
Languages, 17 pages
2018 12 28
Osama bin Laden slides
Osama bin Laden. Early life. School. At school he studied economics and business administration. First crimes. In 1988 Osama bin laden formed a group of people that called themselves ‘al-Qaeda’. September 11 attack (9/11On 2001 september. /. ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Our favorite celebrities presentation
Our favorite celebrities. Emma Rose Roberts. Emma Rose Roberts is an American actress and singer. Her parents separated when she was a baby. Roberts began dating. She is now. Emilia Clarke. Emilia is an English actress. She studied at the Drama ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Passive and causative
Will have given. Perfect ing form Having given. Present Perfect Continuous. Past Perfect Continuous. Transitive verbs have , fit be the right size , suit , resemble. By + agent. With + instrument material ingredient. They , he , someone somebody ...
Languages, 3 pages
2018 10 31
Passive voice example
The Passive Voice To Be + Ved IIIf. Present simple V / /- es don’t / doesn’t +. Am is / are + past participle Ved / Present continuous am is are Ving. Am is are + being + Ved / Was / were + past Ved / Past continuous was / were + Ving. Was ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 02 04
Passive voice project
Passive voice. How to make the Passive in English. Exercise Change the active sentence into the passive. Make correct passive phrases. Mind the tenses in brackets. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice. Rewrite the sentences in Passive voice.
Languages, 16 pages
2020 12 22
Past simple presentation
In. Last week. Yesterday. Years ago. In. Last year. Simple past tense. He She It We You They. Was/wasn’t at school yesterday. Was. Were. You He She It We You They. Worked in the garden yesterday. Didn’t play tennis last weekend. Didn’t ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
People, The media, Health, Natural world, Work and industry, The night, The weather
People, The media, Health, Natural world, Work and industry, The night, The weather.
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 08
Persuasive Speech: Analysis of Racial Stereotyping
Persuasive Speech: Analysis of Racial Stereotyping.
Languages, 4 pages
2020 09 22
Phrases for letters
Referring to their news. Thank you / Congratulations / Good Luck. Making suggestions and recommend. Reason for writing. Referring to their letter.
Languages, 3 pages
2020 11 11
Plans for multiple essays
Introduction: Crimes are being committed everywhere in the world every day.1st argument: Bringing back the death penalty could help.Support: Potential criminals would get frightened.So what: Crime would reduce, tax payers money could be invested ...
Languages, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Poppy day
Poppy day. Every year, the month of November in England in bloom in the poppy seeds.
Languages, 2 pages
2018 10 04
Poster competition
B: In my humble opinion they can presenting not just cities, but also small towns, even villages that has an interesting history because we need to appreciate what we have, we also need diversity in this competition.A: Oh this is totally ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 03 20
Praktische Aufgaben und Fragen: Warum, wieso, wer und wo?
Praktische Aufgaben und Fragen. Warum , wieso , wer und wo? Ergänzen Sie die Aussagen mit dem Text. Wie feiern Sie Weihnachten? Kaip Jūs švenčiate Kalėdas. Kürzen Sie den Text über Xaver und Ilona. Am Anfang machen sie Spaziergänge ,. ...
Languages, 4 pages
2019 01 09
Preparation for english examination listening lesson
Preparation for english examination. Question 14  . Question 18  . You will hear a radio programme in which a film critic discusses three new films. For Questions. P a r t . Question 24  . Question 25  . Question 30  .
Languages, 3 pages
2020 07 31
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous. Past Perfect Continuous. Past Simple Past Perfect. Will can may. Would could / might. Must have to. Be going to. Was were going to. Asked , wanted to know. Where I lived. How old I was. Claim , agree , offer , promise ...
Languages, 1 page
2020 12 15
Present perfect simple presentation
Present perfect simple. Signal Words of Present Perfect. Already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now. Make the positive present perfect. Mrs Snow   a fantastic cake. Julia   to school today? (be) What   you   for ...
Languages, 8 pages
2020 12 13
Present Perfect slides
What is Present Perfect. The present perfect. The formula of P. P. T. Where is it used. In English. It is used to describe recent events without a definite time. Why are they. It is used to express personal experiences. Have never been to China. ...
Languages, 21 page
2022 04 14
Present simple tenses slides
Present simple. We use the present simple to talk about. Permanent truths. The present period. Habitual actions. Future reference. Making suggestions. Affirmative form. The negative form. The interrogative form. Yes / no questions. Possible ...
Languages, 14 pages
2021 01 13
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present simple vs. Present continuous forma present simple present continuous sak. He she it pridedame. Am not working. Are not working. Working vartosena present simple rutina ir įpročiai. Su dažnumo prieveiksmiais. Faktai ir ilgailaikės ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 10 24
Present tense test
If it is cold,1they die. If you never say “Please”,2I put on my sunglasses. If you don’t water the plants,3I put on a coat. If it rains,4you are not very polite. If it’s sunny outside,5I open my umbrella. If you put water into the ...
Languages, 2 pages
2018 11 21
Presentation about Dialects of English
Dialects of English. Outline. Dialect. England. The dialects of England. Scotland. Scottish vocabulary (examplesIreland. The sentence structure of Irish English (examplesThe United States. The dialects of the United States. Australia. Aboriginal ...
Languages, 15 pages
2018 12 03
Presentation about Future tenses
Future tenses. Future Simple. +   Will + V  -   Will not (won't) + V. Examples   I’ll prepare dinner. Words using whit Future Simple Tomorrow. Future Continous. +  Will be + Ving  -  Will not be + Ving. Examples  I will be. Words ...
Languages, 10 pages
2020 01 21
Presentation about Informal and semi-formal letters
Informal and semi-formal letter structures. Informal letter. An informal letter is used when writing to a friend or acquaintance. Address and date. Right hand corner After you have written the address. Salutation. The most common. Body. Opening ...
Languages, 17 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Participle
Participle. What is participle? A word formed. Present participle. In English, all present participles end in -ing. Past participles. The past participle is often used when we want to express a passive action. Perfect participle. The perfect ...
Languages, 12 pages
2019 04 18
Presentation: learning english words
Learn with words. Word. MEANING impossible to see through or go through. Meaning not transparent. Opaque adjective. MEANING the place where two or more roads join or cross each other. Intersection noun. MEANING careful and using a lot of effort. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2021 06 08
Pronouns slides
What are Pronouns? Grades. He. She. Pronouns take the. Example. Halloween is one. When Robert was fixing the car, he cut his hand. A hill is. Missed it! Try Again. Think about what or who the pronoun represents. Choose the correct pronoun. ...
Languages, 25 pages
2018 10 04