Amazon Logistics Company Paper

Introduction. History about the company. What services in Amazon company. Cargo transportation by land. Cargo transportation by air. Cargo transportation by delivery services partners. Transportation by drones. Transport and cargo insurance. Conclusions. Sources.
Relevance of the topic: Company Amazon has a wide range of transportation methods, such as, Air planes , Amazon delivery services partners, road trucks,drones.
They are selling a really big products such as : grocery services, e-books, music, video games, and much more on website.
The object of the work: To analyze everything about amazon company.
The aim of the topic: What services are in this company
CARGO TRANSPORTATION BY LAND: Its the most usable transportation by road transport. Amazon company uses this transportation a lot because they need to travel a big amount of packages to another cities or countries.
Transportation by drones: Drone is a service that will deliver packages up to five pounds in 30 minutes or less using small drones. They can be used to deliver medicinal products such as blood products, vaccines, food services and other small stuff. Drones are the future of technology because they going to be very useful for old people, and for people who need very fast delivery of small packages, amazon has using this in a long time they are delivering a lot of packages that are up to 30pounds such as : groceries, fast food.