Languages (6)
Der erste ist das Aussterben von Tieren. Die Hauptursache für das Aussterben von Tieren war in letzter Zeit ohne jeden begründeten Zweifel die menschliche Nachfrage nach tierischen Ressourcen direkt oder nach den natürlichen Ressourcen, die ...
Languages, 2 pages
2018 12 27
Grammar. Capital Letters. A capital letter is used To begin a sentence. The definite article the. We use the With nouns when talking about something specific. With the names of families (the Smiths) and nationalities ending –sh. With the words ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Grammar. Conditionals. Use of so and such.Use of How and What. Type 0 Conditionals (general truthType 1 Conditionals (real presentType 2 Conditionals (unreal pastType 3 Conditionals (unreal pastMixed conditionals. Use of How and What.
Languages, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Habitats. What is a habitat? People can live all over the world. We can do this because we are able to build homes for different conditions. Also we can change our clothes to best suit the temperature around us. White clothes reflect the heat. ...
Languages, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Neulich habe ich etwas Interessantes in der Schulerzeitung uber Haustiere gelesen. Hier wurden ich 4 Aussagen ausgegeben und nun mochte ich euch jede Meinunge zusammenfassen, uber meine Situation berichten ung zum Schluss, screibe ich meine ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 02 22
Gliederung. In meiner Präsentation spreche ich über Hobbys der Jugendlichen, über Ergebnisse der Umfragen, über meine Erfahrungen und zum Schluss mache ich eine Zusammenfassung.Umfrage meiner Klasee. Auf dieser Folie sind die ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 03 17
Writing a paragraph Topic sentence. Topic sentence. 3 supporting sentences ,. concluding sentence Linking words / phrases.
Languages, 1 page
2019 04 13
Read the text below. Discuss in group: What is the background for this presentation? Who might be interested in it? Who is the presenter? Who are the audience?Today’s audience members interact with phones, instant messaging, blogs, and ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 06 09
For and against essay. ( So what are the advantages and disadvantages of computer games 2nd paragraph). To start with. This means that. On the other hand. As a result. This can make. Th paragraph. All in all. Do not use. Full verb forms. Formal ...
Languages, 3 pages
2021 02 13
Ideologies in discourse. (Norman Fairclough—The New Oxford Dictionary of English, 2005, p. Norman Fairclough. What to know before analysing fairclough‘s view? Two ideas from section d. Location of ideology. Thanks. Resources.
Languages, 11 pages
2020 10 07
Break the news to smb. Get hold of smb. Hear from smb. Give smb a ring call. Drop somebody a line note. Keep quiet about smth. Keep leave smb in the dark. Don’t breath a word about smth. Talk down to smb. Put your foot in it. Get smth across. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2018 12 06
INDIRECT REPORTED SPEECH the author ‘ s words are in present → no tense change Statements. General questions Ar. ? Pagalbinis žodis + T. ? If / whether +. Special questions when / why / how often / where. Wants to know where. Kl. Žodis + +. ...
Languages, 6 pages
2021 01 15
International law is a law that regulates relations between states. International law can be divided into private international law and public international law. Public international law regulates the relationship between states and international ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 06 11
Introduction Unit. Review. Grammar. The Present Simple and Present Continuous (SB p. Vocabulary. Holiday activities and tourist attractions (SB p. Present Simple and Continuous. My friend speaks five foreign languages. I always. Present ...
Languages, 17 pages
2019 10 26
Ist die Geschichte der Nation für die Gegenwart wichtig?
Languages, 2 pages
2018 11 23
Die Teenagerjahre sind für viele Menschen extrem schwierig. Sie versuchen, Ihren Platz in dieser Welt zu finden, Sie entdecken die Wahrheiten dieser Welt und Sie versuchen, sich selbst besser zu verstehen. Aber wie in jedem anderen Alter gibt es ...
Languages, 1 page
2019 03 07
Wie man weiß, fahren heuzutage viele Leute in andere Länder, um Geld zu verdienen, und diese Menschen werden illegale Arbeiter – Schwarzarbeiter angerufen. So kommen wir zum öffentlich diskutierten Thema „Migration“. Dazu gibt es auch ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 10 04
Language and migration individual project introduction to applied linguistics. References.
Languages, 4 pages
2018 10 04
Language families. A system for. What Is Language? There are over. Introduction to World Languages. Origins of language. There are about. The Indo-European languages, spoken by 46% of the world's population. Language families of the world. ...
Languages, 8 pages
2019 05 11
As for myself, I can speak two languages – Lithuanian and English, I was learning Russian, but I was unable to learn it to the point where I could use it freely in every situation the way I want, but I can form few sentences in Russian. Despite ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 01 23
Conditionals. Types of Conditionals. A sentence with. Conditionals type. The present tense in the if-clause refers to a possible future action. A present/future situation of high probability. The past tense in the if-clause often refers to ...
Languages, 12 pages
2020 06 10
Revise the numbers. How to say the year in English. Count on Me Learn spelling and pronunciation of all the words in the song. Revise , how to write letters.
Languages, 6 pages
2020 09 25
Be going to and will future. Katie. Am going to i have decided to do sth. Today, I am going to drive my new motorcycle. IS GOING TO HAPPEN The situation now make us believe that. Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain. Will. Left the ...
Languages, 17 pages
2020 06 10
Comparative forms of adjectives. (gradability) . Three degrees 1. Positive 2. Comparative 3. Superlative. Comparative and Superlative. One syllable +. Monosyllabic adjectives. Ending Y. Two syllabic adjectives . Common / commoner Pleasant. ...
Languages, 15 pages
2021 05 07
Conditionals. Zero conditional. If + present simple (v(es)/ don’t/doesn’t +v). First conditional. Second conditional. If +. Third conditional. If + past. Mixed conditionals. A if + past simple, would + have + v3 if you were wiser.
Languages, 6 pages
2021 03 10
Family and Friends 1. Unit 5. Where’s the ball? Tema. Daiktai parke bei jų vietos nusakymas, abėcėlės raidžių pavadinimų kartojimas. Pakartok! PAKARTOK!. Where‘s. ? – Kur yra. ? Pakartok išmoktas abėcėlės raides. (nuo A iki U ...
Languages, 9 pages
2021 02 24
Grammar test Unit Adjectives / adverbs Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. The wather is getting worse and worse. Are you earning less money than you used to. House prices are rising quicker. Complete the ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 04
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets. Have his eyes checked. They had their car serviced. Will have our car repaired. Have all my money stolen. Did Michaele have that tattoo done. Have you ...
Languages, 5 pages
2021 05 04
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs given. Vocabulary. Choose the correct preposition to complete the text. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Choose one word to complete the sentences. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 06
Class IIc Unit 6 Test Name. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Complete the sentences with the words below. Babysitter bring it up common sense hold you up receptionist run out of. Points. Rewrite the sentences so they have a ...
Languages, 3 pages
2021 03 08