All documents (200)
Jazz. Jazz is a type of music which was invented in the United States. What is jazz? One important part of jazz is improvisation. History. Jazz started in the United States in the early 20th century. Large jazz bands were popular in the 1930s and ...
Music, 7 pages
2016 04 04
Firstly, talking about the art and culture It’s important to recognize that the art, who is our culture, have a lot of advantages, whick improve human personality and life. The strees, fatique, anger, pain touch the harmony of art, obviously ...
Art, 1 page
2016 04 04
Greed – godus (avid) Arouse –pažadinti (wake) Counterpart – kolega (colleague) Betray – išduoti (give away) Unstable – netvirtas (unsteady) Occupational – profesinis (professional) Regard – laikyti (keep) Shape – forma (form) ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 20 pages
2016 04 04
Healthy livestyle. Everyone needs good food to. What's healthy eating? Improve health Increase happiness Prevention of many chronic health risks. What's healthy eating about? Feeling great. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables grains. Foods high ...
Health & Nutrition, 20 pages
2016 04 04
Traditional food. What is food? Food- the key to energy source is usually of plant or animal origin. Types of food. Filling Light Heavy Organic. Healthy food. Vegetables Fruits Grain. Unhealthy food. Fast food Chips Candy. Lithuanian dishes. ...
Food, 12 pages
2016 04 03
First of all, Valentine’s Day is a very good change to show your lovers how much you love them. Even so, for people you love, you can show attention every day and surprise them without any reason. Secondly, Valentine’s Day is a good day to ...
Culture, 1 page
2016 04 03
What if we would try to invite them both? I mean, the employer and the student that had summer job last year?Yeah that’s sound great, and in fact they could perform like real interview, that the students could see what It’s all about, ...
Career, 1 page
2016 04 03
As for, I very much like a summer job because it is a unique opportunity to earn money, to meet new people, have a good time and gain new experience. So, I think this is very cool and great.Now, what comes to mind is the idea that a summer ...
Career, 1 page
2016 04 02
That‘s why we should eat healthy food because that food preservs and protects our body from diseases. It contains vitamins, proteins and minerals. For example fresh fruit increase our energy level quickly and then we feel much better. There is ...
Food, 1 page
2016 04 01
There is quite important cross-national dimension which can influence the results as well as reliability of them implementing any including Globe based cultural research and it is intranational diversity. It has been brought and increased due to ...
Management, 10 pages
2016 04 01
Lion. These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds. Lives in Algeria Morocco. Barbary lion. Is found in Gir Forest National Park of northwestern India. Asiatic lion. Found in western Africa, from Senegal to the Central ...
Biology, 18 pages
2016 03 31
My favorite food. By Karolis Burneikis. Where are a lot of salads. Greek salad Russian salad. But my favorite is Caesar salad. Why I like this salads. You can make. Recipe. Iceberg lettuce. Cherry tomatoes or regular size.
Food, 6 pages
2016 03 31
In compliance with food pyramid we get a lot of carbohydrates, protein minerals and many vitamins. Athletes eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, because they also give an opportunity to move. But you need to watch what you eat, do you think that here ...
Food, 11 pages
2016 03 31
Introduction. Profile of activities. Structure of administration. Development and history. Interesting facts about the company. Number of employees. Partnership. Swot analysis. Production. Nike’s production’s examples. Location and branches. ...
Companies, 20 pages
2016 03 31
The history. of money. Content. In the Beginning Barter. 9000 - 6000 B. C. Cattle. 1200 B. C. Cowrie Shells. 1000 B. C. First Metal Money and Coins. 500 B. C. Modern Coinage. 118 B. C. Leather Money. A. D. 800 - 900 The Nose. 806 Paper Currency. ...
History, 16 pages
2016 03 31
Charity organizations in Lithuanian and in the world.
Sociology, 1 page
2016 03 30
I'd prefer the individually trip, because When travelling alone you will automatically get in touch with more people. You have enjoy absolute freedom and can do whatever you want to. The disadvantages of travelling alone is that you are also ...
Recreation, 1 page
2016 03 30
Today, social life is an integral part of our lives. Social networks like facebook, twitter, Instagram helps us to capture the day's events and other people can see it. And other people too absorbed in it and they do not continue normally ...
Sociology, 1 page
2016 03 30
Food, 3 pages
2016 03 30
Bean, tomato & tuna rice salad : brown rice, green beans, green onion, tomato medley, tuna in oil, lemon juice.Potato, leek, bacon & bean soup : leeks, bacon, potatoes.Pumpkin soup : brown onions,garlic cloves, chopped butternut ...
Food, 3 pages
2016 03 30
Face expressions Facial expressions are the universal language of the non-verbal element, which, regardless they emotions of cultural differences,.Gestures In the subjective environment, the hand gestures is a common element used at the ...
Communication, 23 pages
2016 03 30
Q: Since we know that everything in the universe works by cause and effect. What caused universe in the existence?Also Devine command ethics rejects general revelation, since it states that we can’t discern God’s moral characteristics ...
Philosophy, 2 pages
2016 03 30
Food, shopping. and services idioms. Prepared Greta Ulinskytė 4B kl. Food idioms. Big cheese =. SPICE THINGS UP = make something more exciting. Shopping idioms. To pay over the odds = to pay too much for something. To go window-shopping = to ...
Services, 6 pages
2016 03 30
Future impact of nanotechnology on medicine. Lecturer presented by. What is nanotechnology? The study and. Nanotechnology and medicine. Likewise in medicine. Nanotechnology and cancer. Doctors really want. Nanodiagnostics. It is the. ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2016 03 29
Interior of this house is very expensive, luxorious and modern. All things in this house are shining.It has a huge garage, candy room, cinema room, its own gym and a large living room with a stunning view.This house also has a lot ...
Real Estate, 1 page
2016 03 29
Finally, Mr. Kunce has quickly emerged as a member of our leadership team at New Haven Academy. He brings that same thoughtfulness to building issues. As we moved a new site this year, this ideas were instrumental in reforming both our class ...
Career, 1 page
2016 03 29
8) rapidly decomposing organic matter; 9) persistent organic compounds; 10)oxidizing agents (ozone, etc.,) In addition, chemical pollution is often divided into primary and secondary pollutants. Primary, it is those who enter directly into the ...
Environment, 27 pages
2016 03 29
Introduction. What is digital education? Benefits and risks. Benefits. Risks. Platforms. EdX. Amount of users. Variety of offer. Business model. User experience. Personal opinion/Future potential. Iversity. Amount of users. Variety of offer. ...
Education, 42 pages
2016 03 28
The mass media have a major influence on our lifestyle today.
Social Media, 1 page
2016 03 28
Law and the most influential lawyers in the World. Content. Introduction. Who is the lawyer? Presentation of article. Fatou Bensouda. Preet Bahrara. Iftikhar Chaudhry. Hillary Clinton. Andrew Cuomo. Let’s take a. Anthony Kennedy. Cristine ...
Law, 20 pages
2016 03 28