Essays (43)
Technological advance is the same as progress.
Technology, 1 page
2016 04 28
How can teenagers be convinced to drive more safely.
Transport, 1 page
2016 10 09
Hello, today I will tell you about tourism – related jobs. So, I would like to coment the data of the chart. Also, I would like to talk about my personal desires in this area and what are the benefits from visitors.Well, as you can see ...
Travel, 1 page
2016 01 14
Travelling is one of the biggest my hobbies. I have visited a lot of countries already, but there are a lot countries where i have never been and want to visit and explore them. I think, there are 3 basic questions, when we talking about ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 05 18
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
Travel, 1 page
2017 05 19
Travelling forms the mind much more than reading. Agree or disagree?.
Travel, 1 page
2015 12 09
students begin to skip their lectures so they can work , therefore their avarage marks decreas. Moreover a part time job make a negative influence in students health .students begins to work very hard to get a bigger salary ,so they not having ...
Career, 1 page
2016 10 25
To introduce, the education, school is important for all person because they need to learn, then after 18 years old to work out and to have got selected her jobs.To start, the education is a fundamental right who should be accessible to ...
Education, 2 pages
2021 05 06
La palabra eutanasia se deriva del griego eu (bueno) y thanatos (muerte), por lo que, de esta manera, esta palabra hace referencia al acto de terminar con la vida de otra persona, a petición suya, con el único fin de terminar y/o minimizar el ...
Philosophy, 2 pages
2020 08 01
An ethical dilemma is an uncertainty between two decisions that involves two possible moral imperatives, neither of which is acceptable nor preferable. The complexity of an ethical dilemma arises from the fact that choosing one option leads to ...
Psichology, 3 pages
2020 11 21
Every student should take a gap year before going to university Do you agree or disagree?.
Education, 1 page
2017 03 14
I think fake sounds in the movies entertains us more than real sounds. False sounds can make us empathize with the movie easier. It can change atmosphere, environment, your minds and feelings. When I watch a horror movie and I hear some ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2016 11 12
Assignment feedback form. 210 Provide eyelash and eyebrow treatments. What is an information sheet. What is a guide. What is a list. What is a statement. What is a description. Feature the main part , special quality. Benefit to improve , add ...
Beauty & Makeup, 8 pages
2022 05 06
There are many advantages when you have good neighbors. Some of your neighbors can become your friends or even best friends. Also, you feel saver when you live in a good neighborhood. For example, if your house is on fire, your neighbors will ...
Self Improvement, 1 page
2015 12 12
First of all, i will describe my family Christmas daily routine. So, from the first, in the morning, we go to the Church. There we think about that year, what we did good and bad things. We apologise and forgive. Then we go home and have ...
Culture, 1 page
2017 03 19
I think that if we want to stand firmly on the ground, we need to keep good and strong relations with our family. So for me family is the main factor, which affects a lot of ways of my life. It helps me to raise my self-esteem, helps to become ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 01 06
Festőnövények. Táblázat A növényekből előállított színek. Lilakáposzta. Csalán. Cékla. Vöröshagyma. Linkek.
Biology, 3 pages
2021 04 29
On the other hand, there are arguments against volunter work. To begin with, you don't have a lot of time. For instance, when organizers of particular activity see that you‘re a valuable asset, you make be asked to do more. This can lead to ...
Sociology, 1 page
2017 02 21
Of course, Britons are happy to use their own language everywhere they go and it is hard to learn more but it isn‘t the grave disadvantage when you can slightly adapt and speak with foreigners. Here in Lithuania there are also numerous good ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 02 26
I have not one real friend, real friends come with time, not in one day, they become your family, you trust them and they trust you, and they will never leave you in the most difficult moments in your life.I have more than one good friend, ...
Ethics, 1 page
2017 01 14
First memory that showed in my head was Jerry and I learning how to skateboard when we were 8 years old. it was 10 years ago, but I remembered every detail of that moment. Then I remembered our first christmas together with Jerry and Tim in ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 12 09
Friends or family, which is more important?.
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2021 10 13
Suppose about people future. Have you ever heard that people who not dream of the future. Let me tell you that the people future depends on his own. A person grows, the dream keeps changing and growing. For a people as a chil dreaming of what ...
Career, 1 page
2017 02 03
Another part of my life, my teenager years, were also filled with games. Me and my parents or my friends loved board games. On Saturday nights we liked to gather around a round table and play games like Monopoly, Alias and even card games. All ...
Software, 1 page
2017 05 02
Nevertheless, the gap year has some serious drawbacks. The most serious problem that after a year off some of students could become lazy to continue education. It happens because that young people quickly admire big money and think that the ...
Education, 1 page
2017 05 11
Brief history of genetic engineering started when two scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick, by a world sensation identified the structure of DNA in 1953. Later on, in 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer applied their knowledge of DNA ...
Biology, 6 pages
2016 06 02
Today, doctors are not doubt in the fact that toxic substances that cause pollution and falling into the food, water, air, and then into the body, can cause premature aging.Live shows us that in mature and older age people can be deeply ...
Psichology, 4 pages
2016 09 08
With today’s growth in modernity, literature does not mean the same or even play the same roles it did. This art has lost a lot of confidence seeing as today’s mysteries are less astonishing unlike yesterdays. Can this art thereby provide the ...
Literature, 4 pages
2021 04 23
I think this is due to many reasons, but I can not identify all which do not communicate with the people living in those countries. Mexican city warmer than in Germany, so I guess a little affects the human condition. I can not tell you why ...
Psichology, 1 page
2015 05 12
I strongly believe that the main factor of happiness for young people is success. Success in school, getting good grades, success in studies and future plans. I think that‘s what young people need to be happy and smile more often. Talking about ...
Self Improvement, 1 page
2015 10 06