Economy & Finance (5)

337 documents
International trade project
International trade. Introduction. Work objective To explore the main aspects of international trade Work tasks. International trade is the exchange of capital. International Trade Forms. Import and export of goods Import and export of ...
Economy & Finance, 13 pages
2019 02 18
International trade slides
International trade. International trade is the sale and purchase in the various countries between sellers. Free trade is. Four main sources. It often comes. The main measures protecting the national market from foreign competition are customs ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Introduction To Economics
Part 1 The Basics. What is economics? ? ? The Study of Economics. ECONOMICS 5 Economic Questions Society (we) must figure out. BUT, there’s a Fundamental Problem. Choices, Choices. Why Choices? Wants andNeeds, Needs and Wants. Trade-offs. ...
Economy & Finance, 65 pages
2021 01 18
Investment plan presentation
Plan. Aim. About investing. Motivations for investing. Expectations of investing. Investment plan. About the stock market. Important rules for beginners. Types of investments. Stocks vs. Bonds. Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett investments. ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2018 11 15
Joint stock company
Joint stock company. This legal form. Management. Mandatory management bodies. Law. The establishment and. Taxes. Compulsory founding documents. The founding agreement or the founding act Statutes. Advantages and disadvantages. Thank you for ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2018 10 10
Leap description
SEI helps to. Design and implement new development pathways for governing the globalized economy and environment. Establish a new economic paradigm for development. Related Research Areas at the SEI US Center Water Resources. Climate Mitigation ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2018 10 04
Legal banking relationships
Definition of a bank. Banking licence. Stages in the authorisation process. Pre-application stage. Banking licence fee. Key requirements for a bank being established or authorised. Withdrawal of a licence. European Central Bank. Main tasks of the ...
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2020 01 24
Limited household participation in the stock market phenomenon analysis
The Modern Portfolio Theory. Different determinants of the problem. Appendix Financial Literacy Around the World. Appendix Test for evaluating financial literacy.
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2019 11 06
Luca Pacioli the father of accounting slides
Luca Pacioli. The father of accounting. Content. Luca Pacioli biography Accounting. Biography. ‘Pacioli wasn’t an egg-head sitting in a library. Accounting terminology. The recording of financial transactions of a business or organization. ...
Economy & Finance, 15 pages
2021 06 22
Manufacturing industry productivity
One of the most obvious outcomes of rising manufacturing productivity has been a growing consumer surplus. Manufacturing is core to R&D and broader innovation. Innovation follows different location criteria than production, and proximity ...
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2018 02 19
Mcdonalds Fast - food restaurant Group presentation of the company
Self- study work. Group presentation of the company. Mcdonald‘s. Title Of The Company. Nature of business, busines form. Company history and Development. Dislocation, subdivisions/ branches. Technical bace. Organizational structure. The ...
Economy & Finance, 17 pages
2018 02 19
Mein Lieblingberuf
Mein Lieblingsberuf. Wörterbuch. Wirtschaft – ekonomika Bauunternehmens - statybos įmonė Aufmerksamkeit – dėmesingas. Ökonomen. Ich bin ganz gut in Mathe und Wirtschaft Ich denke. Welche Art von Rüstung ein Ökonom haben sollte. Ein ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2022 05 27
Mergers and acquisitions
Acquisitions and mergers. Introduction. Value creation framework. Valuation created framework. Empirical research and results. Acquisitions occur in waves. Do acquisitions create value for the acquiring's shareholders? Shareholders of the target ...
Economy & Finance, 31 page
2019 01 28
Mergers: Pros and cons of mergers
Mergers. Business dictionary. Content. What is merger? Pros and cons of mergers. Pros. Cons. Types of mergers. Types of mergers conglomerate. Types of mergers horizontal merger. Types of mergers market extensions mergers. Types of mergers product ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2018 11 30
Microeconomics home work
Firstly , microeconomics. Supply and demand. To charge  for. Individuals ,  households  and firms. Price per unit. Supply and demand analysis. Exchange trade and distribution. That is not all what microeconomics analysing. In microeconomics is ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2019 03 19
Money investment essay
I should include suggestions which would be a best way to use money.One suggestion would be to invest money in the construction of solar power units in the space of local community. This ecological investment would not harm the ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2021 03 10
Money plays an important role in our society
Money plays an important role in our society.
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2021 02 22
My accounting practice diary
09-04-2018 The first day of practice. The first day of practice was attended by all BA-17 students. After a few minutes, I came to the head of practice. We all got conversant with the head and started to work. The first hour we started ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2018 10 04
My company: Banking
Introduction. Location of company. Socially responsible green eco-friendly company. Characteristics. Employees. Employees and the necessary hard and soft skills. Stress management in our company. The swot analysis of our company. Company survival ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Norway: industry, agriculture and transport systems
Content. Introduction. Industry. Norway has also a strong tradition within metals and materials, very much based on clean energy. Oil and gas. Maritime. Renewable Energy. Telecommunications. Defense & Security. Business Travel. Bioeconomy. ...
Economy & Finance, 17 pages
2020 06 12
Norway: peculiarities of social, economic, political life, culture and mentality
Norway: peculiarities of social, economic, political life, culture and mentality.
Economy & Finance, 18 pages
2018 10 04
Organization culture: Profitability and liquidity
Implications and Impact. Implications of the need for Marvin and Smith’s company to cover a wider geographical area. Gaining Competitive Advantage. Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop – Financial Ratios. Income Statement for Marvin & Smith’s ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2019 04 05
Our Gap Year
Our Gap Year. Where are we going? How much money we need? How we‘ll save up money for our gap year? Preparing for our gap year 2018-05-22/2018-08. What we gonna do in spain? What we expect from spain?
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2018 10 04
Payroll calculation in a small Hotel
Project Topic and Aims. Identify Common Uses for Spreadsheets. Demonstrate Features including Toolbar Management. Data Capture Form. Design of Screen Layouts. Specification for Input and Output Data. AWorksheet. BWorksheet. CWorksheet. ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Polish International Economics
Poland. Economics, Culture and Business Etiquette. Geography. Border Countries Germany. Economic Situation. - Fall of Communism 1992- Poland came out of recession. Economic Profile. GDP (Purchasing PowerPopulation Cultural diversity. Ethnic ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2020 11 29
Politics in economics
The role of. Politics, Law, and Ethics. In International Business. Chapter. Political Ideologies. Democracy. Totalitarianism. Forms of Totalitarianism My explanation. Political Risk. Political risk. Where is Political Risk? Political Risk. How ...
Economy & Finance, 22 pages
2019 12 14
Presentation about CRM systems
Crm systems. Source. Benchmark studies reveal that CRM  applications account for decreased sales and marketing costs of 23%. Benchmark studies reveal that CRM  applications account for Improved profit margins of over 2%. Smarketing. Sales + ...
Economy & Finance, 74 pages
2019 04 09
Presentation about Insurance
Contents. What is insurance? Activities. History. Headquarters. Management structure. Employees. Divisions. Sales. Swot analysis. Prospects for the future. Prospects for good career. Conclusions. Thank You For Your Time! Are there any ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2019 04 06
Presentation about Money
Money. You need to. Parents should teach children how to use money when child is young. One of the. Know a. Macaulay Culkin became. So money is not bad if you use it wisely. Thank you for attention.
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2019 03 24
Presentation: France and Estonia - Economic overview
Prezentation. France and Estonia. Economic overview. France and Estonia. France. Estonia. Gdp. Unemployment rate. France. Unemployment rate. Estonia. Inflation rate. Estonia. Inflation rate. France. France Gross Minimum Monthly Wage. Estonia ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2018 10 04