Company Presentation Lietuvos Paštas

Company presentation Lietuvos Paštas.
Advertisement services – order broadcasting unaddressed advertisement, promotional post shipments.
Financial services – conveniently pay for services from 3 thousand service conveyor.
Additional services – receive information about delivered shipment or other services.
Subscriptions – subscribe favorite Lithuanian or foreign publications to your office.
E. deliveries – submit and receive various documents through internet.
Requests and forms – shipment search form, subscriber registration, etc.
Every April since 2011 is organized good service month, seeking evaluate and stimulate employs who serve clients best. Every year there are better reviews about employs – postman, client service specialists and post – office managers – work.
Union’s objectives: expand links between Baltic and other countries, coordinate attitude of Baltic States post operators towards solving main international problems; create services that satisfy requirements of business clients; share experience solving questions of philately, service quality, and logistics and so on.
This union is founded by seeking to intercept experience of manufacture process organization, service quality improvement fields from Northern countries to Baltic States. Committee consists of exploitation and service quality and final payment work groups.
“PostEurop” is regional union that is dependent from Universal Postal Union. The association is run by general secretary.
Plenary assembly determines associations’ objectives and strategy, government council cares for strategical realization of objectives, main headquarters accomplishes everyday work, summarizes member positions dealing with general questions.
Universal Postal Union is run by: Congress, Administration council represents members from 41 countries, Postal exploitation council which consists from members of 40 countries, Advisory committee and International bureau.
Congress is highest unions’ government body, which solves main questions related with strategy, exploitation, service quality, marketing development, and rivalry and so on. Administration council ensures Universal Postal Unions’ continuity looks after unions’ activities, analyses administrational, and law questions, confirms budget and payments, renews Universal Postal Unions’ program every year.
Advisory committees’ objective – represents postal secretary’s interests and provides conditions for effective cooperation between two parties.
- Companies Individual works
- Microsoft Word 28 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 12 pages (2112 words)
- College
- Deimantė