Geography (6)

326 documents
Table mountain presentation
Table mountain. It is in South Africa, Cape Town. How did it appear? Festive Blues Summit. You can listen. What is it famous for? Its famous for the unusual flat surface at the top. Quiz. What was the name of the festive? Blues Summit. Where is ...
Geography, 12 pages
2020 06 10
Telšiai Yeshibot – Rabbinical school
In 1875, in small town - Telšiai there was built one of the largest Rabbinical school in the entire world!The Rabbinical School was founded by Ichakas Yakov Openheim, Meiras Atlas, Zalman Abel and financially contributing German Jew from ...
Geography, 3 pages
2020 06 10
The benefits of Globalization essay
The benefits of Globalization. The drawbacks of Globalization. My own experience.
Geography, 1 page
2021 01 12
The Caribbean Express
The Caribbean express. Mission / goals / vision. Values. Competative advantage. Activities of the company. Example of places. One of tour examples. Activities. Tour details. Tour information. Place of the office. Sustainable develompent. ...
Geography, 22 pages
2020 01 31
The Climate Crises that Threatens Homo Sapiens: What is it Possible to Do
Introduction. Climate change. Climate crises effects for Homo Sapiens. Rise in water level. Earth temperature change. Climate movement. History. Mobilization for Copenhagen Activities. Fossil Fuel Divestment. Climate Mobilization. Youth Climate ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 02 08
Unique underwater animals essay
Unique underwater creatures. Rewild devastated areas. Psychrolutes marcidus or the smooth headed blobfish.
Geography, 2 pages
2020 06 08
United Arab Emirates slides
United ArAB Emirates. Landscape. Climate. Tourism. Burj Al Khalifa. Abu-Dhabi. Palm Island. Foods of the U. A. E. Sharjah Arts Museum. Abdul Quader Al Rais. Ibn Battuta Mall. Football. Cricket. Tennis. Camel Racing. Motor Sports. Thank Your For ...
Geography, 18 pages
2019 10 31
Uzbekistan essay
Even though Uzbekistan is still a young country its territory has an incredibly long and rich history. For thousands of years, Uzbekistan was at the center of the silk road, the land route that merchants used to travel from China to Europe. They ...
Geography, 3 pages
2021 03 17
Vienna city presentation
Vienna. General information. State Flag of Vienna. State Coat of Arms. Is the capital of Austria, on the River Danube. Include engineering Electrical goods Electronics Clothing Musical instruments Beer. Industries. In 15 BC, Vienna became a Roman ...
Geography, 15 pages
2018 03 22
Vietnam slides
Vietnam. Truman doctrine preventing the spread of communism. Wars of national. Gulf of tonkin. Diem’s gov’t unpopular -Diem. Three months after being elected president. Different war. US War Leaders -Sec. Robert McNamara -Gen. William ...
Geography, 23 pages
2021 02 25
Vilnius description
Almost half of the city if covered in green areas, such as parks and public gardens. There are 13 lakes and 16 rivers which cover almost 3% of the town area, some of them even have sand beaches. One of the largest parks in the city is called ...
Geography, 1 page
2018 01 23
We do not need to worry about global warming and climate change as they are greatly exaggerated Do you agree or disagree?
We do not need to worry about global warming and climate change as they are greatly exaggerated. Do you agree or disagree?
Geography, 1 page
2018 03 17
Weather and climate disasters
Looking at the chart we can see four different columns which shows the worst natural disasters around the world. In the first place is tornados and hurricanes with 153 disasters per year. Heat and fires is a bit less common with 113 per year. ...
Geography, 1 page
2018 02 19
Weather and climate: Useful words and phrases
Weather and climate: Useful words and phrases.
Geography, 1 page
2020 06 08
Wien Präsentation
Wien. An der Grenze zu Ungarn 976 Babenberga gründete die Marke Ostarrîch. Zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs lebten etwa. Bevölkerung. Feri kreis. Wien Universität. Die Universität Wien nach der Universität Prag ist die älteste Universität ...
