All documents (97)

3544 documents
A dialogue on relationship
B: O.K. Actually, I’m a little bit short of time but, of course, I can spare you some minutes.B: Actually, having one friend but a true one is far better than lots of untrue ones!A: Well, I agree with you but how would you define ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 09 06
Starbucks corporation
Introduction. History. Target customers. Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Pricing & Positioning Strategy. Distribution plan. Promotions Strategy & Marketing Materials. Joint Ventures & Partnerships. Conclusion. Information sources.
Companies, 10 pages
2016 09 01
Development of Multi-Agent Investment System
Development of Multi-Agent Investment System.
Economy & Finance, 37 pages
2016 08 02
Consumer behaviour cosmetic consumption
It was investigated that quality at 85% and brand name at 10% are the two biggest factors influencing purchase decision-making (Desai, 2104) The price actually does not affect the final decision although consumers are price sensitive, only 3% of ...
Beauty & Makeup, 12 pages
2016 08 01
Shakespeare’s Essay Are Shakespeare’s works still relevant to young people today?
Shakespeare’s Essay Are Shakespeare’s works still relevant to young people today?.
Literature, 2 pages
2016 07 19
Book review “Oliver Twist“ and “Oliver!“
Book literature review “Oliver Twist“ and “Oliver!“.
Literature, 1 page
2016 06 28
"Junk" by Melvin Burgess
By this novel Melvin Burgess wanted to show the dark side of young peoples‘ life, that misunderstood person feels alone and then wants to change something in their life, although sometimes that change can lead to ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 06 28
Introduction. Roof definition. Types of roofing. Roof‘s form. Roof insulation. Bitumen roofing. Types of bitumen roofing. Conclusion. Resources.
Real Estate, 11 pages
2016 06 23
History of Feminism
The word feminism was comparatively new one in the beginning of the 20th century. It is interesting that at first this word in the Oxford English Dictionary was used with the negative meaning. In the 1890s, some writers used an alternative term ...
Culture, 4 pages
2016 06 15
Makeup cosmetics
1. skin comes to suit Primer individual in conditions formulas.2. darken eyelashes or Mascara thicken attention used is lengthen the to draw.3. color gels Eyebrow define brows and pencils waxes are creams powdres the.4. can ...
Beauty & Makeup, 5 pages
2016 06 12
Essay about pocket money
My friends spends their money for food because they spend a lot of time at school. They thinks that today is very important thing to look stilish, so they buy a lot of clothes for the pocket money. They pay for the mobile phones and internet ...
Culture, 1 page
2016 06 11
Monologue about holiday abroad

I would prefer realxing by the sea at the beach. I like enterteinment, dances, partys, but also I need a quite place, which I can be with my own minds. I need a rest, because in the school year I ...

I would prefer realxing by the sea at the beach. I like enterteinment, dances, partys, but also I need a quite place, which I can be with my own minds. I need a rest, because in the ...

2016 06 11
About tourism
On the other hand, I believe that tourism can often cause environmental damage with pollution. However, even if tourists behave responsibly, the sheer number of the them can cause problems because they do not care nature. When tourist do not ...
Travel, 1 page
2016 06 11
Makeup Case Study
Her skin doesn’t really have wrinkles or blemishes and looks and feels soft and smooth. Her T zone is little bit oily and she said that she gets blemishes prior period sometimes on this part of the face. I can see signs of heeled blemishes ...
Beauty & Makeup, 2 pages
2016 06 08
Making a compound from two solid elements
Making a compound from two elements. Introduction. Materials used. Chemicals. Apparatus. Results. Conclusions. References.
Chemistry, 4 pages
2016 06 02
Copper sulphate crystals
Evaporating dish with copper sulphate was weighted Mass 2 = 54.81g.Using dropping pipette few drops of the solution was added onto the cavity on the microscope slide and observed. Crystals were seen, as the solution temperature was going ...
Chemistry, 6 pages
2016 06 02
Chromatography and pigments
When the solvent reached the ink spot, it dissolved the molecules of coloured chemicals. Molecules of these chemicals differed in sizes, therefore the smallest solute molecules travelled as quickly as the solvent and got carried till the top of ...
Medicine, 4 pages
2016 06 02
Genetics essay
Brief history of genetic engineering started when two scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick, by a world sensation identified the structure of DNA in 1953. Later on, in 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer applied their knowledge of DNA ...
Biology, 6 pages
2016 06 02
Anti-Fraud Strategies
None of the state and their citizens are not protected from corruption, Our state is also an important financial and economic interests of the importance of the fight against transnational organized crime, fraud and other illegal ...
Sociology, 7 pages
2016 05 31
It's high time most of us went on a digital media diet
It's high time most of us went on a digital media diet.
Information technology, 1 page
2016 05 29
Different languages - same values
Additionally, humanity is seeking to reduce pollution. Huge sums of money are being invested in eco-friendly inventions like: electric cars, solar panels, wind power plants and other alternative energy sources. Also special summit conferences are ...
Culture, 1 page
2016 05 29
The ways to protect our environment
Another sollution would be to lessen the number of cars, because gas that comes out of them really pollutes the environment. For example people could pick up their friends and drive in one car, or just take the bus or ride a bike. Because of the ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 05 25
Allergy symptoms
1. Pharyngitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx; sore throat.3. Hyperkinesia - an abnormal amount of uncontrolled muscular action; spasm.8. Wheezing - to breathe with difficulty and with a whistling ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2016 05 25
Reading books
Reading books is one of the best things in my life. It really helps to relax after school or just ignore your problems. Well, this diagram shows that in Japan majority of people read books. It shows that 20% of them read 5 or more books per ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 05 24
Essay on Late adulthood
Late adulthood is wonderful stage of life. It is freedom stage. So, there are 2 kinds of seniors .First group-who interestingly spend their time, for example, participating in events, concerts like it is shown in 1pic. And other group of seniors- ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 05 24
It is better to grow up in a family with lots of brothers and sisters
It is better to grow up in a family with lots of brothers and sisters.
Psichology, 1 page
2016 05 24
The airplanes are the most convenient means of travel
The airplanes are the most convenient means of travel.
Travel, 1 page
2016 05 24
Essay on being a professional sportsman
Advantages and disadvantages of being a professional sportsman.
Sports & Fitness, 1 page
2016 05 24
Electric locomotive
Electric locomotives. Characteristics. History. Introduction of alternating current. Electric locomotive types. Direct and alternating current. Power transmission. Driving the wheels. Conclusion. Footnotes.
Transport, 16 pages
2016 05 24
Leonardo da Vinci
Firstly about him. Leonardo was born on 15 April 1452 in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci,which was in Italy. Little is known about his early life. He spent some years in this house in Anchiano with his mother and then he moved to live with his ...
Art, 1 page
2016 05 23