Economy & Finance (7)

337 documents
Stamp duty in Lithuania
Stamp duty in Lithuania. What is stamp duty? Stamp duty is the amount of money which is paid for the application. Minor fees for the services of state institutions. Stamp duty is normally paid before presenting a claim to the court. Entity. ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2018 01 23
Stocks essay
Stocks. What are stocks. How do individuals buy and sell stocks. Mutual funds and Exchange trade products. Stocks listing and initial public offerings. Stocks splits and reverse stock splits.
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2020 06 10
Students' payment preferences
Introduction. Theoretical framework. Literature review. Students’ payment preferences under certain circumstances. Social costs. Location. Motives behind choosing the payment type. Privacy. Convenience. Hypothesis. Research design. Dependent ...
Economy & Finance, 42 pages
2020 05 04
Supermarkets pricing discrimination
Price depending on how the product is presented – For explaining this strategy I will use Fresh salmon sold in Asda. Two small pieces of salmon will be more expensive than same amount of salmon taken out from the entire salmon for the reason ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2017 12 08
Taxes presentation
Taxes. Content. Key tenets of tax system. Main principles of tax administration. Tax administration. Main types of taxes. Sugar surplus levy. Consular tax. Gained Taxes use. Tax evasion. Tax avoidance. Tax planning. Fun and interesting facts ...
Economy & Finance, 23 pages
2018 10 04
The calculation of price: involving cost analysis and break - even method of Dobilas bio
Introduction. Practical part. Description of the analyzed company. A brief description of the product. A brief description of the market in which the company operate. Analysis of the factors that influence price decisions. External or macro ...
Economy & Finance, 22 pages
2019 01 19
The difficulties people face when managing their finances and the solutions how to overcome it
The difficulties people. Aims and goals. Content. Key terms. Why is it important to know how to manage your personal finances. THE MAIN RULES for personal finance management to avoid financial failure. The 50/30/20 budget rule. Is it really hard ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2022 04 27
The economic impact of Europe's refugees essay
Introduction. Europee‘s refugees crisis. Economic impact of Europee‘s refugees crisis. Short-term economic impacts. Long-Term Impacts. Conclusion. References. Figure 1 Worldwide Refugees population from 1960-2017(data source UNHCRFigure 2 ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2019 01 19
The reforms of financial services provision in the EU after 2008 financial crisis
The reforms of financial services provision in the EU after 2008 financial crisis. Relevance The financial crisis of 2008 made situation in financial. Aim Determine the impact. Tasks Determine elements a. Task 1 the Elements of a financial ...
Economy & Finance, 31 page
2018 02 19
The state of the gender pay gap in 2020
So let me begin. What Salary inequality based on gender means? Usually it has called The gender pay gap (Moterų ir vyrų darbo užmokesčio skirtumas) or gender wage gap. It is the average difference between the pay for men and women who are ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2020 12 15
Toren asset management
Toren asset management. About us. We are one of the longest-running asset management companies in Lithuania. What can you expect from us. We employ a. The Cutting Edge. We employ. Low to medium income clients are also welcome. Long past are. Let ...
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2018 10 04
UK Economy
In business there are three different types of sectors. The sectors are known as:Vertical- vertical integration is when of business takes over or mergers with another business in a different point of production but the two businesses are ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2017 12 08
Unemployed people should do volunteer work in their community in order to get unemployment benefits
Unemployed people should do volunteer work in their community in order to get unemployment benefits. Essay.
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2021 02 05
Unemployment essay
There are a lot of things that we wish to buy, but to buy it we need money, but to get some money we need a job. There a lot kinds of workplaces that we could work in but in some situations we are not able to work or the salary is just too low. ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2022 03 31
Venture capital
Venture capital. History of Venture Capital. Structure. Why do you need venture capital? Venture capital in Lithuania. Bonds. Securities and bonds. Selling. Chart. Bonds issued by national governments. Types of bonds.
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Very complicated chart of accounts in Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain and France
Introduction. Chart of accounts. Russian chart of accounts. Accounting reform. Russian accounting standards. Statutory chart of accounts. Chart of accounts in Kazakhstan. Spanish Chart of Accounts. Conceptual framework. The Spanish Chart of ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Virtual currency and whether or change real money
Virtual currency and whether and change real money in the future. Salvijus Kubilius. Virtual currency. Virtual currency is a type of unregulated digital currency. Virtual currency types. Convertible currency- is. Virtual currency list. ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2020 04 29
Which way of shopping traditional or online helps to manage one's finances more effectively?
Which way of shopping traditional or online helps to manage one's finances more effectively.
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2019 10 03
Why has COVID- 19 affected the economies of the world differently?
Why has COVID- 19 affected the economies of the world differently?
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2020 12 11
Why nowadays family-oriented restaurants in USA fail to succeed?
Why nowadays family-oriented restaurants in USA fail to succeed? Recapitulation. Other reason why restaurants fail. Bankruptcy. Ongoing costs. ~$What can be done better. Gordon Ramsay’s Secret Ingredient to Sustained Success. References.
Economy & Finance, 29 pages
2022 04 21
Zero Hours Contracts: Are You For Them Or Against Them?
Zero Hours Contracts: Are You For Them Or Against Them?.
Economy & Finance, 4 pages
2017 12 08
Рrоduсtivity mеsurеmеnt: Рrоduсtivity rоlе in есоnоmiс dеvеlорmеnt оf соuntriеs Соmраrisоn оf sеlесtеd соuntriеs
Intrоduсtiоn. Gоаls оf рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt. Рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt tесhniquеs. Stаtе рrоduсtivity mеаsurеmеnt. Bаrriеrs оf stаtе рrоduсtivity еvаluаtiоn. Sоmе еxаmрlеs оf рrоduсtivity ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2018 11 02
 French economy: Coco Chanel
Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel (1883-1971) was the fashion designer and businesswoman in France. In 1907, she met Etienne who introduced her to a luxurious lifestyle. Coco Chanel started her fashion career by designing hats. With the help ...
Economy & Finance, 4 pages
2017 04 04
 Regression model of Household Consumption Expenditure
Regression model of Household Consumption Expenditure.
Economy & Finance, 22 pages
2017 04 19
Analiza impactul migratiei capitalului intelectual asupra dezvoltării economice a statelor
Institutul de cercetare Și inovare. Universitatea de stat din moldova. Autor Conducator sriintific Bradu Margareta. Actualitatea cercetării. Institutul de cercetare Și inovare facultatea. Scopul lucrării. Scop, obiective şi metode. Teoria ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2022 05 11
Auditing (2)
Company's assets are usually divided into current and fixed assets.Current assets is asset which will be used in less than a year. It can be cash, stock and inventory.Fixed assets are assets that will continue to be used by the ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2015 12 14
Banking services
Payment cards; Services online; Loan; Pension; Insurences; Program for young people; Other services;.Payment cards are simple way to all financial affair you can sattle much easier. The most popular cards would be debit and credit cards. ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2016 02 17
Business Tax
HMRC can charge you a penalty (between 15% and 100% of the unpaid amount owed) if your VAT Return is inaccurate.- The length of the period of ownership. Short time periods between transactions tend to favor trading rather than investment ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2016 04 14
Causes of inflation in different countries or groups of countries.
Economy & Finance, 33 pages
2017 04 04
Classical political economy
economy did not last for a long time, but it did a lot and changed the whole definition ofincreasing population and limited resources as well as free competition. Main focuses of thisperiod between 1750 and 1867. Today, it is a term ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2016 11 21