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6900 documents
Stasys Povilaitis
Stasys Povilaitis. Biography. Stasys Povilaitis born. Stasys attended violin. Facts. Family. Stasys Povilaitis told. „Singing Stasys Povilaitis“ („Dainuoja Stasys Povailaitis“. Stasys created a lot of solo albums. Palm stamp in nida. ...
Music, 9 pages
2015 11 17
About Lithuania and European union
Did you know that the first free economic zone was created here in 1323? That’s right – The Middle Ages. That means 7 centuries of experience serving as a bridge between East and West. And that same bridge still exists today. We have the ...
Politics, 1 page
2015 11 17
84% live in England, 8% live in Scotland, 5% live in Wales and 3% live in Northern Ireland.53 million live in England, 5.2 million live in Scotland, 3 million live in Wales and 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland.It means there are ...
Ethics, 6 pages
2015 11 17
Digital Security
Use the link below to find out some more details about computer viruses. While pressing the CTRL key click on the link with the mouse to go to the web page.A computer virus is a software program that is designed to copy itself over and ...
Data & Analytics, 12 pages
2015 11 17
Punctuation. Pamela Cook. Full stop –. After an introduction. Use of Commas. Separate clauses –. Punctuate the following Woman. Power of the Comma. Used to link. Semi-colon. Can be used. Substitute letters to shorten words doesn't. ...
Languages, 10 pages
2015 11 17
Occupational Health and Safety
When an accident occurs, immediately notify the department manager. 5.2 In case of fire, call the fire and rescue service tel. 01 or tel. 112. 5.3.1 Start a fire-fighting arrangements. 5.3.2 Immediately inform the Head of Unit of the fire. 5.4 In ...
Health & Nutrition, 18 pages
2015 11 17
Young people's heathy lifestyle letter example
Young people's heathy lifestyle letter example.
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2015 11 17
Inventory management
Inventory management. Definition. Inventory management is primarily about specifying the size and placement of stocked goods. Purpose of Inventory management. Stocking the right product able to locate the products maintain optimum level of ...
Management, 10 pages
2015 11 16
School wear
Sure, why not? So, how do you think, what type of clothes students should wear at school?Of course. I think people can better focus on work and studies when they feel comfortable and relaxed. Do you agree with me?I suppose, that ...
Education, 1 page
2015 11 16
Natural and artificial building materials
Buildings are made of many different materials. If we want to be environmentally friendly we choose natural building materials, if we want something defferent or it just couldnt be natural we choose man-made building materials. Nowadays we have a ...
Real Estate, 1 page
2015 11 16
Engineering systems of building
Enginering systems of buildings heating , water supply , sewerage plumbing , ventilation , electricity.
Real Estate, 1 page
2015 11 16
The Sukhoi Su-31 plane
Su. About it. The Sukhoi Su-31 is a Russian single-engined. Specifications. Length 6 83 m Height . Also. The Sukhoi Su-31aeroplane demonstrates superior acceleration and rate-of-climb performance. Achievements. Ramon Alonso. 2008 World ...
Transport, 10 pages
2015 11 16
Essay on having a pet
Advantages and disadvantages of having a pet.
Pet, 1 page
2015 11 16
Hip Hop presentation
Hip Hop. Made by Jonas Svirskas 8c Teachers it. žydronė ramoškaitė, anglų klb. Daiva amankavičienė. Content. Front page. Hip Hop Culture. Djing. Hip Hop History. Hip hop culture (or hip-hop). Hip Hop Media. For many years, BET was the ...
Music, 9 pages
2015 11 16
Argumentative Essay: Amazon‘s publishing strategy
Argumentative Essay: Amazon‘s publishing strategy.
Social Media, 1 page
2015 11 15
Teen fashion tribes
All around the world, teenagers love to express themselves with the clothes they wear. Teenagers fashion tribes. Goths. Black is their. Nu-metallers. Nu-metallers like wear oversize rock-band T-shirts. Indie kids. Indie kids wear Seventies ...
