Final Marketing Work

Final marketing work.
,,Migle" is a popular sweets producer in Lithuania and well known candy brand among Lithuanian consumers. ,,MIGLĖ's'' candies - milk chocolate candy flavoured with chips and with the glaze.
By analysing all the statements and levels such as market research analysis, marketing strategy, Four P’s, problems of the company, future plans and organizational structure we can define the main problems related to the creation of a new website and create some suggestions for the company.
As there were already mentioned that for creation of effective and efficient marketing strategy these should be gathered all information about company’s perspective clients. There is all the collected data from survey and according to that we made pie charts:
The first question that was placed in the survey was about correspondent’s age [look at 1. picture]. As we can see majority of our correspondents age were from 19 till 25 year old. Second place goes to people below 18 years old and the smallest correspondents groups were from 26 till 39 and more than 40 year old. From this pie chart about correspondents age we can see that younger people is more interested in this survey about the sweets.
Second question was given to get know the gender of our correspondents. In the correspondents gender pie chart [look at 2. picture] we can see that majority of our correspondents were males (about 57.1 percent), and minority of our correspondents were females (about 42.9 percent)
3. picture Pie chart that shows how often correspondents eat sweets
The third question that was in the survey was how often does our correspondents eats sweets. In the pie chart that shows how often correspondents eat sweets [look at 3. picture] we can see that majority that is 50 percent of people answered this question that they eats sweets often, other bigger part of correspondents (42.9 percent) said that they eats sweets rarely and the smallest group that is 7.1 percent said that they never eats sweets. This question opens opportunity to attract to our new website those 50 percent who often eats sweets and also to attract those who said that they rarely eats sweets to consume more sweets after they would visit our new website.
To do the best product and website promotion we have to analyse, determine and evaluate our main competitor. That is why our correspondents had to answer the question what was the chocolate that they had ever tried. In the pie chart about correspondents opinion about the most tasty chocolate [look at 4. picture] majority that is 50 percent of correspondents says that the tastiest chocolate for them is “Milka”. Second chocolate that we can consider one of ours biggest competitors is “Ferrero”, 28.6 percent of correspondents answered that for them this chocolate is tastiest. Third place goes to “Pergale” chocolate.