Work Opportunities For Foreigners In Lithuania
Kaunas university of applied sciences. faculty of technologies and landscaping. department of computer technologies. Chances of getting a job. Where can you work? What is it like working in Lithuania? Applying for jobs. Job websites. Visa information. Conclusions. List of reference.
Industries Holidays Working hours Tax rates Qualifications.
Major indursties Recent growth area Major companies.
Average working hours: 40 hours a week (8 hours a day). Holidays: annual leave is 28 days. 14 public holidays. Tax rates: 15%.
As a foreigner you can easily find information about work opportunities in Lithuania. -Lithuania offers a great selection of work positions. -Foreigners can become familiar with our culture by working in Lithuania.
- Sociology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1003 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 10 pages (325 words)
- Danielius