All documents (32)

6900 documents
Video gaming presentation
Video gaming. Introduction. Video gaming definition Video gaming effects on people Video gaming industry and esports. Video gaming definition. A video game. Negative effects of video gaming. Increased aggression Antisocial behaviour Video. ...
Software, 11 pages
2021 05 07
Virtual communication essay
For a long time real life communication has been viewed as a superior one. However I would like to disagree with that statement and say that virtual communication is becoming way more successful and useful for everyone.Firstly, virtual ...
Psichology, 1 page
2021 05 07
Website Design slides
Webpage Layout and Website Design. Examples. Web Page Layout. Tables, tables, tables! Areas of a Web Page. A 2 x 2 Layout. Other Designs. Table within a table. The outer table. The inner table. Centered with three columns. Really complicated ...
Internet, 29 pages
2021 05 07
My home town - Vilnius presentation
My home town - Vilnius. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC. Area 401 km² Population in Vilnius. St. Patrick’s day. St. Patrick’s Day March 17 observes the death of St. Užupis. Užupis means "beyond. Business in ...
Geography, 7 pages
2021 05 07
Slides about software
Software. What is Software? Software is a. Types of software. Systems software Applications software. Systems software. Systems software serves as an intermediary between computer hardware and application programs. Operating system. Operating ...
Software, 9 pages
2021 05 07
The car of the future
The car of the future. The car of the future. Global technology. Content Land threatened by. L. Land threatened by transport. Network Technology. What did the cars of the future look like in the past? Scientist Michael Fray’s insights into the ...
Automotive, 11 pages
2021 05 07
Learning English: Comparative forms of adjectives
Comparative forms of adjectives. (gradability) . Three degrees 1. Positive 2. Comparative 3. Superlative. Comparative and Superlative. One syllable +. Monosyllabic adjectives. Ending Y. Two syllabic adjectives . Common / commoner Pleasant. ...
Languages, 15 pages
2021 05 07
Electric light slides
Electric light. What was used before. Before electric lighting became common in the early 20th century. When it was invented. English chemist Humphry Davy developed the first incandescent light in. What you use it for. In addition to. How does it ...
Physics, 10 pages
2021 05 07
Dialogue about school graduation and trip to USA.
Travel, 1 page
2021 05 06
Essay: Education should be free?
To introduce, the education, school is important for all person because they need to learn, then after 18 years old to work out and to have got selected her jobs.To start, the education is a fundamental right who should be accessible to ...
Education, 2 pages
2021 05 06
Learning english: Unit 2 Test Grammar
Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs given. Vocabulary. Choose the correct preposition to complete the text. Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. Choose one word to complete the sentences. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 06
Scams Enron
Who is Kenneth Lay? The Creation of Enron. Skilling’s. Enron Online. The Fall. Conclusion. References.
Economy & Finance, 4 pages
2021 05 06
Adventages and disadventages of fast food essay
Adventages and disadventages of fast food essay.
Food, 1 page
2021 05 05
Jospeh Andrews Realism essay
Jospeh Andrews Realism. “I believe I might aver that I have written little more than I have seen. ”. Mental and moral characteristics. Power of realism. Insensitive hardness. Flashes of kindness. Repressive inhumanity. Parson Adams, four ...
Sociology, 3 pages
2021 05 05
Job interview example
I’ve always loved repair and modificate various mechanisms, so its obvious that i want to become an car mechanic engineer. I did not have experience working at companies, but I`m really motivated to learn new things when will face with ...
Career, 2 pages
2021 05 05
Healthy food essay
I would like to speak about healthy food, what we need to eat more, what less and sparingly.In nowadays, a lots of people eats fast food, which is very cheap and unhealthy. But It’s not the best way to be satiated… In my opinion there ...
Food, 1 page
2021 05 04
Develoment of the Logistics Company „Trailine“
Content. Introduction. Tasks. General info about the company. Structure of the organization. UAB „Trainline“ company business and product portfolio research. Analysis of the company's financial activities. Advantages and disatvantages of the ...
Logistics, 11 pages
2021 05 04
Causes of inflation in different countries
Introduction. Average inflation rate in diffirent countries during the period 2005 – Countries with high inflation rate in european monetary union. Countries with high inflation rate outside emu. Conclusion. References.
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2021 05 04
The designer’s job and carier
Inspiration—Where to get ideas. It’s important to explore all kinds of different sources – like an encyclopedia about different kinds of cultures.After the concept is created comes next step, which is testing the said idea. This is ...
Career, 2 pages
2021 05 04
Learning English: Grammar test unit 7
Grammar test Unit Adjectives / adverbs Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets. The wather is getting worse and worse. Are you earning less money than you used to. House prices are rising quicker. Complete the ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 04
Air pollution is a major problem in many world cities What can people do to help?
Air pollution is a major problem in many world cities. What can people do to help?
Environment, 1 page
2021 05 04
Slides about Outdoor advertising
Outdoor advertising. Content. Wordlist. Outdoor Advertising Definition. Lampposts – a tall pole with a light at the top. Outdoor Advertising Types. Billboards Digital Lampposts Transit Street Furniture. Billboard Advertising. Digital Outdoor ...
Marketing, 12 pages
2021 05 04
Air pollution caused by cars remains a major problem for many big cities
Air pollution caused by cars remains a major problem for many big cities.
Environment, 1 page
2021 05 04
Learning English: Progress Test 9A
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets. Have his eyes checked. They had their car serviced. Will have our car repaired. Have all my money stolen. Did Michaele have that tattoo done. Have you ...
Languages, 5 pages
2021 05 04
Great Gatsby film review
   The movie is centered around Gatsby and is viewed  from Nick's perspective. And it talks about the American dream. Gatsby became rich from a humble beginnings as a veteran of the war and as an Oxford man. Gatsby with his newly found wealth ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2021 05 04
Nuclear power plant essay
Atominės elektrinės paprastai laikomos bazinės apkrovos stotimis, nes kuras sudaro nedidelę gamybos sąnaudų dalį ir todėl, kad jų negalima lengvai ar greitai išskirstyti. Jų eksploatavimo, priežiūros ir degalų sąnaudos yra ...
Languages, 2 pages
2021 05 04
Say no to plastic bags essay
Hello everyone. Today for my speech, I am going to express my views on topic ‘say no to plastic bags’. So let’s begin by saying what are plastic bags? Plastic bags are one of the most dangerous substances to our environment. We can spot ...
Environment, 1 page
2021 05 04
Slides about M&M's candy
M&m's. About M&M's. M&M's - candy-pillows with a crispy shell. M&M's history. While traveling to. When in. The first M&M's in America were sold in. Facts Only milk chocolate and peanut flavored sweets are sold in Lithuania. M & M's candy slogan. ...
Food, 8 pages
2021 05 04
Spain market fluctuations
Italy’s market fluctuations during covid-19 pandemic period. International business and communication Lukas Jakubauskas. Italy in a global context. Country of South-central. Famous for Cuisine Football Cars Wine Fashion architecture. COVID-19 ...
Marketing, 11 pages
2021 05 04
Different parenting styles
At the beginning of the presentation, we see a young woman walk in, she then proceeds to talk about studies, as we can see she is confident on stage. After she explains the story of how she had to fill the college application herself, we begin to ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2021 05 03