Geography, 11 pages
2018 01 23
Wildfire presentation
Wildfire. Contents. Definition Main causes Regions where they are most common How prevent it. Definition. A wildfire - is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation occurring in rural areas. Main causes. Cigarettes ...
Geography, 7 pages
2020 04 04
Wolves presentation
Wolves. Wolf habitat. Wolf Feeding. Wolf Anatomy. Wolf cummunication. Body language. Wolf predators. Wolf social-structure. Wolves types. Teeth. Young wolves. Wolves relationship. Wolves prevalence in Lithuania. Interesting facts. How many teeth ...
Geography, 25 pages
2018 10 04
World animal day
What is world animal day ? History. How the WAD is celebrated all around the world? How we all can get involved and show our care? How the WAD is celebrated in Lithuania ? Stray animal situation in Lithuania. Why it's better to adopt a pet ...
Geography, 2 pages
2019 10 21
Adelaide has an average temperature of 29 ° C.Adelaide beach The coastline of Adelaide stretches from North Haven in the north to Sellicks Beach in the south. The distance is something around 70 kilometres with plenty of clean sandy ...
Geography, 6 pages
2017 04 01
Australia presentation
The main weapon was a wooden lances, axes and stone boomeang. Aborigines and the cold nights, not wear clothing, dig in spent in the sand. Australian natives worshipped in plants and animals, kept them in holy. The arrival of the Europeans, they ...
Geography, 24 pages
2016 04 26
Chile earthquake
2010 Chile earthquake happened at coast of central Chile on February 27 in 2010. It was 5th biggest earthquake that ever occured. It took place on the boundaries of Nazca and South American plates. The ground was shaking for around 3 minutes. It ...
Geography, 3 pages
2016 05 19
Crystal Caves
The cave is famous for its vast and rich selenite crystals. Kai who crystals are the largest known in the world - up to 11 m in length and 55 tons of weight. The revised translation of the Cave length 30 m, width 10 m . Crystal Cave is a very ...
Geography, 10 pages
2017 02 27
Essay about Alarbaa mountain
Mountain trips are the best because it gives you a lot of good experience wich is illustrated in Alarbaa mountain, Al-Ahsa is a region that is well known for its iconic mountains, Al-Arbaa mountain is a wonderful rock formation located in south ...
Geography, 2 pages
2021 11 28
Essay about Lithuania
   Ancient Spirituality.   Many of the Americans with whom I worked in Lithuania repeatedly expressed a sense of something special about this place; something not quite capable of expression in words alone; yet something that spoke to our ...
Geography, 13 pages
2016 11 08
Greece presentation (2)
Greek is their main language. They teach English is school. Most Greeks know how to speech English and French. They been speaking Greek since the 19th century B.C. the day of Homers.
Geography, 10 pages
2016 05 14
In Lithuania
Lithuanian athletes every year very well appear in both the world and Europe In Lithuania, the most popular sports: basketball, swimming, rowing, weightlifting.Dalia Grybauskaitė- She is Lithuanian prezident Arvydas Sabonis - he is ...
Geography, 12 pages
2017 02 15
Italy presentation
Distribution by religion: Christians: 53,550,000 (91.2%)          Roman Catholics: 51,435,000 (87.5%) [6]          Orthodox: 940 000 (1.6%) [7]          Protestants: 675 000 (1.1%) (mostly evangelicals and Pentecostals) ...
Geography, 6 pages
2016 10 04
Kedainiai city
1405 m. St. built. George's Church - the oldest stone building in Kedainiai.1919 m. the first took place in Kedainiai Independence battles which killed the first Lithuanian volunteer Kedainietis Povilas Lukšys.Old Town - the ...
Geography, 16 pages
2016 12 15
Laju Patch
The recommendations are very good if you want to contribute to the good recommendations and go into the laju patch . I recommend you not to forget to visit the crown take when traveling through anyksciai .
Geography, 12 pages
2016 01 27
Lithuania climate
Spring. Spring begins in February and ends in May. In spring, the weather gets warmer, the snow changes the rains. Occasionally there sleet. Starts green vegetation, coltsfoot bloom, snowdrops, violets. The earliest spring begins in the southern ...
Geography, 2 pages
2016 02 09