Beauty & Makeup, 10 pages
2015 11 15
Music festivals
Music festivals. What are music festivals? Pythian games. Most popular music festivals today. Coachella. TOmorrowland. Ultra. GlastonBury. Music festivals in Lithuania. Recommendations? (Put recent festivalThank you for your attention!
Recreation, 11 pages
2015 11 15
Existence of Bigfoot
Bigfoot. What is bigfoot? Bigfoot is an ape-like creature that is said to inhabit forests. Bigfoot’s history. The Bigfoot is. Fake or real? Most scientists consider the existence of Bigfoot a hoax. Proof of it being real. Bigfoot sightings ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2015 11 15
Final marketing work
,,Migle" is a popular sweets producer in Lithuania and well known candy brand among Lithuanian consumers. ,,MIGLĖ's'' candies - milk chocolate candy flavoured with chips and with the glaze.By analysing all the statements and levels such ...
Marketing, 22 pages
2015 11 14
Italy, Luxembourg, Oman presentation
Flag. The capital of Italy is Rome. Population density 201. 7/km. Area 301,338 km. Currency euros (EUR). A Brief History. Flag. The capital of Luxembourg is Luxembourg. Population density 194. 1/km. Area 2,586 km. Currency euros (EUR). A Brief ...
Geography, 27 pages
2015 11 14
Gintaro baldai furniture company
JSC "Gintaro baldai". Joint Stock company "Gintaro baldai" was established in. Company structure. Departments. Owner – he. Responsibilities. The owner is. Recruitment. In order to. Thank you for attention!
Business & Entrepreneurship, 7 pages
2015 11 13
Media and communication
As I have mentioned before, during the last few years my interest in one of the fastest – growing global economies has evolved enormously. I spend a part of my free time with different people organizing or volunteering in ecological and musical ...
Communication, 1 page
2015 11 12
McDonald's vs. Hesburger
In addition to the “Hesburger” restaurants, they are constantly developing new, innovative service concepts like: “Hesburger” pasta restaurants, Hesecafe , Hesehotelli , Hese Nakkari (snack kiosk), Heseautopesu (car wash services for ...
Food, 26 pages
2015 11 12
Rene Magritte
René Magritte is one of the most famous surrealism painter as his images and colors appealed to almost everyone. There must be something in our subconscious that is in tune with the scenes created by this painter!René Magritte was born ...
Art, 18 pages
2015 11 12
The movie that impressed me immensely
Past weekend, I saw the fantastic adventure drama The Martian. Made in 2015, it was directed by Ridley Scott and stars Matt Damon, nowadays he is one of the best actors for me. The movie based on the science fiction novel by the American author ...
Film & Television, 1 page
2015 11 11
Brazilian celebrations
Brazilian celebrations. Prepared by Adas Ložkinas 2c. Substance. Brazilian Carnival  Parintins Folklore Festival  Oktoberfest Bumba-Meu-Boi. Brazilian Carnival . This celebration takes place 46 days before Easter. Parintins Folklore ...
Etnology, 11 pages
2015 11 11
Washington USA
Washington USA. Washington is the capital of the United States. Location of Washington. Washington is located on the East Coast of the U. Famous landmarks. One of the famous is the United States capitol building. Executive residence (White ...
Travel, 7 pages
2015 11 11
Our plans on this weekend
Our plans on this weekend. He will go to the neighborhood. They are going to ride bikes. They are going to go to the disneyland. We are going skydiving. I’m going to go to the dentist. He is not going do his homework. I’m not going to tidy my ...
Recreation, 12 pages
2015 11 11
Relationships presentation
Build a positive relationship with:YourselfYour Business (or Career)The World Around YouYour clients / target marketYour circle of success.Get your business in sync with you! Small businesses naturally grow & change as their owners do ...
Relationships & Parenting, 10 pages
2015 11 11
International Marketing presentation
International Marketing. Prepared by. What is International Marketing? International marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country. The Marketing process. Marketing is an ongoing business process that consists of ...
Marketing, 9 pages
2015 11 11